Mental Status Examination: April 04, 2019 Sablan, Benguet

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April 04, 2019

Sablan, Benguet

I. General Description
A. Appearance
• 1. Dress and Grooming. You may find the person's
appearance to be average, meticulous, slightly
unkempt, or disheveled. The person may have body
odor, no makeup, makeup that is skillfully applied,
or garish makeup.
– Meticulous: The appearance is perfect, unusually
– Skillfully applied: The person is made up
– Garish: The person looks outlandish (weird).

I. General Description A. Appearance

– Self-neglect: Always indicate when you think this is

present. It involves such things as having body odor
or looking disheveled and unkempt. Dress would be
dirty, stained, or rumpled. This can be a sign of a
mental illness such as depression or schizophrenia.
– Dress: You may find it casual, business, fashionable,
unconventional, immaculate, neat, stained, dirty,
– Immaculate: This means the person is [very] neat.

I. General Description
A. Appearance
– Unconventional: Use this term to refer to clothes
that are inappropriate to the setting.
– Fashionable: This is fine unless the person looks
like something out of Vogue (fashion/trend) in an
office in a small town or average city.

• 2. Physical Characteristics.
– Note those features that are outstanding.
– Look at body built, important physical features and disabilities.
– Note voice quality. Is it strong, weak, hoarse, halting?
• Include the following:
– Piercing
– Tattoos
– Weight and height
– Skin color, condition
– hygiene(cleanliness-skin, hair nails, teeth)

B. Attitude and Interpersonal Style
• Look at the attitude the person has with
• You may find it cooperative,
• attentive, frank, playful, manipulative,
• ingratiating (insenuative), complaining,
• evasive (avoid self-revelation), suspicious,
• guarded, hostile,
• aggressive,
• contemptuous (disrespectful), withdrawn, or
• seductive, obedient.
• demanding,
• sullen (bad-tempered),

• 3. Posture and Gait.
– Note gait and any need for devices such as a cane or
– Look at coordination and gestures.
– For instance, does a right-handed person make most
of her gestures with her left hand? Something like this
could be a clue to neurological difficulties.
– Does the person limp or appear to slump?
– Does the person seem unsteady or shuffle?

B. Attitude and Interpersonal Style
• Hostility: Always note when the person is hostile.
• Uncooperative: Always note when the person does not or cannot
• Inappropriate boundaries: Always note if the client is too friendly,
touches you, or attempts to draw you out personally.
• Seductive: Too close a relationship too soon; might call you by your
first name or touch you
• Playful: Jokes, uses puns (double-meaning), self-deprecating humor

B. Attitude and Interpersonal Style
• Ingratiating: Goes along with whatever you think; wants
to please
• Evasive: Talks, but gives nothing
• Guarded: Is more reserved than evasive; contributes the
bare minimum, often with suspicion
• Sullen: Angry and somewhat uncommunicative
• Passive: Barely cooperates, needs to be led; generally
without overt hostility

B. Attitude and Interpersonal Style
• Manipulative: Asks for special favors, uses guilt,
solicits pity, threatens
• Contemptuous: Superior, sneering, cynical
• Demanding: Sense of entitlement
• Withdrawn: Volunteers little, appears sad

B. Attitude and Interpersonal Style
• Watch your own emotional reactions to the people.
Your reactions will give you important clues.
• Also pay attention to the person's facial expression.
You may find it pleasant, happy, sad, perplexed,
angry, tense, mobile, bland, or flat.
• Bland: Intense material, but looks casual, showing
no strong emotion
• Flat: No facial expression
• Mobile: Rapid changes in facial expression and mood

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity
• Look at the quality and quantity of the person's
motor activity.

