Human Act – an act which proceeds from the deliberate free will of
5. What are the action points for citizen-voters in exercising the right of suffrage?
d. Before Election
Prepare to exercise the right of suffrage and the right to an informed and free choice
Register during the period allowed for voter registration
Be informed of the issues, platforms, and personalities of the political candidates
Set specific guidelines in choosing government leaders in terms of the candidates social
affiliation and interest, competence, lifestyle and performance records
Conduct/participate in public debates that would informed citizens and gain the commitment
of the candidates to integrate, foremost, the interest and welfare of the citizen in their
program of government
6. During Elections
exercise vigilance and the right to vote.
Vote according to your conscience
Protect the integrity of your own from any other undue influence
Volunteer in organizations that work for clean and peaceful elections
Watch out for instances of cheating in the elections and inform authorities and the rest of the
electorate of such activities
c. After Elections
- Practice continued vigilance and participate in governance.
Be vigilant in the counting and canvassing of votes
Attend consultations and public hearings, and participate in local special bodies
Legislate advocacy – process where citizen talk with the lawmakers and other implements in
the government to ensure that the concerns and welfare of the general public are included in
the discussion and making of laws
The citizen-voter can also engage in
political and electoral process in others
ways such as:
Making views known to the elected
Supporting/campaigning for a political
Supporting initiatives of the civil society
organizations to ensure honest and
peaceful elections; and
Running for office
d. The Election Process
1) Registration Day
2) Revision Day
3) List of Votes
4) Casting of Votes
5) Counting of Votes
6) Preparation of Election returns and other reports
7) Distribution of election returns
- Board of canvassers(for President and Vice President)
- Board of canvassers(for senators)
- Board of canvassers(Provincial/City/District/Municipal)
8) Proclamation of winning candidates
e. Citizen-voter Participation in Political Affairs
- through plebiscite, the people approve or reject the call for a constitution, approve or reject
proposed changes in the constitution and, at the local level, express their will on certain local issues.
Sectorial Representative
- the party-list system of representation gives sectors the chance to be represented in congress
together with our congressman/woman
-the constitution and the 1991 Local Government Code(LGC) allow for representation of sectors in the
local legislature or sanggunian
Local Special Bodies
- ordinary citizens are called to sit in local special bodies such as the local health boards,
school boards, peace and order councils, and development councils for consultation
- the barangay assembly has the power to hear and judge the report of Sangguniang
Barangay’s(SB) performance.