WRITING INTENSIVE Introduction To Essays

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1. You have 40 minutes to write at least 250 words
2. A good essay structure should have an intro, a body and a conclusion
3. Four criteria used to assess your writing:
✔ Task response (TR)
✔ Coherence and Cohesion (CC)
✔ Lexical resource (LR)
✔ Grammatical range and accuracy (GR)

Types of Essays

Practice: Analysing the questions

Topic Types of essay What to write in body paragraphs

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● Keep if brief:  Ideally, you should aim for 3 sentences, but in some cases 2 or 4 sentences
can work. One sentence introductions should be avoided.
● Keep it clear: Don’t try and be clever. Think clearly and aim to let the examiner know what
you want say. Think is the important word in that sentence.
● Use your time carefully: You need a good IELTS essay introduction, but one thing you do
not want to do is spend too long writing it

What the introduction should have?

A- Background information (Topic sentence)

B- Specific information (Focus)

C- Thesis statement

1. Intro with A-B-C

Question 1: In some countries, shopping online is replacing shopping at stores. Do you think this is a
positive or negative development?
Intro: Shopping online is exploding. However, the impacts of this trend remain a source of constant debate. This essay
will weigh up the pros and cons of this issue

2. Intro with A-C

Question 2: In developed countries, populations are now living individually or in very small family units. In
your opinion, why is the case? what effects does it bring to society?
Intro: The tendency to lead an independent life or live in very small family unit is growing in many developed
countries nowadays. The aim of this essay is to examine the factors which have contributed to this issue and discuss its

3. Intro with B-C

Question 3: Art classes, such as painting and drawing, are as important for children's development as other
subjects, so it should be compulsory in high school. Do you agree?
Intro: Whether painting in early education is beneficial has long been a topic of immense controversy. It is my view
that art is a subject of importance in school’s curriculum and below are my arguments.

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Question 1

Question 2


Question 1

Question 2

1. Discursive Essays – Adv + disadvantages
✔ This essay will discuss both sides of the issue.
✔ The goal of this essay is to investigate the possible effects of this progress.
✔ This issue should be viewed and analysed from multiple perspectives. – discursive
✔ This essay will elaborate on both positive and negative effects of this trend. – adv + disad
✔ Both advantages and disadvantages of this trend will be presented below. – adv + disad

2. Argumentative Essays / unbalanced view / adv OR disadvantages

✔ Personally, I strongly believe in the veracity of this statement.
✔ However, I am in complete disagreement with this.
✔ To the best of my knowledge, this notion should be rejected as one can see many facts in favor of
✔ Below are my arguments for/ against this view.
✔ As far as I am concerned, this view has flaws.
✔ It is my view that there are some convincing points in this argument.

3. Cause- effect- solution Essays

✔ The aim of this essay is to present the causes/ effects/ and solutions to this issue.
✔ In this essay, the causes/ effects/ and solutions to this issue will be cited.
✔ This essay will investigate some reasons why this trend has occurred/ some potential consequences
of this ongoing situation/ and propose possible measures to deal with this issue.
✔ It is the goal of this article to outline the factors responsible for this issue/ the effects that this trend
exerts on society and individuals/ and put forward a number of ways to resolve this situation.

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✔ The objective of this essay is to evaluate the forces behind this trend/ the consequences of this
worrying trend/ and suggest methods to reverse it.


1. Nowadays, more and more people read 6. People in the community can buy cheaper
news on the internet. However, some products nowadays. What are the
people think newspapers have most of advantages and disadvantages of this?
important information sources of news. 7. Nowadays, more and more people decide to
To what extent do you agree or disagree have children later in their life. What are
2. Some people believe government should the reasons? Do advantages of this
spend money on building train and subway outweigh disadvantages?
lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others 8. More and more people want to buy famous
think that building more and wider roads is brands with clothes, car and other items.
the better way to reduce traffic congestion.  What are the reasons? Do you think it is
Discuss and give your opinion. a positive or negative development?
3. More and more people pay more attention 9. New parents should attend parenting
to the famous people who have achieved courses to ensure the growth of their
huge success in areas, such as cinema, children. To what extent do you agree or
sports. Why do they attract much disagree?
interest from people? Do you think it is a 10. In most successful organisations, some
good or bad situation? (Do the adv people believe that communications
outweigh the disadvantages?) between managers and workers is
4. People living in large cities today face many important, other people said that other
problems in their everyday life. What are factors are more important. What is your
these problems? Should governments opinion?
encourage people to move to smaller 11. The world of work is rapidly changing and
regional towns? employees cannot depend on having the
5. Some people think that it is good for a same work or the same work conditions for
country's culture to import foreign movies life. Discuss the possible causes and
and TV programs. Others think that it is suggest ways to prepare for people to
better to produce these locally.  Discuss work in the future.
both views and give your opinion.

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12. Some people believe that it is more

important to teach children the literature of
their own country than other countries. Do
you agree or disagree?


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