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Chapter DC Drives PPT II Spring 2012

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Chapter 15


DC Drives (DC
Classification of Motors

Alternating Current Direct Current

(AC) (DC)
Motors Motors

Induction Separately Self

Excited Excited

Single Three
Phase Phase Shunt Series Compound
Split Phase
Capacitor Squirrel
Shaded Pole Cage
Difference between AC and DC motor

Both motors serve the same function of converting electrical energy into mechanical

The most basic difference is the power source. A.C. motors are powered from
alternating current (A.C.) while D.C. motors are powered from direct current (D.C.),
such as batteries, D.C. power supplies or an AC-to-DC power converter.

D.C wound field motors are constructed with brushes and a commutator, which add
to the maintenance, limit the speed and usually reduce the life expectancy of
brushed D.C. motors. A.C. induction motors do not use brushes; they are very
rugged and have long life expectancies.

The final basic difference is speed control. The speed of a D.C. motor is controlled
by varying the armature winding’s current while the speed of an A.C. motor is
controlled by varying the frequency,
15.1 Introduction DC Drives: (Refer Electrical Machines slides)
Advantages of DC Machines (in comparison with AC Drives):
• High starting Torque (Series)
• Easy speed control over wide range (series, separately & shunt)

Disadvantages of DC Machines (in comparison with AC Drives):

• Need Regular Maintenance due to commutator
• Not Suitable for higher speed due to armature windings rotation
– centrifugal force)

With recent development in:

(i) Power Electronics
(ii)Control Techniques
(iii)Micro Computers
AC –motors drives are
becoming increasingly competitive with DC-motor drives
Drive Converters:
AC to DC Converters: Controlled rectifiers provide a variable
dc output voltage from a fixed ac voltage

DC to DC Converters: Provides a variable dc output voltage

from a fixed dc voltage

Is it
DC Drive Converters (control speed) can be classified into 3-types

1.Single-Phase drives

2.Three-Phase Drives

3.Dc-dc converters drives

Next 3-slides: Circuit diagrams of each converter are given

DC Drive Converters can be classified into three types: Cont…

1. Single-Phase drives
High Voltage DC (HVDC)
50 Hz Asynchronous Connection 60 Hz
500; 800 kV HVDC Transmission
Power Plant Fully Controlled Converter


Long Distance

Power Flow

Power Flow

DC Drive Converters can be classified into three types: Cont…

2. Three-Phase drives
DC Drive Converters can be classified into three types: Cont…
SCR Iload
3. Dc-dc Converters drives
VDC D1 v1(t)
Chapter 3 Chapter 10

Controlled Semi- Dual

READ: 15.2 Equivalent Circuit of a Separately-Excited DC Motor
READ: 15.2 Equivalent Circuit of a Separately-Excited DC Motor

di f di
v f  R f i f  L f di f di f
 R f i f Equations
v f Transient Ldt v f  Rf i f  Lf
v f  R f i f  L f f dt
di f
v f  R f i f  Ldi f
va  Ra ia  La di adiaeg va  Ra ia  La adt  eg
vva aRR i 
a aa a a a  eg

i L Ldt
a  eg dt
eg  K vi f dt dt vaegRKa iv
a 
i f La  eg
eeg gKKvvi f if
Td  K t i f ia Td  K t i f ia
TTd KK eg  K vi f
t i f iia i d
d 
dt f a TdTdKJt idt  B  TL
TId αΦ J d  B  TL i
Tωd α φJ dtd 
f a
 B  TL
  TL characteristics
Td  Jdt  BMagnetization d
The motor load determines the final operating point on di f
the torque curve. As illustrated in the figure below, v f  R f i f  L f
when a motor is connected to drive a load, the interaction dt
of torque demanded by the load and the torque dia
v R i L
produced by the motor determines the point of operation.
a a a a eg
eg  K vi f
Td  K t i f ia
Td  J  B  TL

