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Aldao, Nolen-Hoeksema, & Schweizer, 2010 PDF
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: We examined the relationships between six emotion-regulation strategies (acceptance, avoidance, problem
Received 29 August 2009 solving, reappraisal, rumination, and suppression) and symptoms of four psychopathologies (anxiety,
Received in revised form 12 November 2009 depression, eating, and substance-related disorders). We combined 241 effect sizes from 114 studies that
Accepted 13 November 2009
examined the relationships between dispositional emotion regulation and psychopathology. We focused on
dispositional emotion regulation in order to assess patterns of responding to emotion over time. First, we
Emotion regulation
examined the relationship between each regulatory strategy and psychopathology across the four disorders.
Emotion-regulation strategies We found a large effect size for rumination, medium to large for avoidance, problem solving, and
Meta-analysis suppression, and small to medium for reappraisal and acceptance. These results are surprising, given the
prominence of reappraisal and acceptance in treatment models, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and
acceptance-based treatments, respectively. Second, we examined the relationship between each regulatory
strategy and each of the four psychopathology groups. We found that internalizing disorders were more
consistently associated with regulatory strategies than externalizing disorders. Lastly, many of our analyses
showed that whether the sample came from a clinical or normative population significantly moderated the
relationships. This finding underscores the importance of adopting a multi-sample approach to the study of
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0272-7358/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Emotion regulation is increasingly being incorporated into models of anxiety disorder (SAD; Kashdan & Breen, 2008), eating disorders
psychopathology (Berenbaum, Raghavan, Le, Vernon, & Gomez, 2003; (Bydlowski et al., 2005; Clyne & Blampied, 2004; Fairburn et al., 1995;
Greenberg, 2002; Kring & Bachorowski, 1999; Mennin & Farach, 2007). McCarthy, 1990; Polivy & Herman, 2002), alcohol-related disorders
As “distress disorders” (Watson, 2005), depression and anxiety are (Sher & Grekin, 2007; Tice et al., 2001) and substance-related
widely viewed as the result of difficulties in regulating emotions disorders (Fox, Axelrod, Paliwal, Sleeper, & Sinha, 2007; Linehan
(Campbell-Sills & Barlow, 2007; Gross & Munoz, 1995; Mennin, et al., 2002; Sher & Grekin, 2007; Tice et al., 2001). Consequently,
Holoway, Fresco, Moore, & Heimberg, 2007). Several theorists argue various therapeutic approaches incorporate some form of emotion-
that individuals who cannot effectively manage their emotional regulation training, including dialectical behavioral therapy (Linehan,
responses to everyday events experience longer and more severe 1993), emotion focused therapy (Greenberg, 2002), acceptance- and
periods of distress that may evolve into diagnosable depression or mindfulness-based therapy (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999; Roemer,
anxiety (e.g., Mennin et al., 2007; Nolen-Hoeksema, Wisco, & Orsillo, & Salters-Pedneault, 2008; Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002),
Lyubomirsky, 2008). In addition, models of eating disorders (Fairburn and emotion-regulation therapy (Mennin & Fresco, 2009).
et al., 1995; McCarthy, 1990; Polivy & Herman, 1998, 2002) and alcohol
abuse (Sher & Grekin, 2007; Tice, Bratslavsky, & Baumeister, 2001)
suggest that individuals with poorly regulated emotions often turn to 1.1. Adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulatory strategies
food or alcohol to escape from or down-regulate their emotions,
creating risk for diagnosable problems in relation to food or alcohol. Over the years, different theoretical models have highlighted
Several individual emotion-regulation strategies have been hypoth- different specific strategies as adaptive or maladaptive. Dating back to
esized to be risk factors for or protective factors against psychopathol- stress and coping theories (Billings & Moos, 1981; Carver, Scheier, &
ogy. In the meta-analysis presented here, we first review models of Weintraub, 1989; Folkman & Lazarus, 1986), and early cognitive-
emotion regulation that have linked specific regulatory strategies to behavioral approaches to psychopathology (Beck, 1976; Cooper, Russell,
psychopathology. Then, we evaluate the empirical support for the Skinner, Frone, & Mudar, 1992; D'Zurilla, 1988; Marlatt, Baer, Donovan,
relationships between symptoms of four psychopathologies and six & Kivlahan, 1988), two strategies thought to be adaptive across a variety
emotion-regulation strategies. We ask which emotion-regulation of contexts are reappraisal and problem solving. Reappraisal involves
strategies are most strongly associated with psychopathology. We also generating benign or positive interpretations or perspectives on a
ask if there is specificity in the relationship between certain emotion- stressful situation as a way of reducing distress (Gross, 1998).
regulation strategies and different psychopathologies. Maladaptive appraisal processes are thought to be at the core of
depression and anxiety according to several models (Beck, 1976; Clark,
1988; Salkovskis, 1998), and thus cognitive-behavioral therapies for
1. Models of emotion regulation depression and anxiety focus on teaching reappraisal skills (Beck, Rush,
Shaw, & Emery, 1979). More recently, Gross' (1998) influential model of
Emotion regulation has been conceptualized as processes through emotion regulation highlights reappraisal as a strategy that results in
which individuals modulate their emotions consciously and noncon- positive emotional and physical responses to emotion-eliciting stimuli.
sciously (Bargh & Williams, 2007; Rottenberg & Gross, 2003) to Problem-solving responses are conscious attempts to change a
appropriately respond to environmental demands (Campbell-Sills & stressful situation or contain its consequences. Problem solving is often
Barlow, 2007; Cole, Martin, & Dennis, 2004; Gratz & Roemer, 2004; assessed as an orientation or specific actions directed at solving
Gross, 1998; Gross & Munoz, 1995; Thompson, 1994). Individuals a problem (e.g., brainstorming solutions, planning a course of action).
deploy regulatory strategies to modify the magnitude and/or type of Although problem-solving responses are not direct attempts to regulate
their emotional experience or the emotion-eliciting event (Diamond & emotions, they can have beneficial effects on emotions by modifying
Aspinwall, 2003; Gross, 1998). The process of emotion regulation has or eliminating stressors. Low problem-solving orientation or poor
been conceptualized as distinct from the emotion generation process problem-solving skills have been theorized to lead to depression
(Cole et al., 2004; Gross & Thompson, 2007; Rottenberg & Gross, 2003) (Billings & Moos, 1981; D'Zurilla, Chang, Nottingham, & Faccinni,
although the distinction between these two processes still remains the 1998), anxiety (Chang, Downey, & Salata, 2004; Kant, D'Zurilla
source of debate (see Campos, Frankel, & Camras, 2004). & Maydeu-Olivares, 1997), substance use (Cooper et al., 1992), and
Theoretical models associate successful emotion regulation with eating disorders (VanBoven & Espelage, 2006). Training in problem-
good health outcomes, and improved relationships and academic and solving skills is a component of cognitive-behavioral therapies for all
work performance (Brackett & Salovey, 2004; John & Gross, 2004). these disorders (Beck et al., 1979; Fairburn et al., 1995; Marlatt et al.,
Conversely, difficulties with emotion regulation are associated with 1988).
mental disorders (Berenbaum et al., 2003; Greenberg, 2002; Kring & More recently, there has been an increased interest in the role of
Bachorowski, 1999; Mennin & Farach, 2007) and incorporated into mindfulness in adaptive emotion regulation (Gratz & Roemer, 2004).
several models of specific psychopathologies, including borderline Although the precise delineation of the components of mindfulness is
personality disorder (BPD; Linehan, 1993; Lynch, Trost, Salsman, & still the source of much debate (Baer, Smith, & Allen, 2004; Bishop
Linehan, 2007), major depressive disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema et al., et al., 2004) one component that most researchers tend to agree upon
2008; Rottenberg, Gross, & Gotlib, 2005), bipolar disorder (Johnson, is that of non-judgmental acceptance of emotions. Along these lines,
2005), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; Mennin et al., 2007), social mindfulness has been conceptualized as non-elaborative, non-
Author's personal copy
judgmental, present-centered awareness in which thoughts, feelings, find this state unpleasant and might try to regulate it by avoiding it,
and sensations are accepted as they are (Kabat-Zinn, 1990; Segal et al., that is, by using the substance they are abstaining from (Baker, Piper,
2002; Shapiro & Schwartz, 1999). Mindfulness-based therapies that McCarthy, Majeski, & Fiore, 2004).