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity
• Seated quietly: Uses normal gestures, but does not move
around much
• Hyperactive: Is busy with hands and possibly feet
• Agitated: Cannot sit still (could be secondary to
antipsychotic medication)
• Combative: Looks ready to hit, threatening
• Awkward: Unable to manage activity like sitting in the
chair or writing; drops things (may be part of the illness
or reaction to medication)
• Rigid: Sits like a tin soldier

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity

• Mannerisms: These are unconscious repetitive actions

• Posturing: The person assumes certain postures and
holds them inappropriately
• Tics and twitches: Less voluntary body movements
• Stereotypes: Four mannerisms strung together
• Motor hyperactivity: Always report this when you see
a lot of hyperactivity, restlessness, and agitation. It
may indicate a manic state, reaction to medication, or

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity

• Motor retardation: Always report this when you see

the patient moves slowly, in a constricted manner and
with minimal motor responses. Speech and thought
are slowed, often depressed. Depression can give the
appearance of cognitive impairment.
• Mannerisms and posturing: Always indicate
mannerisms you see and any posturing.
• Tension: Always note tension, particularly if the person
seems tense and the interview does nothing to relax
the person.

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity
• Severe akathisia: Always note severe restlessness.
– Sometimes it may be part of an illness, and
sometimes it may be due to medication.
– try to establish when it started, how long it has
gone on, and whether it has grown worse recently.

C. Behavior and Psychomotor Activity
• Always note the following when present:
– pacing,
– fidgeting,
– nail biting,
– trembling or tremulousness (a common side effect of
lithium carbonate and tricyclic antidepresssants), and
– abnormal movements such as rocking, bouncing, or
grimacing (particularly strange facial movements).

• Tardive dyskinesia: Always note this condition if you see it or
suspect this is what you are seeing. It occurs among psychiatric
patients who have been on antipsychotic medications over a
long period of time.
• The term literally means "late appearing abnormal movements"
• These movements can be slow and irregular (athetosis) or quick
and jerky (choreic).
• All the movements are brief, involuntary, and purposeless.
• A person may twist the tongue and lips, make odd faces, bounce
or tap the feet, or actually writhe and squirm in the seat.

• Catatonic behavior: It is generally a sign of severe depression or
schizophrenia, catatonic type.
• It generally appears as a rigidity of posture wherein attempts to
reposition the person are rigidly resisted.
• The person may voluntarily pose in bizarre and inappropriate ways. In
waxy flexibility, the limbs of the person will remain in the position in
which they are placed.
• There is also a catatonic excitement wherein the patient engages in
almost continual, purposeless activity that is nearly impossible to
• Sometimes the patient engages in echolalia (repetition of everything
that is heard) or mimics and imitates others during this episode.

D. Speech and Language
• Speech is important because it is the primary
means of communicating.
• Important to note are such things as rate,
clarity, pitch, volume, quality, quantity,
impediments, use of words, the ability to get
to the point, and articulation.

D. Speech and Language
• Pressured: Often rapid but constantly talking; cannot be
interrupted (often a sign of a manic episode). Person
appears to have racing thoughts.
• Monotonous: No variation in tone
• Emotional: Very expressive
• Accented: Note a native accent and also if the patient
seems to accent certain words or syllables

D. Speech and Language
• Impoverished: May say very little either because of
depression or because he is being interviewed in a
language other than his native one; may also indicate a
lack of facility with language
• Neologisms: Always note when the person makes up
entirely new words with idiosyncratic meanings. (This can
occur due to aphasia or brain injury due to accident or

• Aphasia: Loss of ability to understand and produce language; damage usually to
left hemisphere of the brain (left-handed people often have this in the right
• The type and extent of aphasia depends on location and extent of brain injury.
• Global aphasia: Can neither speak nor understand, read, write, repeat words, or
name objects
• Broca's aphasia: Can understand written and spoken language, but has trouble
expressing own thoughts verbally
• Wernicke's aphasia: Inability to understand language and uses fluent, bizarre,
nonsensical speech (The person may also act strangely and appear euphoric,
paranoid, or agitated.
• It is easy to think this is a psychotic thought disorder, but in schizophrenia the
person is generally able to write and speak in her language, repeat words, and
name objects.)

