NMR Structure Determination: With The NMR Assignments and Molecular Modeling Tools in Hand
NMR Structure Determination: With The NMR Assignments and Molecular Modeling Tools in Hand
NMR Structure Determination: With The NMR Assignments and Molecular Modeling Tools in Hand
How is it Obtained?
How is it Interpreted?
NMR Structure Determination
- a through space correlation (<5Å)
- distance constraint
Coupling Constant (J)
- through bond correlation J NH CaH
- dihedral angle constraint
hi = (I-Io)/Io
where Io is thermal equilibrium intensity
bb N-d
ab ba N
aa N+d A
Observed signals only occur
Populations and energy levels of a homonuclear from single-quantum transitions
AX system (large chemical shift difference)
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
(equal population)
bb N-½d
N-½d N+½d
ab ba
I N+½d
aa S Saturated Observed signals only occur
(equal population) from single-quantum transitions
Populations and energy levels immediately
following saturation of the S transitions
W1A W1X Relaxation back to equilibrium can occur through:
N-½d W2
N+½d Zero-quantum transitions (W0)
ab ba
W0 Single quantum transitions (W1)
W1X W1A Double quantum transitions (W2)
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
Intensity of NOE “builds-up” as a
function of the mixing time (tm)
W1A W2 W1X
N-½d N+½d
ab ba
W1 X
aa W1A
Solomon Equation:
X W2 W0
hi Steady-state NOE enhancement at spin A is
A 2W1A W2 W0 a function of all the relaxation pathways
in crystals, positions are fixed for single molecule, but vary between molecules
tc ~ 10ns (macromolecule)
Relaxation or energy transfers
only occurs if some frequencies
of motion match the frequency
of the energy transition.
tc ~ 10ps (small molecule)
The available frequencies for a
molecule undergoing Brownian
tumbling depends on tc.
3t c 3t c
W1 6
r (1 w At c )
2 2
3t c 2t c NOE is dependent on the
W0 6 6
r (w A w X ) t c )
2 2
r distance (1/r6) separating the
two dipole coupled nuclei
12t c 12t c
W2 6 6
r (1 (w A w X ) t c )
2 2
Important: the effect is time-averaged!
Assignment Table
Resi due N CO Ca Cb Ot her s
D1 120.1 (8.08) 179.1 53.8 (4.37) 39.9 (3.00,0.58)
E2 128.9 (9.93) 176.6 56.0 (4.55) 30.9 (2.11,1.78) Cg 36.2(2.75,2.41)
D3 116.1 (8.90) 176.5 56.2 (4.73) 38.9 (2.70,2.34)
E4 113.3 (7.45) 175.6 52.9 (4.71) 27.2 (1.23,0.63) Cg 34.8(2.57,1.79)
R5 123.8 (7.97) 173.1 54.3 (4.43) 28.9 (1.84,1.47) Cg 26.2(1.59,1.16);Cd 42.6(3.09,3.02)
W6 127.8 (9.27) 177.1 55.4 (5.50) 30.8 (3.11)
T7 109.9 (9.32) 174.8 59.6 (4.85) 71.3 (4.34) Cg 20.2(0.73)
N8 115.2 (8.42) 174.5 50.9 (5.06) 38.7 (3.13,2.70)
N9 116.7 (7.88) 173.3 52.1 (4.94) 38.0 (3.33,3.01)
F10 110.1 (7.57) 177.2 58.2 (4.46) 38.5 (2.63,2.67)
R11 121.2 (8.03) 175.0 55.8 (4.06) 29.7 (1.83,1.67) Cg 27.4(1.45,1.35);Cd 43.1(3.13)
E12 119.0 (8.56) 177.9 52.3 (3.79) 27.4 (1.16,-0.05) Cg 36.6(2.19,1.97)
Y13 122.1 (8.28) 173.2 61.9 (3.80) 41.2 (2.99,2.52)
N14 121.5 (8.45) 175.7 54.7 (4.89) 39.2 (2.26)
L15 127.7 (9.02) 176.9 58.0 (4.48) 41.2 (1.96,1.64) Cg 27.2(1.20);Cd 27.8(0.87);Cd 27.8(0.78)
What H assignments
10.5 ppm to 7.65 ppm
for the protein are
consistent with 10.5
ppm & 7.65 ppm?
In some cases, the chemical shifts associated with the NOE cross-peak are unique and an assignment
is straight-forward. More likely is the occurrence that the assignment is ambiguous multiple
possible assignments to one or both of the chemical shifts.
NMR Structure Determination
We Need to Assign Each NOE Cross-Peak to A Specific
1H-1H Pair from Assignment Table.
Assignment Table
Resi due N CO Ca Cb Ot her s
D1 120.1 (8.08) 179.1 53.8 (4.37) 39.9 (3.00,0.58)
E2 128.9 (9.93) 176.6 56.0 (4.55) 30.9 (2.11,1.78) Cg 36.2(2.75,2.41)
D3 116.1 (8.90) 176.5 56.2 (4.73) 38.9 (2.70,2.34)
E4 113.3 (7.45) 175.6 52.9 (4.71) 27.2 (1.23,0.63) Cg 34.8(2.57,1.79)
R5 123.8 (7.97) 173.1 54.3 (4.43) 28.9 (1.84,1.47) Cg 26.2(1.59,1.16);Cd 42.6(3.09,3.02)
W6 127.8 (9.27) 177.1 55.4 (5.50) 30.8 (3.11)
T7 109.9 (9.32) 174.8 59.6 (4.85) 71.3 (4.34) Cg 20.2(0.73)
N8 115.2 (8.42) 174.5 50.9 (5.06) 38.7 (3.13,2.70)
N9 116.7 (7.88) 173.3 52.1 (4.94) 38.0 (3.33,3.01)
F10 110.1 (7.57) 177.2 58.2 (4.46) 38.5 (2.63,2.67)
R11 121.2 (8.03) 175.0 55.8 (4.06) 29.7 (1.83,1.67) Cg 27.4(1.45,1.35);Cd 43.1(3.13)
E12 119.0 (8.56) 177.9 52.3 (3.79) 27.4 (1.16,-0.05) Cg 36.6(2.19,1.97)
Y13 122.1 (8.28) 173.2 61.9 (3.80) 41.2 (2.99,2.52)
N14 121.5 (8.45) 175.7 54.7 (4.89) 39.2 (2.26)
L15 127.7 (9.02) 176.9 58.0 (4.48) 41.2 (1.96,1.64) Cg 27.2(1.20);Cd 27.8(0.87);Cd 27.8(0.78)
. To determine the structure, an
assignment has to be made for each of
the thousands of observed NOE cross
peaks A lot of manual effort!
Ambiguity in assignments also arises from errors in peak position and correlation to assignment table.
Need to “match” assignments with an error range that is dependent on the resolution associated with
each axis. Typically, 1H errors may range from 0.02 to 0.06 ppm and 13C, 15N from 0.25 to 1.0 ppm.
An NOE cross-peak of 4.25 ± 0.02 ppm to 2.21 ± 0.02 ppm may be consistent with a dozen or more
possible combinations!
NMR Structure Determination
Peak-Picking is Very Challenging in A Protein
NOESY Spectra
• Spectra Can be very crowded with a number of
overlapping peaks
• Automatic peak-picking fails in these crowded regions
• the quality of the structure is inherently dependent on
the quality of the peak-picking
assignments are made from the peak lists
V (I )
Spin Diffusion – in the limit of wtc >> 1 (biomolecules), the rate of transfer of the spin energy
between nuclei becomes much larger than the rate of transfer of energy to the lattice.