emphasize taking a non-judgmental stance have been developed to Finally, instead of avoiding or suppressing negative thoughts and
treat a variety of disorders, including depression (Segal et al., 2002), moods, some individuals repetitively focus on their experience of the
anxiety (Roemer et al., 2008), eating disorders (Kristeller, Baer, & emotion and its causes and consequences (Nolen-Hoeksema et al.,
Quillian-Wolever, 2006), substance abuse (e.g., Breslin, Zack, & 2008; Trapnell & Campbell, 1999; Watkins, 2008). People often say they
McMain, 2002; Marlatt et al., 2004), and borderline personality engage in rumination because they want to understand and solve their
disorder (Linehan, 1993; Lynch et al., 2007). Research on acceptance problems (Papageorgiou & Wells, 2003), but rumination is negatively
as a regulatory strategy has suggested that using this strategy related to problem solving (Hong, 2007). Indeed, rumination in the
promotes good outcomes (Hayes et al., 1999; Heffner, Eifert, Parker, context of distress appears to interfere with good problem solving, and
Hernandez, & Sperry, 2003) whereas low levels of acceptance have may immobilize individuals in indecision (Ward, Lyubomirsky, Sousa, &
been shown in many disorders, including generalized anxiety Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003). Although rumination has been most frequent-
disorder (McLaughlin, Mennin, & Farach, 2007; Roemer et al., 2008), ly studied in relation to depression and anxiety, it has recently been
panic disorder (Tull & Roemer, 2007), heroin use (Tull, Schulzinger, studied in relation to substance use and eating disorders (e.g., Nolen-
Schmidt, Zvolensky, & Lejeuz, 2007), and borderline personality Hoeksema, Stice, Wade, & Bohon, 2007). Binge-drinking and binge
disorder (Gratz, Rosenthal, Tull, & Lejuez, 2006). eating may be attempts to escape from the aversive self-awareness
In contrast, suppression and avoidance have long been seen as maintained by rumination (Heatherton & Baumeister, 1991).
maladaptive responses to a variety of stressors, and risk factors for both Thus, three emotion-regulation strategies that have been widely
distress (i.e., depression and anxiety) and maladaptive behaviors theorized to be protective against psychopathology are reappraisal,
(particularly substance abuse; Carver et al., 1989; Folkman & Lazarus, problem solving, and acceptance. Three strategies that have consis-
1980). Various forms of suppression and avoidance have been implicated tently been argued to be risk factors for psychopathology are
in psychopathology. Gross' model (1998) focuses primarily on suppres- suppression (including both expressive suppression and thought
sion of emotional expression, and argues that although expressive suppression), avoidance (including both experiential avoidance and
suppression may reduce the outward expression of emotion and possibly behavioral avoidance), and rumination. However, a direct comparison
the subjective experience of emotion in the short term, it will be less of the degree to which they relate to psychopathology is needed.
effective in reducing emotion and physiological arousal over the long In this meta-analysis, we address two main questions. First, we are
term (Gross, 1998; Gross & Thompson, 2007; John & Gross, 2004). interested in the relationship between each of the six regulatory
Other theorists have focused on the suppression of unwanted strategies of interest and psychopathology. That is, we propose to
thoughts. Wenzlaff and Wegner (2000) have produced a large body of investigate the sensitivity of each emotion-regulation strategy in
research showing that attempts to voluntarily suppress thoughts result capturing variance in different types of psychopathology. Identification
in an increased accessibility of the suppressed thought (Wegner & Erber, of strategies that might have stronger relationships to specific
1992; Wegner, Schneider, Carter, & White, 1987) and increased psychopathologies can inform the improvement of existing treatments
emotional arousal, especially in the physiological domain, as evidenced and provide avenues for new interventions (Berking, Wupperman, Orth,
by increased electrodermal responses to emotional stimuli (e.g., Wegner, Meier, & Caspar, 2008). The second aim of the present investigation is to
Broome, & Blumberg, 1997). They have also suggested that chronic examine the specificity of each of these six regulatory strategies, that is,
suppression might prevent habituation to emotional stimuli, and as such are emotion-regulation strategies related to some forms of psychopa-
result in hypersensitivity to depression and anxiety-related thoughts thology but not others. Emotion-regulation strategies have been mostly
and symptoms (Wegner & Zanakos, 1994; Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000). examined within the context of internalizing disorders, but as noted
Hayes et al. (1999) have been concerned with what they call earlier, recently emotion-regulation models have also been applied to
experiential avoidance: the suppression or avoidance of an array of externalizing disorders (e.g., Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008). We limited
psychological experiences, including thoughts, emotions, sensations, the psychopathologies we surveyed to four types that several theorists
memories, and urges. They have argued that experiential avoidance have claimed are linked to emotion-regulation deficits: depression
can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, ranging from problems (Gross & Munoz, 1995; Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991), anxiety (Campbell-
with mood to problems with substance use, because it paradoxically Sills & Barlow, 2007; Mennin et al., 2007), eating disorders (Bydlowski et
increases negative thoughts (i.e., Wenzlaff & Wegner, 2000) and al., 2005; Clyne & Blampied, 2004; Fairburn et al., 1995; McCarthy, 1990;
prevents individuals from taking necessary action (Hayes et al., Polivy & Herman, 2002), and substance-related disorders (Fox et al.,
2004). Similarly, emotion-regulation models of eating disorders 2007; Sher & Grekin, 2007; Tice et al., 2001).
suggest that avoidance of psychological experiences leads to binge
eating and then maladaptive compensatory behaviors (e.g., Heather-
ton & Baumeister, 1991; McCarthy, 1990; Polivy & Herman, 2002). 2. Measuring emotion regulation
Hayes et al. propose that acceptance is an adaptive alternative to
avoidance and they have developed a corresponding treatment: Along with the increased interest in individual differences in emotion
acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes et al., 1999). regulation in recent years, there has been a proliferation of self-report
Avoidance has also been conceptualized in the behavioral domain. measures of emotion-regulation strategies (see Table 1). These measures
Mowrer's (1947) two-stage theory of fear proposes that: 1) fear is have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, because self-
acquired through classical conditioning and, 2) as individuals avoid report measures are easy and quick to administer, there is a sufficient
the feared stimulus, extinction cannot take place and thus the fear is body of research from which to draw data for this meta-analysis. In
maintained via operant conditioning. This model has been mostly addition, self-report scales typically measure dispositional tendencies
applied to anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder (Barlow, Craske, toward certain emotion-regulation strategies, and thus supposedly
Cerny, & Klosko, 1989; Lissek et al., 2009); posttraumatic stress assess what participants do across time and different contexts. This is in
disorder (Foa & Kozak, 1986); specific phobia (Merckelbach, de Jong, line with Campbell-Sills and Barlow's (2007) argument that in
Muris, & van den Hout, 1996); and agoraphobia (Rachman, 1993). conceptualizing emotion dysregulation and its relationship to psycho-
Interestingly, avoidance of other non-fear-based negative states, such pathology we need to take a “long view,” assessing patterns of
as withdrawal symptoms after substance use, has also been linked to responding to episodes of emotion over time that lead to the persistence
psychopathology. In this case, individuals going through withdrawal or recurrence of unwanted emotions over time.
Author's personal copy
Table 1
Study characteristics — cross-sectional and experimental designs.
Allan and Gilbert (2002) 197 college students Experimental CES-D STAXI: anger-in
Ball, Smolin, and Shekhar (2002) 12 adult patients with anxiety NOS, Cross-sectional ADIS for DSM-IV TCI: harm avoidance
45 patients with panic disorder,
13 patients with social anxiety,
12 patients with OCD, 21 patients
with depression, and 17 healthy controls
Borders, Barnwell, and Earleywine (2007) 285 college students Cross-sectional Alcohol consumed in the last 6 months; RRQ: rumination
alcohol-aggression expectancies;
alcohol-related aggression index;
alcohol-related hostility index
Britton (2004) 196 college students Cross-sectional Alcohol-related consequences; COPE: acceptance, positive reinterpretation
quantity frequency variability average
number of drinking days;
heavy drinks days
Burns, Bruehl, and Caceres (2004) 53 college students Experimental STAI AEI: anger-in
Table 1 (continued)
Author name Sample details/moderators Design Psychopathology measures Emotion-regulation measures
Joormann et al. (2006) 20 adult patients with social anxiety, 64 with Experimental SCID for DSM-IV RRS
depression, and 91 healthy controls
Joormann and Gotlib (2008) 23 adult patients with depression and 21 Experimental SCID for DSM-IV RRS brooding
healthy controls
Kant et al. (1997) Sample 1: 100 adult community members; Cross-sectional BDI; STAI SPSI-R
sample 2: 100 adult community members
Kashdan, Barrios, Forsyth, and 382 college students Cross-sectional ASI; BSQ; SFS; STAI AAQ; CSQ: avoidant, rational; ECQ
Steger (2006)
Kashdan and Breen (2007a,b) 144 college students Cross-sectional BDI; MASQ: anhedonic depression, AAQ; DERS: non-acceptance; EACQ: emotional expression
anxious arousal; SIAS
Kashdan and Breen (2007, 2008) 246 community members Cross-sectional ASI; MASQ: anhedonic depression, DERS; EACQ: emotional expression
anxious arousal
Knowles, Tai, Christensen, and 528 college students Cross-sectional BDI RSQ 23-item rumination scale; 4-item problem-solving
Bentall (2005) scale
Kocovski, Endler, Rector, and Flett (2005) 55 college students with social anxiety and Experimental EMAS — trait anxiety — social evaluation CHIP
57 healthy controls
Koff and Sangani (1997) 128 female college students Cross-sectional EAT CISS: avoidance
Kopper and Epperson (1996) 705 college students Cross-sectional BDI AES: suppression
Krause, Mendelson, and Lynch (2003) 127 adults from the community Experimental BAI; BDI CSQ: chronic avoidance, current avoidance; WBSI
Kuyken and Brewin (1994) 32 adult female patients with depression and Cross-sectional DSM-III criteria WCQ: escape-avoidance, planful problem solving, positive
Table 1 (continued)
Author name Sample details/moderators Design Psychopathology measures Emotion-regulation measures
Table 1 (continued)
Author name Sample details/moderators Design Psychopathology measures Emotion-regulation measures
Verhaeghen, Joormann, and Khan (2005) 99 college students Cross-sectional CES-D RRS
Vickers and Vogeltanz-Holm (2003) 84 college students with depression and 86 Experimental BDI RRS
healthy controls
Waller et al. (2003) 20 adult female patients with anorexia nervosa Cross-sectional DSM-IV criteria STAXI: suppression
restrictive type, 68 with bulimia nervosa,
39 with anorexia nervosa binge purge type, 13
with binge eating disorder, and 50 healthy
Watkins (2004) 140 college students Cross-sectional HADS: anxiety, depression RSQ
Watkins and Baracaia (2002) 32 adult patients with depression and 26 Experimental SCID for DSM-III RRS
healthy controls
Watkins and Brown (2002) 14 adult patients with depression and 14 Experimental DSM-III criteria RRS
healthy controls
Wegner and Zanakos (1994) Sample 1: 609 college students; sample 2: Cross-sectional ASI; BDI; MOCDI; STAI WBSI
405 college students; sample 3: 490 college
students; sample 4: 199 college students;
sample 5: 133 college students
Weinstock and Whisman (2007) 244 college students Cross-sectional BDI RRS
Wenzlaff, Rude, and West (2002) 22 college students with depression and 400 Cross-sectional DSM-IV; IDD-L; BDI WBSI
healthy controls
Notes: AAQ: Acceptance and Action Questionnaire; ADIS for DSM-IV: Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV; AEI: Anger Expression Inventory; AES: Anger Expression Scale; ASI: Anxiety Sensitivity Index; BAI: Beck Anxiety
Inventory; BARQ: Behavioral Anger Response Questionnaire; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; BES: Binge Eating Scale; BITE: Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh; BSQ: Body Sensations Questionnaire; BULIT: Bulimia Test; CBAS: Cognitive
Behavioral Avoidance Scale; CDI: Children Depression Inventory; CERQ: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CHIP: Coping with Health Injuries and Problems; CI: Coping
Index; CISS: Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations; COPE: Cope Inventory; CRSS: Children's Response Styles Scale; CSI: Coping Strategy Inventory; CSQ: Coping Styles Questionnaire; DASS: Depression and Anxiety Scales; DEBQ-R: Dutch
Eating Behaviour Questionnaire; DERS: Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; EACQ: Emotional Approach Coping Questionnaire; EAS: Experiential Avoidance Scale;
EAT: Eating Attitudes Test; ECQ: Emotional Control Questionnaire; EDE: Eating Disorder Examination; EDI: Eating Disorders Inventory; EMAS: Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales; ERQ: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; HADS: Hospital
Anxiety and Depression Scale; IDD: Inventory to Diagnose Depression; IPSQ: Interpersonal Problem Solving Questionnaire; KAT: Khavari alcohol test; MASQ: Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire; MOCDI: Maudsley Obsessive–
Compulsive Inventory; PAES-III: Pediatric Anger Expression Scale III; PSI: Problem-Solving Inventory; Q-EDD: Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses; R-CMAS: Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale — Revised; RI: Rumination Inventory;
ROS: Rumination on Sadness; RRQ: Rumination Reflection Questionnaire; RRS: Ruminative Response Scale; RSQ: Response Styles Questionnaire; RWOCC: Revised Ways of Coping Checklist; SADS: Schedule for Affective Disorders and
Schizophrenia; SCID-IV: Structured Clinical Interview Diagnosis for DSM-IV; SCID-III-R: Structured Clinical Interview Diagnosis for DSM-III-R; SFS; Suffocation Fear Scale; SIAS: Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; SMRI: Scott–McIntosh
Rumination Index; SPSI: Social Problem-Solving Inventory; STAI: Spielberg State–Trait Anxiety Inventory; STAXI: State–Trait Anger Expression Inventory; STAXI-2: State–Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2; STSS: Silencing the Self Scale; TCI:
Temperament and Character Inventory; WBSI: White Bear Suppression Inventory; WCQ: Ways of Coping Questionnaire; YRAI: Young–Rygh Avoidance Inventory; ZDS: Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale.
Author's personal copy
Table 2
Author name Sample details/moderators Psychopathology measures Emotion-regulation measures Duration of follow-up Summary of longitudinal results
Beevers and Meyer (2004) 144 college students MASQ: anhedonic depression, WBSI 7 weeks Among those with low life stress, high thought suppression
general distress depressive predicted lower depression over time.
Blalock and Joiner (2000) 179 college students BAI, BDI CRI: cognitive avoidance 3 weeks Among those with higher life stress, higher cognitive
avoidance predicted increases in both depression and
anxiety for women only; no effects for behavioral avoidance.
Broderick and Korteland (2004) 70 children/adolescents CDI RSQ: 10 rumination items Once per year Rumination predicted increases in depression.
4–6th graders for 3 years
Burwell and Shirk (2007) 168 children/adolescents CDI; CDRS-R, MCC RRS adapted for children 1 year Brooding predicted increases in depression, but not any
8th graders other depression measures; reflection was not associated
with change in any depression scores.
Butler and Nolen-Hoeksema (1994) 199 college students BDI RRS:10 items 2 weeks Rumination predicted increases in depression,
controlling for distraction and gender.
