Ch-3.Function + Operator Overloading
Ch-3.Function + Operator Overloading
Ch-3.Function + Operator Overloading
Function Overloading
Default Argument
Is the default value set to some arguments of
the member function, when these arguments
are not supplied with value.
Member function with default argument:
void set(const char *name, const
int GIT=40);
Can be called:
Car1.set(“Sephia”, 100);
PBO III. Function & Operator Overloading
30 Minutes Exercise
1. Change the member function of your Tcomplex
class (see pre-course assignment for week 4) to
use the Function Overloading and Default
// arithmetic
Complex add(Complex rhs);
Complex subtract(Complex rhs);
Complex multiply(Complex rhs);
Complex divide(Complex rhs);
void set_value(Complex c);
Operator Overloading
Instead of using word, it is possible to use operator
as a function name
The basic reason is that the listing easier to write
and to understand
Only predefined operator can be overloaded (such
as: +, -, *, /, %,+=, -=, *=, /*, %, ^,<, >, ==,
!=, <<, >>, ~, ! etc)
The following operator can not be overloaded
(. , .*, :: , ?:)
The hierarchy of the operator can not be changed
(for ex: x = a + b * c will do the multiplication,
addition and finally the assignment)
PBO III. Function & Operator Overloading
at3= at1.operator+(at2)
void main(){
Complex a(1,2);
Complex b(2,2);
Complex c = a+b;
PBO III. Function & Operator Overloading
Test the CLOCK class in the void main, use the + and –
Clock c1(12,40,55); //12:40:55
Clock c2(4,55,14); //04:55:14
Clock C3 = c1+c2;
C3.print(); //17:36:09
Clock C4 = c1-c2;
C4.print(); //07:45:41
Kumpulkan ke [email protected] Maks 15/09/14
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