Effectively, the spin energy diffuses through all possible paths between all possible
spin systems. Spin diffusion is always present, the magnitude depends on the mixing
time and the efficiency of any particular pathway. The longer the path, the smaller the
energy that is transferred
NMR Structure Determination
As We Discussed Before, One Common Approach Uses a Qualitative Binning of
NOE Intensities
• generally cluster NOE volumes into strong, medium, weak and very weak
• The following rules apply:
Strong 2.5 0.7 0.2 for NH-NH constraints use: 2.5 0.7 0.6
Medium 3.0 1.2 0.3 for NOEs with NH use: 3.0 1.2 0.5
Weak 4.0 2.2 1.0
Very Weak 5.0 2.0 1.0
the lower limit is always set to slightly less than twice the hydrogen
van der Waals radius (1.8Å)
• NOEs for methyls are scaled down by 1/3
• Uses reasonably short mixing-time (100-150msec) and allows quantity of distance constraints to
correct for spin-diffusion effects
remove or move to lower bin violated constraint that may arise from spin-diffusion
violation energy and potential structure distortion point of debate in NMR community
Two-Spin Approximation
• Instead of binning into strong, medium, weak and very weak, can assign a relative distance
• Use a reference volume with a known fixed distance to calibrate all volumes
2.52 Å for Leu Ha-Hb
2.52 Å for Phe or Tyr Hd-He
Serious Problems: obtain a highly precise distance that ignores all the inherent errors associated
with the accuracy of measuring volumes, spin-diffusion and dynamics.
Violated constraint
NMR Structure Determination
Relaxation Matrix Approach Takes Into Account Spin-Diffusion
• removes manual and potentially biased approach to identify spin-diffusion issues
From the structure, calculates a spin relaxation matrix to correct for spin-diffusion
contributions to observed volumes
There are a number of programs that perform this analysis (CORMA, FIRM, MardiGras,
MORASS, etc)
• Output of calculation is a very specific distance constraint
But, may have high errors (volume, dynamics)
Low Resolution Structure Dock Ligands
DCa ~ 3 ppm
DCb ~ -1 ppm
DCa ~ -2 ppm
DCb ~ 3 ppm
NMR Structure Determination
Protein Secondary Structure and Carbon Chemical Shifts
a2 a3 bI
NMR Structure Determination
Protein Secondary Structure and Carbon Chemical Shifts
high-resolution structure
comparison based on “triplet” of amino acid sequences present in database structures
Issues: May not provide a unique solution, two or more sets of f , y are possible. Can not
initially use TALOS results if ambiguous. Can add constraint latter if consistent with
NMR Structure Determination
Protein Secondary Structure and Carbon Chemical Shifts
f ± 30
y ± 50
c ± 20
NMR Structure Determination
Protein Secondary Structure and 3JHNa
• Karplus relationship between f and 3JHNa
f =180o 3JHNa ~8-10 Hz b-strand
f = -60 JHNa = ~3-4 Hz a-helix
o 3
NH Exchange Rate
NMR Structure Determination
Protein Secondary Structure and NH Exchange
• Measure Relatively Slow Exchanging NHs
Exchange NMR sample into 100% D2O and
measure series of 1H-15N HSQC as a function of
• Observed slowly exchanging NHs are
correlated with secondary structure.
Secondary structures identified from NOEs,
chemical shifts and 3JHNa
Assign hydrogen-bond distance constraint
Depiction of short-range and long range NOEs Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 2-15
Simply Need to Complete the Assignment of All the Remaining NOEs in an
Iterative Process to Obtain the Structure
NMR Structure Determination
Automated Protein Structure Determination
• A number of efforts are on-going to automate the process (ARIA,
AutoStructure, CYANA, Rosetta, etc)
From assignment tables, NOE peak lists, coupling constants and slowly
exchanging NHs.
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Stereospecific Assignments
Assign Hb1 and Hb2 chemical shifts and determine c1 dihedral angle
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Stereospecific Assignments
Assign Hb1 and Hb2 chemical shifts and
determine c1 dihedral angle.
Assign Val H1 and H2 chemical shifts and
Long Range
13C-13C Correlation
Phe and Tyr undergo rapid ring flip so Hd1, Hd2 and He1,He2
orientations to zero
Simulated in a solid by spinning the sample
w ½(3cos2q-1)
Magic Angle (54.7o) averages to zero
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC)
In liquids, dipolar coupling can become non-zero if isotropic tumbling is removed.
proteins can be aligned by using bicelles, virus particles or polyacrylamide gels.
do not want and interaction between the protein and alignment media
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC)
RDC can be measured for each bond vector in the protein
RDCs are measured from a difference in the coupling constants between
D AB ( NH ) D AB ( N H rNH
/ A B rAB
A )
unaligned aligned
The magnitude of RDC depends on the extent of the
DAB(NH) = 93.3 Hz – 100.2 Hz = - 6.9 Hz alignment of the protein and the orientation of the bond
vector to BO
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC)
where Da and Dr are the axial (**) and rhombic (2) components of the traceless diagonal
tensor D given by 1/3[DZZ - (Dxx+ Dyy)/2] and 1/3(Dxx- Dyy), with Dzz > Dyy Dxx
Da and Dr measure the magnitude (intensity) of the alignment.
q is the angle between the bond and the z-axis of the principal alignment frame (x, y, z)
f is the angle between the bond's projection in the x-y plane and the x-axis
To use DAB in a structure calculation, need to know Da and Dr
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC) Dxx most populated
value in histogram
Recreate “Powder
Pattern” by histogram plot
of all normalized RDCs
Extremes of the histogram correspond to the alignment tensor components D xx, Dyy, and Dzz
Dxx+Dyy+Dzz =0
Dzz = 2Da
R is the rhombicity given by Dr/Da
Dyy = - Da(1 + 3/2 R)
Dxx = - Da(1 - 3/2R)
- use different normalized sets of RDCs (CH, NH, CaC’, NC , NC’, etc) to create one histogram , etc)
- exclude residues with substantially lower order parameter than average
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC)
RDC provide long-range (> 5 Å) interaction
RDCs identify angular orientation of bond vector to alignment axis
Allow the structure and RDC to be refined against a coordinate position that
Refine RDCs against coordinate vector Observed RDC only limits bond vector
position that is free to move during to taco shaped curve on sphere
NMR Structure Determination
Without RDCs With RDCs
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Residual Dipolar Coupling Constants (RDC)
Addition of RDCs do not induce dramatic
changes in structure
improves relative orientation/packing
where :
– no visible difference
Read in the GB parameter and @TOPPAR:topamber.inp
topology files (partial charges) @TOPPAR:amberpatches.pro
parameter @TOPPAR:paramber.gb.inp end
molecule name=ASN number=1 end
patch NASN refe=nil=(resid 1) end
patch CASN refe=nil=(resid 1) end
vector do (charge = charge + .2306) (name ht%)
vector show sum (charge) (all)
Set N- and C-terminal
charges for protein segment
molecule name=ASN number=1 end
patch NTER refe="+"=(resid 1) end
patch CTER refe="-"=(resid 1) end
show sum (charge) (all)
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Water Refinement
generalized Born model (GB) has been implemented in Xplor
sample Xplor script (continued)
atom cdie trunc
Set standard electrostatic e14fac=0.8333333 ! use this to reproduce amber elec
parameters cutnb 500. ctonnb 480. ctofnb 490. ! essentially no cutoff
tolerance=100. ! only build the nonbonded list once
nbxmod 5 vswitch
parameters nbonds
Set GB parameters EPS=1. WEPS=80. offset=0.09 GBHCT ! GB parameters
Read in volumens and vector do (rmsd = rmsd * 0.9) (all) ! reduce volumes by 10%
flags include gbse gbin end
tell Xplor to use GB in
parameter reduce selection=(all) overwrite=true mode=average end end
energy end
NMR Structure Determination
Improving the Quality of NMR Structures
• Water Refinement
generalized Born model (GB) has been implemented in Xplor
sample Xplor script (continued)
! weakly restrain Calpha position
Weakly restrain Ca vector do (harmonic = 0.5) (name ca)
position during dynamics coor disp=reference @asn.-80.10.pdb
constraints harmonic end
Don’t allow large structural flags include harmonic end
changes. Just make local .
changes to fix problems .