• Dysarthria: Difficulty articulating due to problems with the
mechanisms that produce speech.
– This sometimes produces distorted or unintelligible speech. The
person usually can read and write normally.
– Ask the patient to repeat "No ifs, ands, or buts" to hear dysarthria
• Perseveration: Defined as the persistence "in repeating a verbal
or motor response to a prior stimulus even when confronted
with a new stimulus" (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 113).
– The client may give the same answer to different questions, stay on
the same subject, or repeatedly return to the same subject.

• Stereotypy: "Constant repetition of speech or actions" (LaBruzza,
1994, p. 113).
– The patient may pull a shoe on and off, twist and untwist the hair,
or repeat the same phrase or word over and over.
– These behaviors appear to be ritualistic and are common in
childhood autism.
– Give verbatim examples of what the individual has said to support
your assessment of speech.

II. Emotions
A. Mood
• This is the way a person is feeling at any given time.
• You may find it euthymic, depressed, sad, hopeless, empty,
guilty, irritable, angry, enraged, terrified, expansive,
euphoric, elated, sullen, dejected, or anxious.
• Ask yourself, what seems to be the dominant mood of the
• Euthymic: Normal mood
• Expansive: Feels very good and is getting better
• Euphoric: Out-of-sight happy
• Anxious: Worried and distressed

B. Affect
• Affect refers to the underlying flow of moods.
• This would be the outward expression of the
emotional state.
• You can see it in the way patients use and
position their bodies and in their tone and
manner of speaking.

B. Affect
• Broad: Normal range of moods
• Appropriate: Appropriate to the situation
• Constricted: Restricted range of emotional expression
• Flat: No change of mood, unemotional
• Labile: Rapid change in mood (crying, then laughing)
• Anhedonic: Incapable of any pleasurable response,
• Blunted affect: Always note a blunted affect where you find
no change in mood throughout the interview and no change
in facial expression. It generally indicates depression.

B. Affect
• Emotional withdrawal: Always note if the person seems
emotionally withdrawn to you. The person would be
inexpressive and probably have a blunt affect.
• Excitement: Always note if the person seems inappropriately
excited to you. It means the person is overly enthused or
terrified about the given situation.
• Full range of affect: This refers to an appropriate affective
response to the entire interview.
• Always note inappropriate affect (such as giggling when there
is nothing funny happening), as this can be a sign of

C. Neurovegetative Signs of Depression
In major depression, body functioning often becomes irregular.
Always inquire about sleep and appetite, and report a loss or gain of more than
5% of body weight.
Listen for symptoms such as changes in energy levels, interest, enjoyment of
everyday activities, or sexual functioning; constipation; and weight changes
(LaBruzza, 1994, p. 115).
• Initial insomnia: Trouble falling asleep
• Middle insomnia: Middle-of-the-night wakening
• Terminal insomnia: Early morning wakening. Depressed individuals will often
wake several hours earlier than usual and feel most depressed in the morning.
• Hypersomnia: Some depressed individuals, especially those with bipolar
disorders, tend to sleep a great deal.

III. Cognitive Functioning
A. Orientation and Level of Consciousness
• Occasionally, however, you may see individuals
who are inattentive, drowsy, or who have a
clouded consciousness.
• If these symptoms are present, use the proper
term to indicate the person's level of awareness
and briefly describe how the person exhibits this
• Medication can contribute to these stages as

• Lethargy: The person has trouble remaining alert and appears to want
to drift off to sleep, but can be aroused. The person has trouble
concentrating on the interview and seems unable to maintain a
coherent train of thought.
• Obtundation: The person is difficult to arouse and needs constant
stimulation to stay awake. The person may seem confused and unable
to participate in the interview.
• Stupor: The person is semicomatose, and it takes vigorous stimulation
to arouse her; she cannot arouse herself. There is no normal interaction
during the interview as a result.
• Coma: This is the most severe consciousness problem wherein the
person cannot be aroused and does not respond to any stimulation.

