AR Technical Checklist

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Project Name:       Project No.


Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

Schematic Design Stage

Basic information to initiate this stage Source
1 Design brief / scope of work / contract.

2 Client requirements (if any).

3 Site survey plan.

4 Site concept plan including location, north arrow &

Makah directions.
5 Approved Kroki (Baladia sketches).
Buildings(S) floor plans, elevations & sections
6 showing the used materials & heights or any special
details. Hand over package

7 Budget /cost estimate.

8 Design criteria for all disciplines.

9 Code analysis / reports

10 Baladia approval including approved drawings

showing land limits & setbacks max. heights
11 Project name, logo & owner & Client logo

12 Ceiling input & for ID special areas

Check / Verify
1 The floor plans show:
Discipline output
a. Room names with major dimensions.
Discipline output
b. Column grids and major dimensions.
c. Stairs and exits in accordance with codes. Life safety requirements

Discipline output
d. Levels on all floor plans
e. Plans show elevations & sections Discipline output
designators consistency 
Discipline output
f. Windows and doors (with door swings)
Code requirements &
g. Toilet layouts
design concept                  
h. Size and locations of electrical, mechanical
Coordination with MEP
and PABX rooms, chases.
i. Expansion joints. Coordination with SE

j. Elevator selection Coordination with SE & HC

k. Ramps for basement parking capacity - car
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

The elevations are annotated, stating building heights Discipline output
and the materials to be used. consistency 
3 The sections show:
Discipline output
a. Vertical dimensions.
Discipline output
b. The general type of structure.
Discipline output
c. The annotation of materials to be used
Discipline output
d. Ceiling heights
4 The roof Plans show :

a. Sky light location & size (If any) Coordination

b. Services room (elevators-stairs- Coordination with SE &
equipment…….) MEP
c. Expansion joint (s). Coordination with SE

5 The reflected ceiling plans :

Discipline output
a. All ceiling plans with heights & materials are
consistency / coordination
with HC.
Discipline output
b. All lighting fixtures are located and
consistency / coordination
coordinated with HC engineer.
with HC.
That (all cover sheets) including drawing index sheet
is commenced; the sheet showing legends,
Discipline output
6 abbreviations, symbols and general notice, is
commenced and, since the legends, etc. Are usually
standard, that this sheet is partially completed.
a. Disciplines key, series key & sheets Discipline output
numbering system tables. consistency 
Discipline output
b. BUA for all project bldg.’s
That all major life and safety code issues are
7 Life safety requirements
addressed on the plans.
That the site boundary lines are defined and drawn as
Setback & site boundary
8 the survey data. Setbacks and levels are as per
regulation / site conditions.
That the architectural grid and column locations,
9 Coordination
coordinated with SE
10 That total and grid dimensions shown on structural Coordination  
drawings agree with the dimensions shown on
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

architectural drawings.
That all room names & numbers used on engineering
AR & MEP spaces
11 drawings are the same as those on architectural

That Architectural symbols and drafting style comply Discipline output

with ZFP standards. consistency 

That Architectural documents involving title, scale and

Discipline output
13 /or graphic scale / north arrow / key plan comply with
ZFP standards.
With civil engineer and landscape architect that latest
14 footprint & levels of buildings are made available to be CE, LS & AR coordination
reflected on site.
With HVAC and plumbing engineer on access for AR & MEP requirements
equipment maintenance. coordination 
With HVAC and plumbing engineer on the location of AR & MEP requirements
equipment and duct chases requirements. coordination   
With structural, HVAC, electrical (HC), and plumbing
17 engineer that enough space above suspended ceiling
requirements coordination 
is provided for all services.
With structural, HVAC, electrical (HC & LC), and
plumbing engineer that enough space below raised AR , SE & MEP
floor and enough depth for trenches is provided for all requirements coordination 
With electrical engineer on the requirement for
19 substations, location of switchgear room, panel, AR & HC coordination   
cabinet etc.
That the specification and QS department have been AR & Specs & BOQ
given the up-to-date information on the project. coordination   
Discipline output
21 General details sheets are started.

Design Development Stage

Basic information to initiate this stage Source
1 30% submission comments. PM / counterpart

2 Outline draft specifications. Coordination

Check / Verify
That all floor plans include grid to grid dimensions,
Discipline output
1 total dimensions and that all dimension add up
That all rooms are numbered and that sections, Discipline output
elevations and details cross references are provided. consistency 

That partition types, including symbols, are shown on Discipline output

plan (wall tags). consistency 

The elevations are completely dimensioned up to date

Discipline output
4 with plans and that external finishes are indicated
5 That building sections are completely dimensioned Discipline output
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

