Colgate Palmolive
Colgate Palmolive
Colgate Palmolive
Palmolive is available in supermarkets, brick
Palmolive has 3 product categories: Body Wash,
and mortar stores, retail stores which makes
Hand Wash and Facial bars which has limited
it too accessible to customers. A customer
number of variants as compared to other
doesn’t specially go to buy Palmolive but buys
premium brands such as Body Shop. These
if he finds it there. This doesn’t give any
premium brands should offer limited edition to
exclusivity to the product. Also, the product is
provide exclusivity to its customers, featuring a
available online at e-commerce websites but
packaging on their products with a natural
touch. Also, products are divided according to
Product is not well-channel through its official
customers concerns like acne, dryness etc. Place website. We need to improve that and
opening of exclusive stores in selected malls
which directly connects them to the product.
should be done. Premium products are
Current shape of the facial bar is a regular one
preferred to be bought from stores for "touch
and not too attractive for customers asking for
and feel" of the product
high value proposition in return of premium
2021 2023
1. Website revamping need to be done
as they lack a good user interface and, 1. Exclusive stalls in
not all the product are listed. malls
2. Packaging need to be improved 2. Gifts packs in the
including the shape of the bar to range of 500,1000,1500
match the luxury segment and 2000 especially
OPTION 1 3. Push through paid media influencers OPTION 3 OPTION 5
targeting Men who is
on channels like YouTube, Instagram looking for a gift
with massive followers