• Oriented x3: Means the person is oriented as to who
he is, where he is, and when it is.
• Even when a person is having difficulty with
consciousness, he may be oriented.
• if disoriented, patient first loses track of time then place,
and finally person
• To be fully oriented requires an intact memory; thus,
disorientation means there are memory deficits.
• • Ask for current date: Reasonably accurate dates are

• Ask where the person is: You can also ask for a home
address, the present city or state, or for directions from here
to the person's home or another familiar place.
• Sometimes people confused about place will behave as if
they are at home or in another very familiar setting while in
your office.
• Ask who the person is: Ask for personal identifying
information (age, birth date, name).
• Ask if the person recognizes or knows other people who
might be present. Does she know her relationships to these
other people?

III. Cognitive Functioning
B. Attention and Concentration
• Always note inability to pay attention and if
the person appears easily distracted.
• Attention: Can the person remain focused on
the interview?
• If you feel a need to test this in the person,
you can use digit repetition.
• Say five numbers, and then ask the person to
recite them back to you.

III. Cognitive Functioning
B. Attention and Concentration
• Concentration is needed to learn new tasks and for academic
• Concentration: The person can concentrate on one thing for
an extended period of time.
• You can test the person's concentration by asking the person
to perform a complex mental task.
• (Serial 7s is one way of testing; in this method, you ask the
person to add in increments of 7 or subtract from 100 by 7s.
Be sure your instructions are on the client's level of
education, and do not use this exercise if severe academic
problems are present. Be careful not to humiliate people!)

III. Cognitive Functioning
C. Memory
• Short-term memory: Refers to immediate recall
limited to about seven items and generally lasts for
about one minute.
• Some problems may be due to inattention, so
evaluate attention before memory.
• Long-term memory: Rehearsal allows material in
short-term memory to convert to long-term memory.
Anxiety about the interview or the person's situation
or even depression can interfere with this.

III. Cognitive Functioning
C. Memory
• Amnesia: Inability to remember
• Anterograde amnesia: Cannot learn new material
• Retrograde amnesia: Cannot recall recent past events
• Head injuries: Most common deficits are inability to
recall names, recent events, and spoken messages,
and forgetfulness or forgetting to do something
• The person may have trouble telling you what she is
experiencing with her memory.

III. Cognitive Functioning
C. Memory
• Memory Testing.
• Immediate recall- “I want you to remember three words: apple,
house and banana. What are the three words I want you to
• Recent- few hours or days
• Remote/Distant Past – “where he was born,” “where he
attented HS”
• Delayed Recall-repeat the same words after an interval of 5-10
• Confabulation-make up plausible answers to mask memory

III. Cognitive Functioning
D. Ability to Abstract and Generalize
• Individuals who are psychotic or on the verge of psychosis will
often indicate this in their response to a proverb.
• Use proverbs that are free of gender and racial bias.
• The following are some proverbs you can use (LaBruzza, 1994, p.
• A stitch in time saves nine.
• A rolling stone gathers no moss.
• Don't judge a book by its cover.
• Two wrongs don't make a right.

• Similarities and Differences.
• Ask the person to tell you how two objects or two events are different or
• This will require the individual to think somewhat abstractly about categories
and relationships.
• Name two items and ask the person how these differ and how they are
• The following are some combinations you might use (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 129):
• Apples and oranges
• Trees and flowers
• Houses and cars
• Dogs and cats

III. Cognitive Functioning
E. Information and Intelligence
• To get an idea of the person's overall intelligence, ask questions
that tap the person's fund of general information.
• It should be information known by the general public. Again, you
must be sensitive to the person's cultural background, level of
education, and intelligence.
• The following are examples of some questions you might ask
(LaBruzza, 1994, p. 130):
• • Who were the last four presidents?
• • Who is the governor of ________?
• • How many weeks are there in a year?
• • What is the capital of the state (or the country)?

