Relative Valuation Techniques
Relative Valuation Techniques
Relative Valuation Techniques
Concept of Price Multiples
DCF vs. Relative Valuation
• Discounted cash flow techniques attempt to estimate a specific value
for a stock based on its estimated growth rates and its discount rate.
• The economic principle guiding this method is the law of one price, which
asserts that two identical assets should sell at the same price, or in this case,
two comparable assets should have approximately the same multiple
Multiples based on Comparables
• The analyst should be sure that any comparables used really
are comparable !!
• Price multiples may not be comparable across firms if the
firms are of different sizes, in different industries, or will
grow at different rates.
• The disadvantages of using price multiples based on
comparables are
• a stock may appear overvalued by the comparable method but
undervalued by the fundamental method, or vice versa
• Different accounting methods used by firms
• Cyclical firms
Multiples based on Comparables