Calmes and Roberts (2007) 543 college students BAI, BDI RRS 6–8 weeks Structural model showed significant paths from rumination
to anxiety (controlling for initial anxiety and worry) but not
to depression (controlling for initial depression and worry).
Ciarrochi and Scott (2006) 163 college students DASS: anxiety, depression ECQ: rumination; SPSI: 1 year Problem solving predicted increases in anxiety and
problem orientation depression.
Cooper et al. (2003) 1978 children/adolescents, BSI: anxiety, depression Avoidance composite 4.5 years Avoidance coping predicted increases in problem behavior
13 to 19 years old from AES and HDL composite, but not in substance use when considered
Engler et al. (2006) 26 female college students LHQ-R: binge eating WCQ: escape-avoidance 1 year Avoidance predicted binge eating over time.
who reported binge eating
and 199 who did not
Gerard and Buehler (2004) 5071 children/adolescents, CES-D Problem-solving orientation 1 year Problem-solving orientation did not predict changes in
11–18 years old assessed with 4 items depression scores, controlling for a number of other risk
Grabe et al. (2007) 299 children/adolescents, CDI; OBC-Y: body shame RSQ: 5 rumination items 2 years Rumination predicted increases in depression, controlling
11–13 years old for body shame and self-surveillance.
Hankin et al. (2005) 210 college students BDI RRS 35 days Rumination did not predict daily depressive symptoms.
Holahan et al. (2005) 1221 late–middle-aged HDL: depressive features, CRI: cognitive avoidance 10 years Avoidance coping at predicted increases in depressive
adult community member depressive mood symptoms.
Hong (2007) 241 college students MASQ: anhedonic depression, COPE: problem solving; 1 month Rumination predicted depression controlling for baseline
anxious arousal, general RRS: 10 items worry and anxiety, but did not predict anxiety when
distress anxious symptoms, controlling for baseline worry and depression.
general distress depressive
Author's personal copy
Table 2 (continued)
Author name Sample details/moderators Psychopathology measures Emotion-regulation measures Duration of follow-up Summary of longitudinal results
Kashdan and Breen (2008) 148 college students BDI; SIAS ERQ: suppression 3 months Suppression at baseline predicted social anxiety symptoms
and lower level of positive emotions at follow-up.
Matheson and Anisman (2003) 177 college students BAI BDI SCOPE: cognitive restructuring, 6 months Increases in depression associated with low problem solving
emotional expression, problem and high emotional containment and rumination.
solving, rumination subscale
Nezu and Ronan (1988) 150 college students BDI PSI 3 months Low problem solving on both measures predicted increases
in depression.
Nolen-Hoeksema (2000) 1122 adult community BAI; composite BDI + HRSD RRS 1 year Rumination predicted increases in depression.
Nolen-Hoeksema and Harrell (2002) Sample 1: 599 female adult DSM-IV criteria RRS 1 year Rumination predicted increases in alcohol abuse problems
community members; in women but not men.
sample 2: 523 male adult
community members
Nolen-Hoeksema et al. (2007) 478 female children/ DSM-IV criteria, substance RRS: 6 items Measures taken each Lagged models showed rumination predicted increases in
adolescents, 14–17 years abuse items from Stice et al. year for 4 years depression, substance abuse, and eating disorder symptoms;
old at time 1 (1998); EDE: bulimic symptoms; girls with higher rumination were more likely to show onsets
SADS for school-aged children of MDE, and to meet diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa.
O'Connor et al. (2007) Sample 1: 224 adult CES-D; GHQ: anxiety, depression RRS:10 items 8 weeks Brooding predicted increases in depression after controlling
community members; for social perfectionism.
sample 2: 279 college
Notes: AES: Anger Expression Scale; BAI: Beak Anxiety Inventory; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; BSI: Brief Symptom Inventory; CCL: Cognitive Checklist; CDI: Children Depression Inventory; CDRS-R: Children's Depression Rating Scale —
Revised; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; COPE: Cope Inventory; CRI: Cognitive Responses Inventory; DASS: Depression and Anxiety Scales; DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; ECQ:
Emotional Control Questionnaire; EDE: Eating Disorders Examination; ERQ: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire; GHQ: General Health Questionnaire; GRS: Global Rumination Scale; HDL: Health and Living Daily Form; HRSD: Hamilton Rating
Scale for Depression; LHQ-R: Life History Questionnaire — Revised; MASQ: Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire; MCC: Mood and Conduct Checklist; OBC-Y: Objectified Body Consciousness Scale for Youth; PSI: Problem-Solving
Inventory; RDS: Responses to Depression Scale; RRS: Ruminative Responses Scale; RS: Rumination Scale; RSQ: Response Styles Questionnaire; SADS: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; SCOPE: Survey of Coping Profile
Endorsement; SIAS: Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; SPSI: Social Problem-Solving Inventory; WBSI: White Bear Suppression Inventory; WCQ: Ways of Coping Questionnaire.
Author's personal copy
On the other hand, the extent to which individuals can accurately self- and expressive suppression on emotion and physiology. Extensive
report on their emotion-regulation strategies can be questioned reviews and meta-analyses of experimental manipulations of rumi-
(Robinson & Clore, 2002). For example, such reports may require nation on depression or anxiety are provided by Mor and Winquist
more insight and meta-cognition than individuals are capable of. (2002) and Watkins (2008). Effects of experimental manipulations of
These reports may also be influenced by negative moods or self- thought suppression on subsequent thought frequency in clinical and
presentation biases. Self-reports of emotion regulation may confound non-clinical samples are reviewed narratively by Purdon (1999) and
the experience of emotion with its regulation (Cole et al., 2004). Rassin, Merckelbach, and Muris (2000) and in a meta-analysis by
Finally, some measures of emotion regulation may have substantial Abramowitz, Tolin, and Street (2001). Thus, the present meta-analysis
content overlap with psychopathology criterion measures (Treynor, will focus only on self-report measures of dispositional tendencies
Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003). We return to these measure- toward specific emotion-regulation strategies.
ment issues in the Discussion section.
Some researchers have used observational methods to study 3. Methods
emotion regulation, usually by instructing participants to engage in a
particular emotion-regulation strategy in response to an emotion- 3.1. Literature searches
eliciting stimulus and then observing the effects on participants'
subsequent emotions, cognitions, or physiological responding (e.g., We searched for studies that provided data on at least one of the
Gross, 1998; Gross & John, 2003; Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008). disorders and one of the regulatory strategies of interest, regardless of
Although these studies are invaluable in testing hypotheses about the whether the study of these constructs was a central focus of the study.
short-term effects of emotion-regulation strategies, they do not assess We conducted systematic searches for articles published between 1985
whether the tendency to engage in certain emotion-regulation and July 2008 using PsycInfo and Medline. We chose 1985 as a beginning
strategies is associated with clinically significant levels of psychopa- point because, with the exception of some studies of problem solving
thology. In this respect, recent evidence suggests that when some and avoidance coping, there was little work on what is now referred to
participants are instructed to use specific strategies, they have a hard as emotion regulation prior to the mid-1980s. Also, many of the
time doing so (Demaree, Robinson, Pu, & Allen, 2006). In addition, emotion-regulation measures that are widely used now did not exist
these studies have typically focused only on one or two emotion- prior to the mid-80s, and as the lists of studies in Tables 1 and 2 indicate,
regulation strategies at a time (usually either expressive or thought the vast majority of the work on emotion regulation has been done since
suppression, reappraisal, or rumination), and are highly heteroge- the mid-1990s. We searched with keywords for every combination of
neous in design and outcome variables, making it difficult to compare individual emotion-regulation strategy and type of psychopathology.