IV. Thought and Perception
• When a person's perceptions are disordered, it offers
important clues to what the diagnosis might be.
• Here you want to know how people actually perceive
themselves, the world around them, and others in their world.
• What does the person think, and what thoughts and concepts
are most on his mind?
• Perception is the way in which we form an awareness of our
• People who have difficulties with perceptions often perceive
their world inaccurately (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 131).

IV. Thought and Perception
A. Disordered Perceptions
• Illusions: The person either misperceives or misinterprets a
sensory stimulus.
– A tree branch brushing the side of the house in the wind sounds like
people entering the house, or a dishwasher running sounds like people
talking in another room.
• Hallucinations: In the absence of external stimuli, the person
perceives something.
– The most common hallucination is hearing voices.
– Voices generally increase when the person is around white noise.
– White noise is even background noise, such as the dishwasher running,
a room full of people chattering, or rain drumming on the roof.

IV. Thought and Perception
A. Disordered Perceptions
• If you can, find out who is talking, what they are saying, and how the
person feels about it.
• Is there a command for the person to do something? If so, include the
command in your report.
• Some commands are dangerous to the person or to others.
• Always note hallucinatory behavior.
• Depersonalization: The person feels estranged or detached from
• Derealization: The person feels detached from what is going on around
her. Be sure to note this. A person who dissociates cannot always be
sure that what is happening is real (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 132).

IV. Thought and Perception
B. Thought Content
• Distortions: A person distorts a part of reality.
– A woman with anorexia believes she is fat when she
is thin.
– A person who is well believes his cough indicates
– A person whose neighbor does not think to wave
assumes the neighbor is angry.

IV. Thought and Perception
B. Thought Content
• Delusions: An inappropriate idea from which a person cannot be
dissuaded using the normal means of argument or evidence.
• Sometimes it is culturally inappropriate as well.
• Evidence to the contrary has no effect.
– For example, a client might insist that she has a case in court that will eventually
yield her a great sum of money. No amount of persuasion or documentation can
dissuade her from that belief and convince her that this isn't so.
• Always report the content of a delusion.
• Note if the delusion is incongruent with the client's mood.
• Delusions indicate psychosis.
• Always note if delusions are present.

• People with paranoid delusions believe they are being singled out for
harassment or are being controlled by forces outside of themselves.
• They may have an entire system of interconnected ideas developed that
support their delusions.
• Common to schizophrenia are:
• Thought withdrawal: Belief that one's thoughts are being taken out of
one's mind by an outside force
• Thought insertion: Belief that thoughts are being placed into one's mind
by an outside force
• Thought broadcast: Belief that thoughts are being taken and broadcast
so that others know what one is thinking
• Suspiciousness: Always describe this and the object of the suspicion.

• Grandiose delusions: The false belief that one
is extremely important or a false belief that
one is imbued with special powers. Always
describe ideas of grandeur and any grandiose
• Somatic delusions: False beliefs about one's
physical health
• Delusional guilt: Falsely believing that one is
the reason or cause for terrible things that
have happened or will happen
• Nihilistic delusions: A false belief in the
meaninglessness of life and all events and 60
• Ideas of inference: Refers to the ideas the person
holds about what others do to affect him (eg.
slams a door=upset)
• Ideas of reference: Refers to beliefs that people
are talking and thinking about one. Messages on
TV and radio are meant specifically for this person.
• Magical thinking: Means belief in astrology or a
superstition, or the person thinks he has magical
powers in his words, thoughts, or actions.
– This thinking is found in children who have not
developed reality testing.
– It is part of human development and is not pathological
until it becomes extreme, as in obsessive-compulsive
disorder or a delusion.
• Thought content: Always specify unusual or
important thought content such as:
• (a) what the person is suspicious about,
– (b) what the person feels guilty about, and
– (c) what the person is preoccupied about.
• Bizarre behavior: Always note any that you
witness or any that is reported to you by
reliable others.

