Mama Mary's Birthday

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Blessed the Day that Saw Her Birth!

The sunrise is but a pale image of the

resplendent dawn signified by Mary Most
Holy’s appearance on this earth. Blessed the
moment when the virginal creature destined
to be the Mother of the Saviour came into the

The birth of Our Lady brought to humanity

something hitherto unknown: a creature free
of any stain, a lily of incomparable beauty that
was to gladden the angelic choirs and the
whole earth. In the midst of the exile of the
corrupt human race, an immaculate being
appeared, conceived without original sin.

She brought with Her all the natural riches

befitting a woman. God gave her a most
precious personality and her presence among
men represented, also on this account, a truly
incalculable treasure.

Now, if we add to the natural gifts the

immeasurable treasures of grace that
accompanied Her – the greatest ever granted
to anyone by Our Lord God – we can gather
the enormous significance of her advent in
the world. Sunrise is a pale reality in
comparison with the resplendent dawn
signified by the appearance of Mary Most
Holy on this earth!

The most solemn enthronement of a king or a

queen, or the natural phenomena of the
greatest magnitude are as nothing compared
to the birth of the Virgin. At that blessed
moment, certainly hailed by the joy of all the
Angels of Heaven, we may speculate that
upright souls scattered throughout the world
felt an unusual surge of jubilation. And this
sentiment could well be expressed by a
paraphrase of Job’s words:

“Blessed the day that saw Our Lady’s birth,

blessed are the stars that looked upon Her
when She was little, blessed is the moment
when the virginal creature destined to be the
Mother of the Saviour came into the world!”

Her coming into the world was the beginning

of our redemption
If it is possible to say that the redemption of
humanity began with the birth of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, the same can be said, respecting
due proportions, regarding the Nativity of Our
Lady. For everything that the Saviour brought
us began with the One who would give Him to
the world.

The hopes for salvation, indulgence,

reconciliation, pardon and mercy that were
opened to humanity on that blessed day
when Mary was born in this land of exile are
thus understood. A happy and magnificent
moment, it marked the beginning of the
unfathomably perfect, pure and faithful
existence of what was destined to be the
greatest glory of all time for the human race,
inferior only to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Incarnate Word of God.

Many theologians maintain that, having been

conceived without original sin, Our Lady was
endowed with the use of reason from the
very first moment of her being. In the womb
of St. Anne, where She lived as in a
tabernacle, She would therefore already have
had the loftiest and most sublime thoughts.
A parallel can be drawn with what Sacred
Scripture tells of St. John the Baptist. He, who
had been conceived in original sin, when he
heard the voice of Our Lady greeting St.
Elizabeth, trembled with joy in his mother’s

Therefore, it is possible that the Blessed

Virgin, with the sublime knowledge She
received by the grace of God, began at once,
in her mother’s womb, to ask for the coming
of the Messiah, and that in her soul She
formed the lofty intention of one day
becoming the servant of the Redeemer’s

In any case, her mere presence on earth was a

source of grace for those who approached
Her and St. Anne, and it would be even more
so after her birth. If from Our Lord’s tunic, as
the Gospel tells us, healing powers radiated to
those who touched it, how much more from
the Mother of God, Chosen Vessel!

If the coming of the Saviour defeated evil in

mankind, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
was accompanied with the light that marked
the beginning of the victory of good and the
crushing of the devil. Even he realized that
something of his sceptre had been irreparably
broken. Our Lady was beginning to influence
the destiny of humanity.

The world of that time had sunken into the

most radical paganism, in a situation very
similar to that of our days: vice reigned, the
most diverse forms of idolatry dominated the
earth, and decadence threatened the Jewish
religion itself, a harbinger of Catholicism.
Everywhere, error and the devil were

But at the moment decreed by God in His

mercy, He demolished the wall of evil,
bringing Our Lady into the world. From the
root of Jesse blossomed the divine lily, Our
Lord Jesus Christ. With His birth began the
irreversible destruction of satan’s reign.

The “birth” of Mary in our spiritual life

Our Lady’s first triumph over evil brings to

mind another reflection.
How often in our spiritual life we find
ourselves immersed in the struggle against
temptations, writhing and reeling in
difficulties! And we have no idea when the
blessed day will come when a great grace, an
outstanding favour, will put an end to our
torments and struggles, finally affording us
great progress in the practice of virtue.

At that moment there will be a kind of birth of

the Blessed Virgin in our souls. She will arise
amid the darkness of the greatest trials,
overcoming at the very outset the difficulties
that we have been facing. She will rise up like
a dawn in our existence, representing in our
spiritual life a role hitherto unknown to us.