findings across them. Furthermore, reviews of these experimental Specifically, we searched for combinations of these terms across all
studies are available elsewhere: Gross and Thompson (2007) review fields (i.e., title, abstract, keywords): acceptance, avoidance, reapprais-
studies of the effects of experimental manipulations of reappraisal al, problem solving, rumination, suppression, emotion, regulation,
Author's personal copy
emotion regulation, mindfulness, depression, anxiety, eating, binge, populations: diagnosed with medical conditions (e.g., cancer, HIV,
anorexia, bulimia, alcohol, and substance. We searched for truncated cardiac problems), special groups (e.g., caregivers, bereaved indivi-
versions of these terms. In addition, we searched for authors who have duals, traumatized individuals) in order to increase the representa-
published substantially in the topics of interest. We supplemented our tiveness of the samples included in the meta-analysis. Fourth, for
searches by looking for articles in Google Scholar. In addition to the similar reasons, we excluded studies that preselected individuals
online databases, we checked reference sections of published articles, based on variables other than clinical diagnosis (e.g., cognitive
examined tables of contents of relevant journals, consulted with factors). Fifth, we excluded studies with clinical samples consisting
colleagues, and contacted authors in the field in order to obtain only of recovered patients (as opposed to patients with a current
information regarding the existence of studies we might have left out. diagnosis) because we wanted to maximize differences between
Two of the authors conducted independent searches that yielded those with and without psychopathology and because most emotion-
similar results. We organized these references and identified duplicates regulation theories do not make predictions about differences
using Endnote X1. Fig. 1 shows this search process in more detail. between recovered patients (who may have received psychotherapy
that changed their emotion-regulation strategies) and other groups.
3.1.1. Inclusion/exclusion criteria for the study Sixth, we excluded treatment studies because they did not have a
We included a study if it reported at least one cross-sectional healthy control group that would allow us to draw comparisons with
relationship between an emotion-regulation strategy and one of the the psychopathology groups. Seventh, we excluded the few studies
disorders of interest regardless of their specific aims. For example, we that only provided data on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in
included studies that focused on the experimental manipulation of order to minimize contamination between worry and rumination
emotional states (e.g., mood induction paradigms) or on scale (Watkins, Moulds, & Mackintosh, 2005). Eighth, we excluded studies
development as long as they provided baseline data for the that only provided data on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
relationship between dispositional emotion regulation and psycho- which had a lot of variability in the type of trauma and the time
pathology. When studies measured psychopathology dichotomously elapsed from trauma until assessment. Ninth, we excluded the
either by using a diagnostic interview or cutoff in a continuous self- longitudinal portion of longitudinal studies since there was much
report measures, we only included the study if it provided an variability in the length of time that elapsed between assessments,
appropriate control group that would allow us to compute mean although we did use baseline data from these studies. Following the
difference effect sizes. In terms of populations, we included studies Results section, we provide a qualitative review of the longitudinal
recruiting adults and children, as well as from various demographic findings.
groups, such as college students, community residents, and clinical Applying these exclusion criteria resulted in 114 studies being
patients (in most cases, outpatients). retained (71 cross-sectional, 18 experimental, and 25 longitudinal). Of
Emotion regulation was assessed via self-report questionnaires the cross-sectional studies, 54 provided correlations and 17 provided
and psychopathology was assessed via self-report questionnaires or mean difference data. Of the experimental studies, 6 provided
diagnostic interviews. Most studies provided data on more than one correlational data and 12 provided mean differences data. Of the
relationship between regulation strategy and disorder. Additionally, longitudinal studies, 24 provided correlational data and 1 provided
for each relationship, studies tended to provide data from various mean difference data. The 114 included studies provided a total of 241
measures, thus resulting in several effect sizes per relationship per effect sizes (198 from correlations, and 43 from mean differences). For
sample. Because utilizing multiple effect sizes from a sample results in more information see Tables 1 and 2.
a violation of the assumption of independence of meta-analyses
(Lipsey & Wilson, 2001), we sought to correct for this problem. First, 3.2. Coding procedures
we defined each combination of emotion-regulation strategy and
disorder as a construct (see Augustine & Hemenover, 2008; Pole, The first author and two research assistants coded studies
2007; Thomas, Vartanian, & Brownell, 2009). Second, for each of these independently and achieved adequate levels of agreement, with
constructs, we calculated one effect size by averaging across the data kappa coefficients ranging from .83 to 1 (Landis & Koch, 1977). We
provided by that study on that construct (Rosenthal & DiMatteo, coded the following potential moderator variables: sample type
2001). We chose this approach over randomly selecting data in order (clinical or non-clinical) and sample age group (children/adolescents
to avoid losing information. versus adults). Children and adolescents were recruited from either
If a study did not report data that had been collected or presented schools or the community, so none of them was recruited from clinical
in a form that we could use, we contacted the authors. Twenty-four populations. In terms of dependent variables, we coded information
authors provided data for 11 studies. The remaining authors indicated on the emotion-regulation strategies measures (acceptance, avoid-
that too much time had elapsed since the time of data collection and ance, reappraisal, rumination, problem solving, and suppression) and
thus data were no longer available. the disorder measures (anxiety, depression, eating, or substance). If a
We utilized several exclusion criteria. First, we excluded disserta- study provided several subscales for a measure, we included all of
tions, master's theses, or conference presentations because restricting them and then averaged across all subscales for each combination of
our analyses to studies published in peer-reviewed journals increased strategy and disorder. When studies provided continuous data for a
the likelihood that studies would be of acceptable quality. Also, most combination of strategy and disorder, we extracted relevant data to
studies of interest included in this meta-analyses administered calculate effect sizes of the r-family. When necessary, we reversed
several measures and reported many correlations, including many coded correlation coefficients, so that positive scores would indicate a
non-significant ones, thus reducing the concern for file-drawer stronger use of the strategy. When studies provided dichotomous
effects. This decision is consistent with several recent meta-analytic data, such as scores for an emotion-regulation strategy in a clinical
reviews that have not included dissertations, master's theses, and control group, we extracted relevant data to calculate effect sizes
or conference presentations (e.g., Hagedoorn, Sanderman, Bolks, of the d-family (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). If a study administered
Tuinstra, & Coyne, 2008; Kurtz & Mueser, 2008; Papadatou-Pastou, continuous measures and also used a cutoff to dichotomize the
Martin, Munafo, & Jones, 2008; Pole, 2007; Tarbox & Pogue-Geile, sample, we favored the continuous (i.e. correlational) over the
2008). Second, we excluded studies that recruited non-English dichotomized data, because splitting a variable into categories results
speaking populations because the validity of most translated in loss of information and might increase the probability of type II
measures of emotion regulation in other cultures has not been errors (Altman & Royston, 2006; Rosenthal & DiMatteo, 2001;
established. Third, we excluded studies that recruited the following Streiner, 2002).
Author's personal copy
Table 3
Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology groups.
Table 4
Emotion-regulation strategies and psychopathology groups.
without clinical participants (r = .42; k = 20; 95% CI [.36, .48]); sample, we constructed a funnel plot, which is a scatterplot with an
rumination + depression (Q (1) = 16.60, p b .001), with studies includ- index of study size plotted against a measure of effect size (Rothstein,
ing clinical participants having a larger effect size (r = .92; k = 8; 95% CI 2007). Larger studies appear at the top and cluster around the mean,
[.77, 1.08]) than those without clinical participants (r = .57; k = 48; 95% whereas smaller studies appear at the bottom and show more
CI [.51, .63]); and suppression + eating, with studies including clinical dispersion around the mean. If the plot looks symmetric (i.e., a
participants having a larger effect size (r = .59; k = 2; 95% CI [.42, .77]) funnel), this indicates that effect sizes hone in on the true mean as the
than those without clinical participants (r = .30; k = 4; 95% CI [.23, .37]). sample size increases. Conversely, if the plot is asymmetric, this
However, sample type was not a significant moderator of problem suggests the presence of publication bias (Rothstein, 2007). As Fig. 2
solving + depression (Q (1) = 2.13, p = .15). Lastly, we examined shows, we plotted precision (1-SE; a measure of sample size) against
sample type in avoidance + eating, an effect size with non-significant effect size. Visual inspection indicates a funnel shape, and thus,
Q statistics. It was non-significant (Q (1) = 1.18, p = .28). suggests no publication bias. However, because of the subjective
It is also important to keep in mind that critics of measures of nature of visual inspections, we conducted a statistical analyses based
rumination such as the Response Styles Questionnaire (RSQ) have on the rank correlation (Kendall's tau) between precision and effect
argued that the items on this measure overlap substantially with size (Begg & Mazumdar, 1994, Rothstein, 2007). We found this
symptoms of distress, inflating correlations between rumination and correlation to be non-significant (τb = −.01, p = .77), thus providing
depression and anxiety (e.g., Roberts, Gilboa, & Gotlib, 1998; converging evidence to support the inferences made from the visual
Segerstrom, Tsao, Alden, & Craske, 2000). To address the item overlap inspection of the funnel plot.4
between the rumination scale of the RSQ and depression, Treynor et Despite their wide use, funnel plots have been the source of much
al. (2003) removed items from the rumination scale that most criticism (e.g., Lau, Ioannidis, Terrin, Schmidt & Olkin, 2006), we have
obviously overlapped with depression (e.g., “I think about my feelings also assessed publication bias by calculating Orwin's (1983) fail-safe N
of sadness”) and then submitted the remaining 10 items to a factor for each of the five regulatory strategies that showed significant
analysis to determine if these 10 items represented one scale or results across psychopathology with .10 as the absolute value
multiple subscales. This analysis yielded two subscales, brooding (e.g., (corresponding to small effect sizes according to Cohen and lower
“I think, ‘What am I doing to deserve this?’”) and pondering (e.g., “I than our lowest effect size −.14 which was significant). These
analyze my personality to try to understand why I am depressed.”). analyses indicate that the number of additional studies with effect
The brooding items did not include references to depressive sizes of 0 required to make our results non-significant would be: 3.9
symptoms, but did capture theorists' definitions of rumination as times as many for rumination (351 studies), 2.4 times as many for
abstract, self-evaluative self-focus (i.e., Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991; suppression (122 studies), 2.8 times as many for avoidance (104
Watkins, 2008), while the pondering items capture a less self- studies), twice as many for problem solving (88 studies), and half as
evaluative, more problem-solving form of self-reflection. Treynor et many for reappraisal (6 studies). Thus, this supports the notion that
al. (2003) found that the brooding subscale showed very similar publication bias was unlikely in this study.
relationships to depression cross-sectionally and longitudinally as did
the full rumination scale, whereas the pondering subscale was less
5. Review of longitudinal studies
reliably associated with depression (see also Joormann, Dkane, &
Gotlib, 2006).
As noted earlier, there was a great deal of heterogeneity in the
In this meta-analysis, we sought to address this issue empirically,
designs of longitudinal studies examining the relationships between
by showing that the correlation coefficients between rumination and
one of the emotion-regulation variables of interest and one of the
psychopathology were comparable regardless of whether we had
outcome variables of interest. Further, with the exception of
calculated them using only the brooding subscale from the RSQ, only
rumination, there was a small number of longitudinal studies of any
other rumination scales (i.e., non-RSQ), or all the scales available for
of the other emotion-regulation variables. We included the baseline
this meta-analysis. Indeed, this is what we found. We averaged 27
bivariate correlations between emotion-regulation variables and
effect sizes from scales other than the RSQ and found the following
psychopathology variables from these studies in the meta-analysis
relationships: medium to large for rumination and psychopathology
where possible. Below, we describe the longitudinal results of these
(r = .37; k = 27; 95% CI [.30; .45]), large for rumination and depression
studies. See Table 2 for details about the studies.
(r = .41; k = 15; 95% CI [.32; .49]), medium to large for rumination
and anxiety (r = .32; k = 10; 95% CI [.27; .36]), and medium for
rumination and eating (r = .23; k = 1) and rumination and substance 5.1. Rumination and depression
(r = .22; k = 1). We then averaged the 19 effect sizes from the
brooding subscale of the RSQ and the results paralleled those obtained In studies of adults, rumination, as measured with a version of the
using non-RSQ rumination scales and all the rumination scales Response Styles Questionnaire (RSQ; Treynor et al., 2003) predicted
combined. We found the following relationships: medium to large increases in self-reported depressive symptoms across periods of a few
for brooding and psychopathology (r = .39; k = 19; 95% CI [.33; .45]), days to weeks (Butler & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1994; Hong, 2007; O'Connor,
large for brooding and depression (r = .44; k = 11; 95% CI [.38; .50]), O'Connor & Marshall, 2007; Sarin, Abela & Auerbach, 2005; Segerstrom
medium to large for brooding and anxiety (r = .38; k = 5; 95% CI [.23; et al., 2000) to one year later (Nolen-Hoeksema, Larson, & Grayson,
.52]), medium for brooding and eating (r = .27; k = 2; 95% CI [.20; 1999). RSQ rumination also predicted onsets of major depression across
.33]) and brooding and substance (r = .2; k = 1). one year (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000). A few studies found that RSQ
rumination did not predict increases in self-reported depression over
4.3. Publication bias periods of 5 to 10 weeks (Calmes & Roberts; 2007; Hankin, Fraley, &
Abela, 2005; Wenzlaff & Luxton, 2003). Matheson and Anisman (2003)
Meta-analyses are subject to the file-drawer problem (Rosenthal, found that a different measure of rumination (Survey of Coping Profile
1979). In the present study, however, because most effect sizes were Endorsement, SCOPE) predicted increases in self-reported depression
obtained from large tables examining correlations between several over 6 months. Ciarrochi and Scott (2006) used the rumination scale of
measures, it is likely that null results were actually reported. However, the Emotional Control Questionnaire (ECQ; Ciarrochi, Scott, Deane, &
it is also problematic that for some regulatory strategies (i.e.,
reappraisal and acceptance), the number of available effect sizes 4
We found similar results when doing visual inspection and calculating correlations
was much smaller. To address presence of publication bias in our for each of the six regulatory strategies.
Author's personal copy
Heaven, 2003) and found that it did not predict increases in depressive (Priester & Clum, 1993) to 3 months (Nezu & Ronan, 1988). Other
symptoms but did predict decreases in positive mood. measures of problem solving have also predicted changes in
In studies of children, rumination, as measured by the adult depressive symptoms over one month (COPE problem solving;
rumination scale (RSQ; Treynor et al., 2003), predicted increases in Hong, 2007), 6 months (SCOPE problem solving; Matheson & Anis-
self-reported depression across a span of three years (Broderick & man, 2003), and one year (SPSI; Ciarrochi & Scott, 2006) in college
Korteland, 2004). Among adolescents, rumination as measured by the students.
CRSQ or RSQ has been found to predict increases in self-reported In a study of adolescents, Gerard and Buehler (2004) found that a
depression one to four years (Burwell & Shirk, 2007; Grabe, Hyde, & 4-item measure of problem-solving orientation did not predict
Lindberg, 2007; Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2007). Rumination predicted change in self-reported depressive symptoms over 1 year when
new onsets of major depression across four years as assessed by controlling for a number of other risk factors.
structured clinical interview in one study of 496 adolescents (Nolen-
Hoeksema et al., 2007), but did not predict clinician-rated or mother- 6. Discussion
rated depressive symptoms over one year in another study of 168
adolescents (Burwell & Shirk, 2007). In the present meta-analytic review, we evaluated the relationship
between six widely studied emotion-regulation strategies and four
5.2. Rumination and other psychopathology psychopathology groups. Each emotion-regulation strategy was
associated with overall psychopathology in the predicted direction:
Three studies of adults have found that RSQ rumination predicted maladaptive strategies (i.e., rumination, avoidance, suppression)
increases in self-reported anxiety symptoms (Calmes & Roberts, 2007; were associated with more psychopathology and adaptive strategies
Nolen-Hoeksema, 2000; Sarin et al., 2005) while two studies found that (i.e., acceptance, reappraisal, and problem solving) with less psycho-
it did not predict anxiety symptoms (Hong, 2007; Segerstrom et al., pathology. However, interesting patterns emerged when examining
2000, who controlled for worry in the same equation). RSQ rumination the magnitude of these relationships, suggesting that the relationship
predicted increases in alcohol abuse problems in women but not men between emotion-regulation strategies and psychopathology might
(Nolen-Hoeksema & Harrell, 2002). One study of adolescent females vary by strategy and type of psychopathology.