IV. Thought and Perception
C. Thought Process
• Flow of ideas: Refers to the quality of the
associations the person makes between ideas
or between points in the person's discussion
• Note the stream of the client's thoughts, the
rate of thinking, the coherence, the continuity,
and whether the thought process is goal
directed (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 134).
• Spontaneous: Means you do not have to keep
asking questions. The person readily volunteers
• Goal directed: The person answers the main 63
IV. Thought and Perception
C. Thought Process
• Impoverished: The person uses words but is very
skimpy with them.
– There are too few ideas, and thinking is slow. Often
attributable to depression or schizophrenia.
• Racing thoughts: The person thinks rapidly.
– Speech appears pressured.
– Often attributable to manic or hypomanic state.
• Blocking: The person stops, pauses, and starts
somewhere else.
– There is an interruption to the normal flow of speech.
– The person may appear to forget where she was in the64
IV. Thought and Perception
• C. Thought Process
Circumstantial: The person appears to throw in too
many irrelevant details.
– The person has too many ideas associated with one
another and too many digressions.
– Often thought to be a defense against dealing with
troubling issues or feelings (LaBruzza, 1994)
• Perseverative: The person goes over and over the
same point or idea.
• Flight of ideas: The person goes from one thought
to another in logical sequence but is headed far
from the original topic.
IV. Thought and Perception
C. Thought Process
• Illogical: What the person is saying does not make
• Incoherent: There is no meaning; the speech is
disorganized; the person may be schizophrenic.
• Neologism: The person makes up new words.
• Distractible: Person cannot stay focused; may
indicate mania.
• Clang association: "The sound of a word”, rather
than its meaning, triggers a new train of thought"
(LaBruzza, 1994, p. 136)

IV. Thought and Perception
C. Thought Process
• Overvalued ideas: The idea might be possible, but
it is used or seen by the person to explain more
than it could possibly explain.
• Conceptual disorganization: Always note
conceptual disorganization.
– This refers to an inability to conceptualize the problem
clearly and may involve a number of the terms
previously noted, such as loose associations, flight of
ideas, tangential thinking, or incoherent content.

A note about the word confused
• Students often say a client is confused when they
are describing a person who is having trouble
deciding what to do or a person who is feeling
very ambivalent about a particular decision.
• In the mental status examination, however, the
word confused means that the client was not
oriented to time and place and person.
• In other words, confused clients do not know
where they are, cannot understand what is being
said to them, or do not recognize familiar people.
• When a client is ambivalent, use that word; and
IV. Thought and Perception
D. Preoccupations
• These are thoughts and issues that appear to
be the primary focus of the patient's thinking.
There is an "obsessive quality" to the
preoccupation (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 136).

IV. Thought and Perception
D. Preoccupations
• Somatic preoccupation: Focus on bodily
functions, physical health. There is a
hypochondriachal quality to the
• List and describe somatic concerns.
• Do not assume these are not real problems
without proper medical documentation
• Obsessions: Persistent thoughts that are
intrusive and unwanted and that appear to
haunt the person (LaBruzza, 1994, p. 136). 70
IV. Thought and Perception
D. Preoccupations
• Compulsions: Actions that are often the
"counterpart of the obsession.“
• These are "persistent, intrusive and unwanted
urges" to take some action.
• If one does not complete the action, there is
intense anxiety.
• These actions can be repetitive and ritualistic, such
as checking the stove, counting steps, and
straightening picture frames (LaBruzza, 1994, p.
• • Phobias: These are "irrational, intense, persistent
V. Suicidality, Homocidality, and
Impulse Control
• Homicidal, suicidal thoughts
– SHE PRECAUTION (Suicidal, Homicidal, Escape)
– The safest way to assess a client with suspected
mental disorders is to ask him/her clearly and directly
about suicidal ideas).