The above graph shows the interaction of DC motor and mechanical load. The
starting torque of the motor is higher than the load torque demanded by the load. The
difference between these two torques forces the motor to rotate. As the motor starts
to rotate and picks up speed, the developed torque decreases .The motor finally
comes to a stable operating point when the two torques balance each other.
READ: Steady State Equations

di f d
t v or s  0 
f  Rf i f  Lf
s0 v f  Rf i f  Lf
di f
dt dt dt
dia diaf
va  Ra ia  La  eg vf vaRf Ri faiaLLfa  eg
dt dt
eg va Kv eg  K vi f di
 R iafi a  e g va TRaviKfa  Laf i f a  eg
i iR
Td  K t i f ia d t f a dt
e g  K v ωI f d
d e  K 
Td  K t If Ia g Td v J f  B  TL
V 
vda RR
T J B
i a I K  fTL
ωI dt
a a  K v I f
v Td  K t i f ia
 Td  B  TL
Va  I a Ra Va  I a Ra d
  Td  J  B  TL
Kv I f d fTd
PV dt
Kv  
 
Servo Motor: A servomotor is a rotary actuator that allows for precise control of angular
position, velocity and acceleration.
There are two types of servo motor used in control systems, one is called the field control and the
other is called armature control. Here the second type of armature controlled servo motor, in which
the field is held constant, is taken in consideration.

Simulate in
Mat Lab
Control DC motor speed 
Va  Ra I a  K v
Va  I a Ra
• Control armature voltage, Va  
– Voltage control Kv I f
• Control the field current, If Va  I a Ra
– Current control 
 Vf 
Kv  
• Control the armature current, Ia R 
 f 
Va  I a Ra
Control DC Motor Speed  
Kv I f
Va () If ()

Less than Base Speed

(Constant Torque)

The base speed of a DC motor is the speed at which it operates while delivering rated torque with rated armature
voltage and field current applied. When the armature voltage is reduced, the motor operates below base speed.
Below base speed, the delivered torque can remain constant, but the delivered mechanical power is reduced in
proportion to the speed reduction. When the field current is reduced, the motor operates above base speed but
delivers torque not exceeding the torque required for the delivered mechanical power to remain at or below rated
READ: Figure 15.4 Characteristics of Separately-Excited Motors

Use voltage control

Use armature
voltage control

Use field-current control

speed ECE 442 Power Electronics 20
READ: Figure 15.4 Characteristics of Separately-Excited Motors

Td, Pd

Td Constant=Kt Ia If Pd Constant=T

Pd=T Td=Kt Ia If 

Torque, Td

0 Speed ,
Ia , I f
Armature Current (Ia)=Constant; Why?

Va  K v I f ω  Vt  K v I f  ω 
Ia  I 
Ra a

Field Current Field Current If  =Vf / Rf
0 Speed ,
Constant: Td, Ia, If Constant: Pd,Va, Ia

Variables: Va,Pd Variables: Td, If

Va Control If Control
READ: Figure 15.6 Equivalent circuit of a DC Series Motor

The field winding and armature winding

are connected in series.
The field winding carries the same
current as the armature winding.
A series wound motor is also called a

E  K I
universal motor. It is universal in the sense
that it will
g run equally
v well
Eg  K v I a
using either an ac or a dc voltage source.

Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  Eg
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  Eg
Eg  K v I a Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  K v
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  K v I f
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  Eg
Td  K t I a I f Td  K t I a I f
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a  K v I f
Td  B  TL Td  B  TL
Td  K t I a I f
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a
  B  T
T 
d K vLI f
Kv I f
 ( Ra Speed
R f ) I a of v I f Motor Control
Td  Kt I a I f
• Control the armature voltage, Va
Td  B  TL
Va  ( Ra  R f ) I a
Kv I f

• Control the armature current, Ia

READ: Figure: 15.6 Characteristics of DC Series motors
Td, Pd

Td Constant=Kt Ia If Pd Constant=T

Pd=T Td=Kt Ia If 

Torque, Td

0 Speed ,

As Ia=If is reduced, the speed increases

OR as the torque demand WHY
reduced the speed increases ?

Note: Never RUN the DC Series Motor Without Load: WHY ?

Example 15.2: Put into practice
Example 15.3 Put into practice
Example 15.4 Put into practice
Next DC Motor

In some applications, it may be necessary to either stop the

motor quickly or reverse its direction of rotation.