found that RSQ rumination predicted increases in substance abuse Some emotion-regulation strategies were more strongly related to
symptoms and eating disorder symptoms, and the onset of bulimia overall psychopathology (i.e., collapsing across symptom types) than
nervosa over a four-year period (Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2007). others. We found that the effect size for rumination was large; the
effect sizes for avoidance, problem solving, and suppression were
5.3. Avoidance medium to large; and the effect sizes for reappraisal and acceptance
were small to medium (non-significant for the latter). Thus, in
Two studies of adults used the avoidance subscales of the Coping general, the maladaptive strategies were more strongly related to
Responses Inventory (CRI: Moos, 1993). Holahan, Moos, Holahan, psychopathology than the adaptive strategies. This may indicate that
Brennan, and Schutte (2005) found that a combination of the cognitive presence of a maladaptive emotion-regulation strategy is more
avoidance and emotional discharge scales predicted increases in deleterious than the relative absence of particularly adaptive
depressive symptoms over 10 years in a sample of late-to-middle emotion-regulation strategies. The exception may be problem
aged adults. Blalock and Joiner (2000) found that cognitive avoidance solving; not having a strong problem-solving orientation may have
predicted increases in both depressive and anxiety symptoms over wide-ranging negative effects on well-being, and open the door for
3 weeks in college students, but for women only; there were no the development of maladaptive emotion-regulation strategies such
significant effects for behavioral avoidance. Engler, Crowther, Dalton, as rumination, suppression, and avoidance (Nolen-Hoeksema et al.,
and Sanftner (2006) found significant differences for the Ways of Coping 2008; Zelazo & Cunningham, 2007).
escape-avoidance scale between chronic and recent-onset binge-eaters When we examined the relationships between each emotion-
versus non-binge-eaters over a one-year period of female college regulation strategy and each psychopathology separately, some
students. In a study of female adolescents, Cooper, Wood, Orcutt, and patterns emerged. The relationships between certain emotion-
Albino (2003) found that the CRI avoidance coping subscale predicted regulation strategies were stronger for depression and anxiety than
increases in a composite measure of problem behaviors, but not for substance use and eating disorders. Specifically, for rumination,
increases specifically in substance use. effect sizes were large for anxiety and depression and medium for
eating and substance. For avoidance, the effect size was large for
5.4. Suppression depression, medium to large for anxiety, and medium for eating and
substance. Lastly, for reappraisal, the effect sizes were small to
Scores on the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI; Wegner & medium for depression and anxiety, and small for eating and
Zanakos, 1994) predicted increases in depressive symptoms over substance. These patterns suggest that, not surprisingly, mood-related
7 weeks among college students with low life stress (Beevers & disorders (i.e., depression and anxiety) are more closely related to
Meyer, 2004) and over 10 weeks in another sample of college students certain problems in emotion regulation than externalizing disorders
(Wenzlaff & Luxton, 2003). Scores on the emotional containment (i.e., substance use and eating disorders).
subscale of the SCOPE predicted increases in self-reported depression Emotion dysregulation, in the form of rumination, avoidance, and
across 6 months in college students (Matheson & Anisman, 2003). difficulties with reappraisal, may show a weaker association with
Similarly, a study examining expressive suppression with the Emotion substance use and eating disorders because these relationships might
Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003) found that low be more complex. Several potential explanations come to mind. For
emotional suppression and low social anxiety interacted to predict example, the relationship between these strategies and substance and
heightened positive affect three months later (Kashdan & Breen, 2008). eating disorders might be moderated by reward sensitivity. In this
respect, individuals with these emotion-regulation difficulties who
5.5. Problem solving also are high on reward sensitivity may be more likely to turn to
substances (alcohol, drugs, food) to ameliorate their unregulated
Two studies using the Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI; Heppner & distress, and thus, will be more prone to develop substance use
Petersosn, 1982) found that this scale predicted changes in self- disorders and/or eating disorders (Carver, Johnson, & Joormann,
reported depression across periods ranging from 1–2 weeks 2008). Evidence supporting this notion comes from studies showing
Author's personal copy
that higher reward sensitivity is correlated with earlier age of onset of between these strategies and psychopathology than studies without
drinking alcohol in young adults (Pardo, Aguilar, Molinuevo, & clinical participants. Thus, the relationship between dispositional
Torrubia, 2007), alcohol use and abuse in non-clinical samples emotion-regulation strategies and psychopathology may be stronger
(Loxton & Dawe, 2001), with craving and positive affect responses when more extreme groups are compared, suggesting that the
in response to alcohol cues in young adult hazardous drinkers strength of this relationship may be a function of clinical severity.
(Zisserson & Palfai, 2007). Similarly, some studies find that individuals This is consistent with research showing that emotion regulation
with symptoms of binge eating or eating disorders show elevated plays a central role in the etiology and maintenance of clinical levels of
levels of reward sensitivity (Davis, Strachan, & Berkson, 2004; Kane, psychopathology (Berenbaum et al., 2003; Greenberg, 2002; Kring &
Loxton, Staiger, & Dawe, 2004; Loxton & Dawe, 2001, 2007). Thus, Bachorowski, 1999; Mennin & Farach, 2007).
people high in reward sensitivity may be drawn toward the These findings underscore the importance of simultaneously
reinforcing properties of substances, such as alcohol and/or palatable studying both normative and clinical populations when conducting
foods (Davis et al., 2004; Dawe & Loxton, 2004). Emotional distress, research in psychopathology. Specifically, our results indicate that
which is chronically higher in people with emotion dysregulation, direct comparisons between normative and clinical populations can
appears to potentiate reward systems in the brain (Brady & Sinha, be critical in our endeavor to delineate how and when normative
2005), and this potentiation may be even greater in individuals high processes become pathological. However, it is worth keeping in mind
in reward sensitivity, increasing the chances they will turn to alcohol that only a minority of our effect sizes (27) came from studies that
or binge eating. Intake of alcohol or food will be reinforced both by the used a clinical sample and barely any studies used a multi-sample
satisfaction of high appetitive drives and by the reduction of negative method with a direct comparison of clinical and normative samples.
emotions these individuals otherwise cannot regulate. Thus, the Thus, we recommend that future studies of psychopathology-related
combination of emotional dysregulation and high reward sensitivity processes utilize a multi-sample approach.
should be a potent risk factor for the development and/or mainte- Age moderated the relationship between psychopathology and
nance of substance abuse and eating disorders. problem solving and suppression, with adults showing stronger
Alternately, some theories of eating and substance disorders propose relationships than children/adolescents. Conversely, age did not
that binge eating and substance use function as emotion-regulation moderate the relationship between psychopathology and rumination.
strategies in their own right (Macht, Haput, & Ellgring, 2005; Polivy & Children may be less able than adults to report on their use of problem
Herman, 2002; Sher & Grekin, 2007). Individuals regulating their solving and suppression because awareness of one's use of these
emotions by binge eating or substance use may be less likely to resort to strategies takes a greater degree of meta-cognition than children are
other forms of emotion-regulation strategies, because the binge eating capable of (Eisenberg et al., in press). Children may also be less likely
and substance use fill the individuals' emotion-regulation needs. This to use suppression or problem solving than adults because they
suggests that binge eating or substance use would be relatively weakly require a degree of executive control over emotional reactions that
associated with other emotion-regulation strategies, and indeed our children have not yet developed (Steinberg et al., 2006). In contrast,
meta-analysis showed they were less correlated with emotion- rumination may be a more primitive, automatic response to negative
regulation strategies than were depression or anxiety. Still, binge eating emotion than problem solving or suppression, which makes it easier
and substance use were correlated somewhat with emotion-regulation for children both to engage in and report on.