V. Suicidality, Homocidality,
and Impulse Control
• Impulse Control. When you assess impulse
control, you want to know how the person
deals with aggressive urges, sexual urges, and
strong desires to carry forward any plan not
particularly well considered.
• Look at ways the client has handled stressful
situations in the past.

V. Suicidality, Homocidality, and
Impulse Control
• Is there a history of acting on impulse without
much thought as to the consequences?
• Does the person seem unable to tolerate stress?
• How did this person handle stress in the past?
• Is there a history of uncontrolled aggressive
behavior, either sexual behavior or hostile
• Can this client tolerate frustration?

V. Suicidality, Homocidality,
and Impulse Control
• The three behaviors to look for in childhood are
setting fires, cruelty to animals, and bedwetting.
• When these behaviors all occur in childhood, they
appear to be significantly associated with cruel
adult behavior.
• In adulthood, you might find behaviors such as
punching holes in the wall, smashing furniture,
slitting one's own wrists, drinking excessively, or
turning to drugs or a drug overdose.
VI. Insight and Judgment
• Insight. The person understands that she is
"suffering from an illness" or has an emotional or
personal problem.
• Ability to understand the true nature of one’s
situation and accept some personal responsibility
for that situation)
• Does he:
– Recognize there is a problem?
– Have insight into it?
– Understand why others are concerned
– Blame others?
VI. Insight and Judgment
• Judgment. The person can critically evaluate her
situation and make good decisions about a course
of action. Look for risky behavior in the past that
could have been potentially harmful (practicing
unsafe sex, binge-drinking and reckless driving, and
so forth).
• "Assess whether clients are able to understand the
potential consequences in their behavior" and can
plan preventive measures.

VI. Insight and Judgment
• Soundness of problem solving and decisions
• Ex. Risky behaviors like picking up strangers in bars or
engaging in unprotected sexual activity (indicates poor
• Hypothetical questions
• If you found a stamped envelope on the ground, what
would you do?
• You might ask what the individual would do if he spotted a
fire in a movie theater or what he would do if he found a
stamped, sealed, and addressed envelope (LaBruzza, 1994,
p. 138).

VII. Reliability (Accuracy of the Client's
• You need to state briefly your impression of
[the] person's reliability and accuracy in giving
you the details of their situations.
• If a person is psychotic, the material presented
is likely to be extremely unreliable.
• A person who is suffering from dementia or
delirium may be having considerable difficulty
remembering what has happened or what is
happening now.
• Some people deliberately tell falsehoods to 83
VIII. The Environment
• Inappropriate surroundings: Means the person
has arranged furnishings inappropriately.
• It may be that furniture blocks doors and
windows or that the windows are covered oddly,
perhaps with tin foil or some other material.
• There might be strange wires leading nowhere,
odd decorations, or strings of odd things hung
across a room.
• You might find household objects being used
• Sometimes a person believes the people on TV
VIII. The Environment
• Waste and Trash: Look at the way the person keeps his home.
• Are there unusual collections of junk or trash?
• Are there piles and piles of paper and magazines everywhere, or collections of
string, bags, and other objects?
• Sometimes the home is very cluttered or dirty, with unwashed bed linens and with
unwashed dishes stacked all over the kitchen.
• This tells you something about the person's capacity to attend to the routine
details of living, or it may indicate a debilitating mental illness, such as hoarding.
• You might find urine or feces on the floor or walls.
• You might find the pets in the home neglected, their food bowls full of rotten food.
• Sometimes the house might be overrun with strays the person has taken in, but is
unable to adequately care for.

• The mental status examination is a snapshot
of where the individual is at a particular time.
• You are not trying to document how the client
will always seem.
• Tomorrow the person may be different.
• Your notes can be used to follow peoples'
progress or regression.

• Don’t assume (past events affected the
patient’s emotionality)
• Don’t judge (your personal values could cloud
your professional judgment)
• Should be in:
– Narrative form and verbatim


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