This thought should fill us with joy and hope,

giving us the certainty that Our Lady will
never abandon us. In the most difficult hours,
She, as it were, bursts into our midst, solving
our problems, alleviating our sorrows and
giving us the combativeness and courage
necessary to fulfil our duty completely,
however arduous it may be. The greatest
consolation She brings us is precisely this
strengthening of our will, which allows us to
undertake the fight against the enemies of
our salvation.

Dawn in the storyline of history

Our Lady also gives us the strength to

become zealous children of the Church and
defenders of the Catholic religion. There is
historical evidence to affirm that all the great
souls who have fought against the various
heresies over the centuries were especially
raised up by Her. This is what the coat of arms
of the Claretians so beautifully suggests. In
addition to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, it
also bears St. Michael the Archangel and the
motto: “Her children rose up and called Her

Is not this rising up of the Blessed Virgin’s

devotees to glorify Her another a manner of
her being born, like a magnificent dawn in the
storyline of history?

Thus, the true children of Our Lady must

desire and ask of Her the grace to be
indomitable and implacable against the devil
and his henchmen who, in our days, seek to
defile the glory of the immortal Church of
Christ. ◊

Taken, with slight adaptations,

from “Dr. Plinio” magazine. São Paulo.
Year II. N.18 (Sept., 1999); p.13-15

The Most Holy Name of Mary

Seek a name for Our Lady that can replace

“Mary” and you will not find it. When we
glorify this name, we exalt the most profound
significance of her person.

The considerations about the name of Mary

that we will make today should begin by
examining what a person’s name means.

Images of God’s perfection

Bald Eagle photographed in the Toronto area

We know from Sacred Scripture (Gn 2:18-20)
that God made all the created animals file
before Adam, and he, after observing each
one, gave them a name that defined their
being and corresponded to the deepest
meaning of their nature.

Any animal, however small, is an extremely

rich being, because it is alive, moves by itself
and, more than that, reflects aspects of God’s
infinite perfection.

Take, for example, the eagle. It is proper to

this splendid bird to it to display its claws, its
great wings, its power and its impetus.
However, these attributes symbolize on the
physical plane a certain quality of God that its
anatomy and physiology combine to express.

Adam, knowing and interpreting these

qualities, summed up in the word “eagle” the
symbolism of this perfection of the Creator.
And thus he did with all the other animals,
whose name represents the deepest meaning
of this reflection of a specific aspect of God.

Sacred Heart of Jesus –

Mount Carmel House, Caieiras (SP)
By exalting the name of Mary we give glory to

If this is the case with animals, with greater

reason it is so with Our Lady.

Conceived without original sin, She was called

Mary because in Her all the qualities proper to
the one destined to be the Mother of the
Word of God were harmonized in a supreme
degree. Therefore, this name means, in a
mysterious way, all the infinitely perfect
aspects of God which She represents in such a
special way.

It follows that when we exalt the name of

Mary, we glorify that most profound
significance of her person, and we also glorify
God himself in a magnificent way by praising
Him in the figure of His most beloved Mother.

Perfect names for Jesus and Mary

Finally, it is fitting to emphasize the wonderful

and unfathomable relationship that exists
between the name and the person as applied
to Jesus and Mary.
Would there be any other name on the face of
the earth that could be given to Our Lord?
Although, as stated, the question is
somewhat unfathomable, from my point of
view He could only be called Jesus. Let us
imagine that He received one of the names
consecrated by great Saints, such as Francis,
Anthony, John… They would not fit. His name
is Jesus!

The same can be said of Our Lady. Seek a

name that can replace hers and you will not
find it.

Immaculate Heart of Mary –

Convent of St. Clare, Guernica (Spain)
The names of Jesus and Mary are
mysteriously linked to the deepest sense of
the human nature of Our Lord and His Blessed
Mother. Together they constitute a beautiful
ensemble and when, at the end of a letter, we
sign “in Jesu et Maria” — “in Jesus and
Mary”, we perceive such an affinity between
these two names that it evokes the perfect
harmony between two wonderful musical

Reason for the feast of the name of Mary

All this helps us to better understand the

reasons that led the Church to institute a
liturgical feast for the Most Sacred Name of
Jesus, celebrated in January, and another for
the Most Holy Name of Mary, on September

As the name is a symbol and definition of the

one who possesses it, when the Incarnate
Word considers in himself the union of the
two natures in one person, or when the
Eternal Father or the Divine Holy Spirit
consider this union in the Son, the name
“Jesus” appears to Them. And when they
contemplate Our Lady, the name “Mary”
comes to Them. ◊

Taken, with slight adaptations,

from “Dr. Plinio” magazine. São Paulo.
Year XI. N.126 (Sept., 2008); p.24-29

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