strategies. Perhaps binge eating and substance use tend to be part of a
cluster of maladaptive emotion-regulation strategies used by some 6.2. Implications
individuals. Future research is needed to determine if binge eating (and
other eating-related pathology) and substance use actually do serve to Our findings suggest that certain strategies (i.e., rumination, suppres-
down-regulate emotions in some individuals, and how they fit into sion, avoidance, problem solving) might be more strongly related to
possible clusters of maladaptive emotion-regulation strategies. mental health than others (acceptance and reappraisal). The relatively
Further, it should be noted that there were substantially more small relationships between psychopathology and acceptance and
studies of the relationships between rumination, avoidance, and reappraisal are surprising, given the prominent role of these constructs
reappraisal, on the one hand, and depression and anxiety, on the other in two major therapeutic approaches: acceptance-based treatments and
hand, than there were of the relationships between these emotion- cognitive-behavioral therapy, respectively (see Hofmann & Asmundson,
regulation strategies and substance use or eating disorders. Thus, 2008). First, we note that acceptance-based treatments promote
effect sizes for substance use and eating disorders may be less reliable acceptance in order to reduce experiential avoidance (Eifert & Forsyth,
than the effect sizes for depression and anxiety. 2005; Hayes et al., 1999). This meta-analysis showed that avoidance had a
In contrast, effect sizes for the relationships between problem medium size relationship to psychopathology, a finding in accordance
solving and suppression and depression, anxiety and eating disorders with the goals of acceptance-focused treatments. Second, in addition to
were all medium. Again, the number of studies of these emotion- reappraisal, another important regulatory strategy to CBT is problem
regulation strategies and eating disorders limits the reliability of our solving (Beck et al., 1979; D'Zurilla, 1988; Marlatt et al., 1988), which
findings, and no studies of the relationships between substance use showed moderate relationships to psychopathology. Thus, our findings
and suppression or problem solving met the inclusion criteria for this provide some support for the foci of CBT.
meta-analysis. If these findings hold up in future studies, however, Given the nature of a meta-analytic review, we examined strategies
they suggest that suppression and problem solving have similar independently of one another. Thus, we could not model the relation-
effects across at least two types of internalizing symptoms and one ships among strategies, which for example, might have helped clarify
type of externalizing symptom. the relationship between avoidance and acceptance. Utilizing multi-
variate structural models (i.e., structural equation modeling, SEM,
6.1. Moderators Arbuckle, 2007; Kline, 1998) would allow researchers to model the
relationship between dispositional strategies and psychopathology and
We evaluated sample age and type as moderators of the relation- to incorporate latent factors (e.g., personality traits, attentional factors)
ships between strategies and disorders. In many cases, we were not that might account for differential relationships between strategies and
able to conduct moderation analysis because of lack of sufficient disorders. Additionally, it will be important to examine strategies at the
studies in each cell. Sample type was a significant moderator of state level. In this respect, researchers could model the temporal course
avoidance, problem solving, rumination, and suppression, with of emotion-regulation strategies, since people may use different
studies including clinical participants showing stronger relationships strategies over the course of an emotional event. For example, it
Author's personal copy
might be possible that individuals with eating or substance use regulation strategies, and this skill is at least as important as the use of
disorders will try regulatory strategies for a short period of time before any one strategy in determining psychopathology.
using eating or substances to regulate their moods.
Another necessary step would be to examine the relationships 6.4. Study limitations
between emotion-regulation strategies and psychopathology simulta-
neously at the dispositional and state level. The importance of examining Our investigation had some limitations. First, we examined
both levels simultaneously is underscored by studies showing that emotion regulation with self-report data, which allowed us to assess
dispositional and state affect interact to produce different outcomes emotional experience in the subjective domain. Examining only one
(e.g., Egloff & Hock, 2001), that dispositional regulatory strategies (i.e., domain is problematic because biases specific to that domain might
avoidance) moderate the effects of instructed state suppression not be corrected. In the case of the subjective domain, the biases that
(Feldner, Zvolensky, Eifert, & Spira, 2003), and that regulatory strategies might have introduced include people's difficulties with reporting
interact with dispositional affective style to affect mood (Dennis, 2007). emotional phenomena (e.g., Koster, Soetens, Braet, & De Raedt, 2008;
In order to examine the interaction between dispositional and state Robinson & Clore, 2002), especially in the case of children (Eisenberg
level, we recommend the assessment of spontaneous emotion regula- et al., in press); confounding items that measure psychopathology
tion, since allowing people to regulate their emotions in whichever way with items that measure emotion, and confounding the assessment of
comes naturally to them will likely parallel assessment of emotion emotion generation with regulation (e.g., Cole et al., 2004).
regulation at the dispositional level (see Berkman & Liberman, 2009; Second, the relationship between emotion-regulation strategies
Egloff, Schmukle, Burns & Schwerdtfeger, 2006). Support for this notion and psychopathology might be inflated because of item overlap. For
comes from studies showing that when participants are instructed to use example, assessment of eating disorder symptomatology might be
specific strategies, they have a hard time doing so (Demaree et al., 2006) confounded by the presence affective items in measurement instru-
and work on automatic processes suggesting that people engage in ments of eating symptoms (Barker & Galambos, 2009), the assess-
automatic emotion regulation (Williams & Bargh, 2007). A few recent ment of emotion might be confounded by distress (Stanton, Dannof-
studies have examined spontaneous regulation in the lab (e.g., Egloff Burg, Cameron, & Ellis, 1994), or the assessment of rumination might
et al., 2006; Liverant, Brown, Barlow, & Roemer, 2008), but the extent of be confounded with depressive symptomatology (Nolen-Hoeksema
regulatory strategies examined and of modeling with dispositional et al., 2008). We addressed the latter issue by showing similar
levels of emotion regulation and affect has been limited, so we suggest a patterns of results when using measures of rumination that did not
more comprehensive pursue of this line of work. Additionally, we contain symptom overlap. Still, the possibility of item overlap
recommend the assessment of spontaneous emotion regulation in between self-reports of emotion regulation and psychopathology
ecologically valid contexts of assessment such as those that elicit calls for the use of other methods, including experimental methods, to
emotions in a social context. test the relationships between emotion-regulation strategies and
psychopathology symptoms. As noted earlier, experimental methods
6.3. Limitations of the literature have confirmed the relationships between some emotion-regulation
strategies and symptoms (e.g., rumination and depression), but most
When examining the literature on emotion-regulation strategies relationships remain untested.
and psychopathology, we found that, despite all the interest that In the present meta-analytic review, we evaluated the relationship
emotion regulation and strategies have received in the last decade, the between six widely studied emotion-regulation strategies and four
number of effect sizes for some combinations of strategies and psychopathology groups. We found that maladaptive strategies were
disorders was, indeed, small. Thus, the small size of some of our cells more strongly associated with psychopathology than adaptive strate-
might have limited the generalizability of our findings. However, by gies, and that rumination, avoidance, and difficulties with reappraisal
using random-effect models, we sought to maximize the generaliz- were more strongly associated with depression and anxiety than with
ability of our results. Additionally, it is worth keeping in mind that the eating and substance use disorders. Conducting an empirical review of
two strategies with the weakest relationship to psychopathology (i.e., this magnitude was possible because of the recent growth in interest in
acceptance and reappraisal) also had the smallest number of effect affective phenomena in psychopathology and the resulting flourishing
sizes, suggesting that more comprehensive assessment of these of research examining regulatory strategies. At the same time, this
strategies is necessary to better understand asymmetry. When review reflects critical omissions in the study of regulatory strategies in
examining the longitudinal data, most focused on rumination and psychopathology. Specifically, regulatory strategies should be compre-
not on other strategies or the interaction between strategies. In this hensively assessed transdiagnostically and modeled in relation to one
respect, we hope that in future years, the examination of specific another both at the state and dispositional level. We hope that future
emotion-regulation strategies in disorders becomes more systematic. work on emotion regulation in psychopathology follows a systematic
Finally, some theorists have argued that the adaptiveness of specific course that carefully addresses these issues.
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