The commonly employed methods are:


–Regenerative braking
–Dynamic braking

Figure 15.7 In variable-speed applications, a drives motor may be operated in one or more modes.

Motoring Mode

“Back emf”, Eg is Less than supply voltage Va

Va  E g
Ia  ; Va  E g  Ia is positive

Both Ia and If are positive Developed torque meets load demand

Figure 15.7 In variable-speed applications, a drives motor may be operated in one or more modes.

Torque(T) Regenerative Braking Mode


++ ++

__ __

Va is reduced while motor running, hence Motor acts as a

Generator; Eg becomes > supply Voltage and feed (charge) Va
Va  E g
E g  Va  Ia  ; Ia is Negative
Va, Ia; -ive; If still +ive;
Motor Kinetic energy is returned to the supply
Figure 15.7 In variable-speed applications, a drives motor may be operated in one or more modes.

Torque(T) Dynamic Braking (Rheostatic Breaking)


++ ++

__ __

Same as regenerative braking Eg>Va

0  Eg
Va  0  Ia  ; Ia is Negative
R a  Rb

But replace the supply voltage with a resistor. Power dissipated in

the resistor rather than given back to the source, used for heating
passenger’s room in locomotives. Low Rb fast braking. Why?
Figure 15.7 In variable-speed applications, a drives motor may be operated in one or more modes.

Torque(T) Plugging (Reverse current braking)


Reverse the armature (Battery) terminals while running Va and Eg

act in the same direction Ia is reversed, producing “braking” torque
Va  E g
E g adds to Va  Ia  ; Ia is Negative

If we suddenly reverse the terminals of the source, the net voltage acting on the
armature circuit becomes (Va + Eg ; VaEg; hence input to motor =2Va)The counter-emf
(back emf) Eg of the armature is no longer counter to anything but actually adds to the
supply voltage Va. This net voltage (2Va) would produce an enormous reverse current,
perhaps 50 times greater than the full-load armature current.
Figure Speed versus time curves for various braking methods.
Braking or Reversing DC Motors: Plugging
Stopping and/or reversing the direction of a dc motor merely by reversing the supply
connections to the armature terminals is known as plugging or counter current braking.

• The field-winding connections for shunt motors are left undisturbed.

• This method is employed to control the dc motors used in elevators, rolling mills,
printing presses, and machine tools, to name just a few.
• Just prior to plugging, the back emf in the motor is opposing the applied source
• Because the armature resistance is usually very small, the back emf is almost equal
and opposite to the applied voltage.
• At the instant the motor is plugged, the back emf and the applied voltage are in the
same direction.
• Thus, the total voltage in the armature circuit is almost twice as much as the applied

As the current in the armature winding reverses direction, it produces a force that tends
to rotate the armature in a direction opposite to its initial rotation.

• This causes the motor to slow down, stop, and then pick up speed in the opposite
direction. Plugging, therefore, allows us to reverse the direction of rotation of a motor.
Figure 15.8 4-Quadrants Speed==E/K
QII =Forward Braking: Va<Eg, Ia -ive QI =Motoring: Va>Eg, Ia all +ive

-Torque=KIa Torque=KIa

QIII =Reverse Motoring: Va>Eg, Ia all -ive QIV =Reverse Breaking: Va<Eg,

The polarity of Eg
can be reversed by Vdc Rectifier
changing the Inverter
direction of field
current or by -Io Io
reversing the Rectifier Inverter
armature terminal -Speed==E/K Mode Mode
Speed() Speed()
Torque(T) Torque(T)

Forward QI =Motoring


Reverse Reverse
Motoring Breaking
Car Moving Forward Break Applied Car Moving Forward Accelerator Applied


Torque Torque

Speed Speed

Car Moving in Reverse Accelerator Applied Car Moving in Reverse Break Applied
Reversing drives Operating modes during reversal:

Velocity: Forward Forward Braking Backwards Braking

Acceleration: Accelerating Decelerating Accelerating

Power: To load From load To load

Mode: Motoring Regenerating Motoring
Some applications require regenerative stopping, some require dynamic
braking, while still others require both. Making the proper selection involves four
main considerations:

1. What is the required stop time under normal stopping conditions for the
application? Regain can be the fastest and deceleration doesn't necessarily
require the drive be put in a stop mode.

2. What is the required stop time under drive and/or system fault conditions?
Regen does not occur under these conditions. Dynamic Braking may be
required whether or not the drive is regenerative.

3. How does the user define "emergency" stopping? Is the only concern to get
the motor disconnected from the power source (coast or DB) or is the fastest
deceleration necessary (Regen with a coast or DB backup)?

4. How repetitive is the stopping cycle? The more often, the more heat, and the
more likely regen will be advantageous. Exploring these aspects of the
application will lead to the right decision regarding the need for regen, DB, both,
or possibly neither if coasting is always acceptable.
Modec electric vehicles - factory tour and regenerative-braking

First view of the factory

Battery Charger Battery charger plug
Lithium-ion battery in its cassette The chassis where the battery cassette goes
motor, with one side open revealing motor brain

80 kW motor in situ
Histogram with all the frequencies multiplied by the power: the
area under the graph is a visualization of the total power leaving
or entering the battery. The green area shows the total amount of
regenerated energy; the red area shows the total energy taken
from the battery. See, roughly how much energy-saving is
obtained from having regeneration - it's roughly 15%.
(b) A DC series motor drives an elevator load that requires a constant torque of 200
N.m. The DC supply voltage is 400 V and the combined resistance of the armature and
series field winding is 0.75 ohm. Neglect rotational losses and armature reaction effect.
(i) The speed of the elevator is controlled by variating the supply DC voltage. At 220V
input voltage and 40A motor current, determine the speed and the horsepower output of
the motor and the efficiency of the system.
(ii) The elevator is controlled by inserting resistance in series with the armature of the
series motor. For the speed of part (i), determine the values of the series resistance,
horsepower output of the motor, and efficiency of the system.
(i) Ea  VT  I a Ra  Rs   220  40 * 0.75  190 V
T 200
E a  k a  m , T  k a  I a , k a    5
Ia 40
Ea 190
m    38 rad / sec  363rpm
k a 5
Ea I a 190 * 40
Pout , HP    10.188 HP
746 746
Pin  220 * 40  8800 Watt
Pout 190 * 40
  * 100  86.364%
Pin 8800
(ii) Ea  VT  I a Ra  Rs  Rexternal 
400  190
Ra  Rs  Rexternal    5.25
Rexternal  5.25  0.75  4.5
Pout 190 * 40
  * 100  47.5%
Pin 400 * 40
Q: A DC series motor drives an elevator load that requires a constant torque of 200 N.m.
The DC supply voltage is 400 V and the combined resistance of the armature and series
field winding is 0.75 ohms.
(i) The speed of the elevator is controlled by buck converter. At 50% duty cycle (i.e., D=0.5)
of the chopper, the motor current is 40 amps. Determine the speed and the horsepower
output of the motor and the efficiency of the system.
(ii) Compare between the scheme in part(i) and the method of inserting resistance in
series with the armature of the series motor for the same speed.
TS Vd 400 * 0.5 * (1  0.5)
(i) I LB  D (1  D )   25 A
2L 2 * 0.0001 * 20000
It is clear that the load current (40A) greater than the inductor boundary current.
So, this chopper works in continuous conduction mode.
VT  DV s  0.5 * 400  200V
T 200
Ea  k a  m , T  k a  I a , k a    5
Ia 40
E a 170
m    34 rad / sec  324.8rpm
k a 5
E I 170 * 40
Pout , HP  a a   9.12 HP
746 746
Pin  200 * 40  8000 Watt
P 170 * 40
  out  * 100  85%
Pin 8000
(ii) E a  VT  I a Ra  Rs  Rexternal  ,
400  170
Ra  Rs  Rexternal    5.75
Rexternal  5.75  0.75  5 ,
Pout 170 * 40
  * 100  42.5%
Pin 400 * 40
It is clear that in using the method of inserting
resistance in series with the armature of the series
motor the efficiency get much lower than using
buck converter in DC motor control
Next DC Motor


Four-quadrant operation.

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