Source of Water Pollution and Method To Control Them
Source of Water Pollution and Method To Control Them
Source of Water Pollution and Method To Control Them
Water Pollution has a duel effects on nature .It has negative effects
on the living and also on the environmental.
The effect of population on human being and aquatic communities
are many and varied. Water pollution Causes Approximately 14,000
Death per day World Wide by 2015.
An Estimated 700 million Indians have no access to proper toilet and
Drinking Water. In China, more than 500 million Chinese lack access
of safe drinking water.
Definitely with all these , we can expect that there is going to be a
reduction in productivity ,lack and coastal water in ocean.
Water Pollution leads to damage of Human Health . Disease carrying
agent such as bactieria and viruses are carried out into the surface
and ground water.Drinking that water affected the human health.
Effect Of Water Pollution: