Layers (Lecture 53)

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Instructor: Syed Arif Hussain

 In manual drafting, details

of a design are separated
by placing them on
different sheets.

 This is called overlay or

pin drafting
 Each overlay is perfectly aligned
with the others.
 All of the layers can be
reproduced to reflect the entire
 Individual layers may be
reproduced to show specific
 In AutoCAD, overlays are
called layers
 The use of layers increases
 Specific information can be
grouped by layer.

 Drawings can be reproduced by

layer or combined in any
sequence desired.

 Each layer can be assigned a

different color to improve clarity.
 Each layer can be plotted in a
different color or pen width.

 Selected layers can be turned on

or off, or frozen to decrease
information clutter.

 Changes can be made to a layer

 Mechanical drafting
 The following may be
placed on separate layers:
 views
 hidden features
 dimensions
 sections
 notes
 symbols
 Architectural Drafting
 Drawings usually contain over
100 layers
 Floor plan layer
 Foundation plan layer
 Partition layout layer
 Plumbing layer
 Electrical layer
 Structural layer
 Roof drainage layer
 HVAC systems layer
 Interior Design Drafting
 floor plan layer
 interior partition layer
 furniture layer
 Electronics Drafting
 Circuit boards have multiple
layers to conduct electricity to
different components.

 Each layer of a circuit board is

drawn on a different layer.
 AutoCAD allows you to
select a linetype for each
 Any item drawn on that layer
would be assigned that linetype
 AutoCAD uses Layer 0 as
the default layer
 It has a continuous linetype.

 The ZERO layer or “0”

layer is a special layer.

 The “0” layer should be

kept empty.
 It is reserved for creating
 Create the layer FIRST.

 MOVE to that layer.

 THEN, draw objects on the new


 Do not draw objects on Layer 0.

 Name Layers to reflect
what is on the layer.

 Examples of good layer

 1stFL_PLAN
 Name Layers to reflect
what is on the layer.

 Examples of poor layer

 Layer names can have up
to 31 characters

 Layer names can include

 Letters.
 Numbers.
 Special characters.

 Layer names cannot

include / \ | * ? ; or :
 Access the LAYER
command by:
 1. Typing LA or LAYER at the
Command: prompt.
 OR
 2. Select the Layers button on
the Object Properties toolbar.
 OR
 3. Select Layer from the Format
pull-down menu.
 The only layer present in a
new drawing is the 0

 Add Layers as needed.

 To ADD a layer pick the

New button
 A new layer listing appears using
the default name of Layer 1.
 You can enter several new layers at
the same time.

 Entering several layer names at the

same time is faster than entering
them individually.
 You can set a new current
layer by
 1. Highlighting the layer name in
the layer list
 Picking the Current: button.
 OR
 2. Double-clicking on the layer.
 The status of each layer is
displayed with icons to
the right of the layer
 ToolTips indicate what
each icon represents.
 Changing layer name.
 Turning layers on/off.
 Thawing/freezing layers.
 Thawing/freezing layers in
 Unlocked and locked layers.
 Layer color.
 Layer linetype.
 Several layers can be selected at
once in the layer dialog box.

 Hold [Shift] to select layers


 Hold [Ctrl] to select multiple layers

individually, NOT contiguously.
 Layers are coded by name
and number
 1 red
 2 yellow
 3 green
 4 cyan
 5 blue
 6 magenta
 7 white

 Memorize these
 Color settings affect the
appearance of plotted

 Plotter pen widths are

associated with drawing
 Color = line width
 Color = pen weight

 The colors you use must

correspond to the proper
pen widths.

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