Dr. Alvi Milliana Risma Aprinda K. UIN Maliki Malang
Dr. Alvi Milliana Risma Aprinda K. UIN Maliki Malang
Dr. Alvi Milliana Risma Aprinda K. UIN Maliki Malang
Alvi Milliana
Risma Aprinda K.
UIN Maliki Malang
Discovery of the Cells
Robert Hooke was first discovered cell in 1665
Cell Theory 1839: German biologist Theodor
Schwann stated that all animals are
made of cells.
1838: German botanist Schleiden
concluded that all plants are made of
The cell retains a dual Cells form by free-cell
The cell is the unit of
existence as a distinct formation, similar to the
structure, physiology,
entity & a building block formation of crystal
and organization in
in the construction of (spontaneous
living things
organism generation)
Robert Virchow: All cells only arise from pre-existing cells
Modern Cell Theory
All known living things are made up off cells
The cell is structural & functional unit off all living things
xeroderma pigmentosum
Thymin dimer
How big are cells?
A typical animal cell is between 10 and 30 micrometers (µm).
That’s .01-.03 millimeters (mm).
Lacks of
bound nucleus
bound nucleus
Have no Have
membrane- membrane-
bound bound
organelles organelles
simple Complex
internal organization
Cells that lack a nucleus
No membrane-bound organelles
Includes bacteria
Simplest type of cell
Single, circular chromosome
Cells that HAVE a nucleus and membrane-
bound organelles
Includes protists, fungi, plants, and animals
More complex type of cells
Organelle= “little organ”
Very small
Perform various functions for a cell
Found only inside eukaryotic cells
Found in the cytoplasm
May or may not be membrane-bound
Control center of the cell
Surrounded by a double
Usually the easiest
organelle to see under a
Mengendalikan seluruh kegiatan sel
Menyimpan materi genetik dalam bentuk DNA
menjaga integritas gen dan mengontrol ekspresi gen
Mengatur proses metabolisme sel
Tempat terjadinya replikasi DNA dan transkripsi
Mengatur pembelahan sel
1. Nuclear envelope
2. Nuclear pore
3. Nucleoplasm
4. Chromosome
5. Nucleolus
Adalah dua lapis membran
yang memisahkan materi
genetik dengan sitoplasma
Berfungsi sebagai barier
Terdiri dari:
1. Membran luar = Selaput
2. Membran dalam =
Selaput nukleoplasmik
3. Ruang perinukleus =
diantara kedua membran
Kedua membran menyatu
pada suatu daerah yang
Merupakan kompleks
protein yang menembus
kedua lapis selubung inti
Pori ini berfungsi sebagai
gerbang keluar masuknya
molekul dari nukleus ke
sitoplasma atau sebaliknya
dengan cara difusi
Pori nukleus dibentuk oleh
suatu kompleks yang disebut
Nuclear Pore Complex
Merupakan cairan inti atau kariotin yang
bersifat transparan dan semisolid
Mengandung kromatin, granula, nukleoprotein
dan serabut protein-skelet
Berfungsi memberi bentuk pada inti sel, terlibat
dalam aktivitas inti sel baik pada proses
replikasi DNA, transkripsi dan post transkripsi.
Certain long string-like structures that appeared in the
nuclei of cells took stains very well. They were given the
name chromosomes (i.e., colour bodies) in 1888.
Chromosome as a basis of heredity
Chromosome number and shape are
species specific.
The nucleolus is a prominent
sub-nuclear structure that is
not bound by a membrane and
resides within the nuclear matrix
The size of the nucleolus depends on the metabolic
activity of the cell, with large nucleoli found in
cells that are actively engaged in protein synthesis.
Eukaryotic cells often contain a single nucleolus,
but several are also possible. The exact number of
nucleoli is fixed among members of the same species
Nucleoli is the site of rRNA transcription and
processing, and of ribosome assembly (pre-ribosomal
“Ribosom adalah organel kecil tidak bermembran
yang ditemukan di dalam semua sel dan terlibat
dalam sintesis protein
Ribosom pada
Struktur Ribosom
Terdiri dari 2 subunit: subunit besar dan subunit kecil
Subunit besar berbentuk bulat dengan 3 tonjolan, subunit
kecil berbentuk seperti batang yang terbelah 2
•= exit site
•tRNA yang telah melepaskan asam amino meninggalkan ribosom melalui E site
E site
Pembagian Ribosom
hidrogen (dari
berbagai substrat) mengubah H2O2
ke oksigen dan menjadi air dan
menghasilkan oksigen
hidrogen peroksida
to house many metabolic pathways that are involved in
various aspects of lipid metabolism:
1. Enzymes involved in the degradative oxidation
2. The early steps in the synthesis of ether glycerolipids or
3. The formation of bile acids, dolichol, and cholesterol
4. The catabolism of purines, polyamines, and amino acids,
5. Detoxification of reactive oxygen species such as
hydrogen peroxide
Cyto + skeleton = “cell skeleton”
Internal framework of cell
The cell also have skeleton, like our
1 2 3
Microtubules Microfilaments/
(MTs) Actin Filaments
(IFs) (Actin)
Each of the 3 types of cytoskeletal filament is a
polymer of protein subunits held together by
weak, noncovalent bonds
Structure of Microtubule
Tubular structures, hollow, relatively rigid
Diameter 25 nm, a wall thickness 4 nm, length between 250 nm-
25 μm
Compose of globular proteins arranged in longitudinal rows,
termed protofilaments
Each protofilament is assembled from dimeric building blocks
consisting of 1 α-tubulin & 1 β-tubulin subunit
In cross section, microtubules are seen to consist of 13
protofilament aligned side by side in a circular pattern
One end of a microtubue is known as the plus end and is
terminated by row of β-tubulin subunit. The opposite end is the
minus end, and is terminated by a row of α-tubulin subunit
Structure of microfilament (actin)
Intermediate Filament
Unlike microtubules and microfilaments, intermediate
filaments are assembled from a large number of different
IF proteins.
The assembly of intermediate filaments probably
proceeds through several intermediate structures, which
associate by lateral and end-to-end interactions
Intermediate filaments are much more stable than
microfilaments and microtubules
Major degenerative diseases of skin, muscle, and neurons
are caused by disruption of the IF cytoskeleton or its
connections to other cell structures
Struktur IF
2 Monomer IF
dimer tetramer
Dynamic instability
Dynamic instability model of
microtubule growth and shrinkage
Anchoring Cell
Provide cell shape Organeles
Cytoskeleton function
Intercellular Anchoring
Cytoskeleton function
Cell ageing
Apoptotic cells may be isolated in tissues and not affect other cells. Necrotic
cells in tissues dispense hydrolytic enzymes that damage their neighbors.
Necrosis is unprogrammed death of cell & living tissue. A
form of cell injury which result in the premature death of
cell in living tissue by autolysis.
the most common causes of cell death are: viruses,
ischaemia, bacterial toxins, hypersensitivity, and ionizing
Morphologic changes:
The changes don’t appear in the affected cells by light
microscopy before 2-6 hours according to the type of the
affected tissue
Mechanisms leading to necrotic cells
Coagulative necrosis—
kidney infarction
myocardial infarction