Dogmas of Mary

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Four Dogmas of

Theotokos: Mary is the Mother of God

By affirming Mary is the

Mother of God, we are
affirming the most
fundamental Christian
truth: Jesus is God.
Perpetual Virginity
God became man in Mary’s womb. Mary fulfilled Old
Testament prophecies by miraculously conceiving and
giving birth to Jesus as a virgin, and she maintained her
virginity throughout the rest of her time on earth. Her
perpetual virginity celebrates that amazing moment
when God became man.

“Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I

am a virgin?’ The angel said to her, ‘The Holy
Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the
Most High will overshadow you; therefore the
child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son
of God.” -Luke 1:34-35
Immaculate Conception
Mary was different from the moment she was conceived in
her mother’s womb. While we inherited the sin and
brokenness of Adam and Eve, Mary was saved from that
original sin.

God saved Mary from ever having sin

and brokenness in the first place. How
appropriate that the woman who
carried God in her womb would be
pure and sinless!
Assumption of Mary

God granted Mary yet another gift. At “A great portent appeared

the end of her time on earth, Mary
was taken (or “assumed”) body and in heaven: a woman
soul into heaven. This means Jesus clothed with the sun, with
and Mary are the only two people in
heaven who are there in both body the moon under her feet,
and soul. Jesus chose to honor and
give his mother this glory in heaven.
and on her head a crown
of twelve stars.”
-Revelation 12:1
...more about Mary

Mary suffered with Jesus. As co-redemptrix, Now in heaven, our mother loves us as
we acknowledge her intimate cooperation with mediatrix and advocate. This means Mary
Jesus in the redemption of humanity, in his tirelessly brings our needs to her son, and
amazing sacrifice for us on the cross. She bore gives us his graces. Whatever we’re
him, raised him, supported him in his ministry, struggling with or whatever our loved ones
and walked with him every step of the way to are struggling with, we can bring to Mary.
his passion and death.

“Woman, here is your son . . . Here is your mother.”

-John 19:26b

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