A pull-out test measures, with a special ram, the force required to pull from the concrete a
specially shaped steel rod whose enlarged end has been cast into the concrete to a depth of
3 in. (7.6 cm).
The concrete is simultaneously in tension and in shear, but the force required to pull the
concrete out can be related to its compressive strength.
The pull-out technique can thus measure quantitatively the in-situ strength of concrete
when proper correlations have been made. It has been found, over a wide range of
strengths, that pull-out strengths have a coefficient of variation comparable to that of
compressive strength.
Determine in-situ compressive strength of the
concrete Ascertain the strength of concrete for
carrying out post tensioning operations.
Determine the time of removal of forms and shores
based on actual in-situ strength of the structure.
Terminate curing based on in-situ strength of the
It can be also used for testing repaired concrete
Limitations and Advantages
Although pullout tests do not measure the interior strength of mass concrete, they do give
information on the maturity and development of strength of a representative part of it. Such
tests have the advantage of measuring quantitatively the strength of concrete in place.
Their main disadvantage is that they have to be planned in advance and pull-out assemblies
set into the formwork before the concrete is placed. The pull-out, of course, creates some
minor damage.
The test can be non-destructive, however, if a minimum pullout force is applied that stops
short of failure but makes certain that a minimum strength has been reached. This is
information of distinct value in determining when forms can be removed safely.
3. Radioactive Methods of NDT
Radioactive methods of testing concrete can be used to
detect the location of reinforcement, measure density
and perhaps establish whether honeycombing has
occurred in structural concrete units. Gamma
radiography is increasingly accepted in England and
The equipment is quite simple and running costs are
small, although the initial price can be high. Concrete
up to 18 in. (45 cm) thick can be examined without
4. Rebound Hammer–RH (Schmidt) Test
The Schmidt Rebound Hammer is principally a surface hardness tester with little apparent
theoretical relationship between the strength of concrete and the Rebound number of the
hammer. However, within limits, empirical correlations have been established between
strength properties & rebound number. This correlation between the concrete strength and
rebound number is required to be established at site/field laboratories before it is used for
strength estimation of concrete. Sometimes it is referred as fieldcalibration of rebound
hammer. Lab calibration are based on Brinell Hardness & Rebound Nos. are checked on
std. calibrated Anvil for the purpose. Proper site calibrations eliminate the lab calibration,
which is for the checking of hammer performance.
Rebound Number and Compressive Strength
There is a general correlation between compressive strength of concrete and the hammer
rebound number. Coefficients of variation for compressive strength for a wide variety of
specimens averaged 25%. The large deviations in strength can be narrowed down
considerably by proper calibration of the hammer, which allows for various variables
discussed earlier. By consensus, the accuracy of estimation of compressive strength of
test specimens cast, cured, and tested under laboratory conditions by a properly calibrated
hammer lies between ±15 and ±20%. However, the probable accuracy of prediction of
concrete strength in a structure is ±25%.
Limitations and Usefulness
• The limitations of the Schmidt hammer are many; these should be recognized and
allowances be made when using the hammer.
• It cannot be overstressed that this instrument must not be regarded as a substitute for
standard compression tests but as a method for determining the uniformity of concrete
in the structures and comparing one concrete by the Schmidt hammer within an
accuracy of ±15 to ±20% may be possible only for specimens cast, cured, and tested
under identical conditions as those from which the calibration curves are established.
• The prediction of strength of structural concrete by using calibration charts based on
the laboratory test is not recommended.
5. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity-UPV Test
The test instrument consists of a means of
producing and introducing a wave pulse into the
concrete and a means of sensing the arrival of
the pulse and accurately measuring the time
taken by the pulse to travel through the
Portable ultrasonic testing equipment are available. The equipment is portable, simple to
operate, and includes rechargeable battery and charging unit. Typically, pulse times of up to
6500 os can be measured with 0.1-os resolution. The measured travel time is prominently
displayed. The instrument comes with a set of two transducers, one each for transmitting
and receiving the ultrasonic pulse. Transducers with frequencies of 25 to 100 KHz are
usually used for testing concrete. These transducers primarily generate compressional
waves at predominantly one frequency, with most of the wave energy directed along the
axis normal to the transducer face.
Factors Affecting UPV Test
Mean Diameter- The mean diameter shall be determined to the nearest millimeter from
three pairs of measurements. The two measurements in each pair shall be taken at right
angles to each other, one pair being taken at the middle of the core and the other pairs at
the quarter points of the depth. The mean of the six readings shall be taken as the
Position of Reinforcement- The positions of any reinforcement shall be determined by
measuring to the nearest millimetre from the centre of the exposed bars to the top of the
core. The diameter and, if possible, the spacing of the bars shall be recorded, and also
the minimum top and bottom cover.
Capping- The ends of the specimen shall be
capped before testing. The material used for the
capping shall be such that its compressive
strength is greater than that of the concrete in
the core. Caps shall be made as thin as
practicable and shall not flow or fracture before
the concrete fails when the specimen is tested.
The capped surfaces shall be at right angles to
the axis of the specimen and shall not depart
from a plane by more than 0.05 mm.
Number of Specimens- At least three specimens, preferably from different batches, shall
be made for testing at each selected age.
Procedure- Specimens stored in water shall be tested immediately on removal from the
water and while they are still in the wet condition. Surface water and grit shall be wiped
off the specimens and any projecting fins removed. Specimens when received dry shall
be kept in water for 24 hours before they are taken for testing. The dimensions of the
specimens to the nearest 0.2 mm and their weight shall be noted before testing.
Calculation- The measured compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated
by dividing the maximum load applied to the specimen during the test by the cross-
sectional area, calculated from the mean dimensions of the section and shall be
expressed to the nearest kg per sq cm. Average of three values shall be taken as the
representative of the batch provided the individual variation is not more than ± 15%
of the average. Otherwise repeat tests shall be made.
A correction factor according to the height/diameter ration of specimen after capping
shall be obtained from the hardened curve. The product of this correction factor and the
measured compressive strength shall be known as the corrected compressive strength,
this being the equivalent strength of a cylinder having a height/diameter ratio of two. The
equivalent cube strength of the concrete shall be determined by multiplying the corrected
cylinder strength by 5/4.
Report- The following information shall be included in the report on each test specimen/core:
• Identification Mark,
• Date of test,
• Age of Specimen,
• Weight of Specimen
Capped and
• Dimensions of Specimen, Cured
Concrete Core
• Cross-Sectional Area, Specimen
• Maximum Load, Compressive
Strength Test
• Compressive Strength, in CTM