and annotated. consistency 
That doors and windows curtain wall general details, Discipline output
together with schedules, are started. consistency 
That the preliminary layout of ceiling plans is
7 Discipline output
completed, HVAC fixtures are located and
consistency / coordination
coordinated with HVAC engineer.
That roof indicates all roof slopes, scuppers, drains
8 and openings: also if parapet height is adequate to
requirements coordination 
hide equipment on the roof.
That general details to include major exterior items
Discipline output
9 e.g. Parapet, skylights, canopies, expansion joints,
bridges, steps and ramps.
Typical wall sections for essential dimensions and
Discipline output
10 whether additional sections are required: and that
these sections show the details of construction.
Discipline output
11 That title blocks are filled correctly.
That the site boundary lines are defined and drawn as
Setback & site boundary
12 the survey data, setbacks and levels are as per
regulation / site conditions..
The minutes of all design reviews to ensure that all
comments have been incorporated and / or addressed
13 from client SD review comments. Client requirements
That material symbol for walls and columns including
sheer walls, agree with structural drawings.
That material symbol for walls and columns including AR & SE requirements /
sheer walls, coordinated with structural drawings. coordination 
The architectural dimensions total and grid to grid, AR & SE requirements /
agree with structural drawings. coordination 
That architectural opening in floors and walls, column
location and size and expansion joint location and AR & SE requirements
details & depressed slab are coordinated with coordination 
structural drawings.
17 That the parapet height will hide equipment on the AR & HVAC requirements
roof. coordination 
That the plant rooms and chases agree with AR, SE & MEP
engineering requirements requirements coordination 
Check with landscape architect and civil engineer for
19 CE, LS & AR coordination
the change of building footprint from SD
The selection of air diffuser / grilles type and location AR & MEP requirements /
are coordinated with HVAC engineer. coordination 
Maintenance access provided for engineering AR & MEP requirements /
requirements. coordination 
22 With all engineering that enough space is provided in AR & MEP & SE
suspended ceiling for services. requirements coordination 
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

With plumbing engineer on fire protection AR & MEP requirements /
requirements locations of sprinklers, FHC, etc. coordination 
a. That all room names and numbers are the
AR & MEP spaces
same as shown on the engineering
b. That the architectural symbols and drafting Discipline output
style complies with ZFP standards. consistency 
c. That the architectural documents involving
Discipline output
title, scale and /or graphic scale, comply with
ZFP standards.
With electrical engineer or electrical requirements
AR & MEP requirements
24 changes in ceiling layout, kitchen furniture and
With HVAC engineer regarding the specification for
glazing, exterior roof and exterior wall insulation to AR & MEP requirements
conform with HVAC calculations and required U- coordination 
With plumbing engineer regarding plumbing fixture AR & MEP requirements
layout and requirement. coordination 
That the updated information is made available to the
specification and QS. departments for updating the AR, BOQ & specs
cost estimate, preparation of draft specifications or coordination 
Index, etc.

Pre-final Stage
Basic information to initiate this stage Source
60% submittal comments or in house comments (If
1 PM / counterpart
2 QC findings Quality

3 Specifications. Specs

Check / Verify

That all plans are cross-checked and are 100%

Discipline output
1 complete, and include grid to grid dimensions, total
dimensions and that all dimensions add up correctly.

That all rooms are numbered and that sections,

Discipline output
2 elevations and detail targets are referenced and are
100% complete (named & numbered).
That partition types, including symbols, are shown on Discipline output Wall tags include fire rating &
plan, have cross-checked and are 100% complete. consistency  STC.
Door, window, CW & louvers types & designators Discipline output
shown and completed on plans consistency 
The elevations are 100% complete, are completely Discipline output
and external finishes are correctly indicated. consistency 
That building sections are completely dimensioned Discipline output
and 100% annotated. consistency 
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

That door and window general details, together with
Discipline output Doors, windows, curtain walls
7 schedules, are cross-checked and are 100%
consistency  designators are completed.
That the layout of ceiling plans is coordinated and Discipline output
100% complete. consistency 
That roof plans are 100% complete and indicate all
AR & MEP requirements
9 roof slopes, scuppers, drains and openings and
machine pads .
That all area plans and sections are 100% completed Discipline output
and cross referenced in plans. consistency 
Discipline output
11 Life safety plans are finished are 100% completed
That general details include major exterior conditions,
e.g. parapet, skylights, canopies, expansion joints, Discipline output Details related to project are
bridges steps and ramps: that they have been cross- consistency  all finished.
checked and are 100% complete.
That wall sections have all essential dimensions and Openings & shafts are
Discipline output
13 additional sections if required have been prepared coordinated with final duct
and completely show the details of construction. sizes.
Discipline output
14 That title blocks are filled correctly.
That architectural openings in slabs are coordinated AR & SE requirements
with structural drawings. coordination 
That the room names and numbers are the same as
AR & MEP spaces
16 shown on the engineering drawings and all
engineering background is updated.
That the architectural and engineering symbols and Discipline output
drafting style complies with ZFP standards. consistency 
That the architectural documents involving title, scale Discipline output
and graphic scale, comply with ZFP standards. consistency 

Reflected ceiling plans to be coordinated with MEP AR & MEP requirements

and 100% completed coordination 

Door grilles/ under cuts and external louvers to be AR & MEP requirements
coordinated with HVAC. coordination 
That all architectural items e.g. electrically operated
AR & MEP requirements
21 doors, etc., requiring services connections are
included in the engineering drawings.
With the structural engineer regarding any openings
22 AR & SE coordination 
(skylights, etc.) or depressed slab & beams.
Final fire protection requirements are provided based
AR & MEP requirements
23 on code study with plumbing engineer including
sprinklers layout, FHC, stand pipe, etc.
24 With electrical engineer regarding: kitchen layout for AR & MEP requirements
Project Name:       Project No.:      

Sr. Item description Category Check Remarks

final power supply to equipment. coordination
That the final information is made available to the
25 specification and the Q.S departments for the AR & BOQ coordination 
preparation of specifications and BOQ, etc.

Final / Construction Stage

Basic information to initiate this stage Source
1 Comment related to pre-final stage PM / counterpart

Initial / No. Name Signature Date

Arch./ Eng.:
SH Approval:

Arch./ Eng.:
PFD Senior/Lead:
SH Approval:

Arch./ Eng.:
FD / IFC Senior/Lead:
SH Approval:

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