Modul 7

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Modul 7

• System that relates to reduce moisture content
from substances
• It is different from mechanical processes such as
the use of centrifuge to reduce water content
• Characteristic needed: equilibrium moisture
Relation for a solid of moisture content X exposed to a gas of relative humidity A

1. Moisture content, wet basis =

Kg moisture x 100 %
Kg wet solid

Kg moisture x 100%
Kg dry solid + kg moisture

2. Moisture content, dry basis =

Kg moisture x 100 %
Kg dry solid
3. Equilibrium moisture (X*) :
moisture content of a substance when at equilibrium with a given
partial pressure of vapor.

4. Bound moisture :
moisture content which exerts an equlibrium vapor pressure less
than that of the pure liquid at the same temperature

5. Unbound moisture :
moisture content which exerts an equlibrium vapor pressure
equal to that of the pure liquid at the same temperature

6. Free moisture :
excess moisture = X - X*.
Only free moisture can be evaporated.
Example 12.1
• A wet solid is to be dried from 80% to 5 % moisture, wet basis.
Compute the moisture to be evaporated per 1000 kg of dred
• Answer :
Initial moisture content = 0,8/(1-0,8) = 4 kg water/kg dry solid
Final moisture content = 0.05/(1-0.05)=0,0527 kg water/kg dry

Moisture to be evaporated = 950(4-0,0527) = 3750 kg

Rate of drying curve
Time of drying

rate of drying :N = -(Ss.dx)/(A.d) (12.2)

Rearranging and integrating over the time interval and moisture

content changes from X1 to X2 :

 =  d = Ss/A  dx/N (12.3)

1. The constant rate periode :

X1 and X2 >Xc and N = Nc :
 = [Ss(X1-X2)]/(A.Nc) (12.4)

Ss = mass of dry solid; A = surface area of solid that contact with gas
2. The falling rate period
X1 < Xc
X2 < Xc, N changes during drying process

·General case
eq. (12.3) can be integrated to determine the area under 1/N vs
X curve.

· special case
N is linier in X, as in the region of B-C, and

N = mx + b (12.5)
 = [Ss(X1-X2)/A(N1-N2)] ln N1/N2
= [Ss(X1-X2)/(A.Nm) (12.7)

Nm = logaritmic average of rate Ni at moisture content Xi.

If curve C-E is linier,

N = m (X – X*) = [Nc(X-X*)]/(Xc-X*) (12.8)

 = [Ss(Xc-X*)/Nc.A] ln (X1-X*)/(X2-X*) (12.9)
Soal 12.3

Kurva pengeringan berlaku untuk pengeringan batch suatu

padatan. Padatan dikeringkan dari 25 ke 6% ‘moisture’. Berat
padatan basah adalah 160 kg dan luas permukaan pengeringan
1m2/40 kg berat kering.
Tentukan lama pengeringan !
Jawab :
Ss/A = 40
Pada ‘moisture’ 25%, X1 = 0,25/(1-1,25)
= 0,333 kg moisture /kg padatan kering
Pada ‘moisture’ 6%, X2 = 0,06/(1-0,06)
= 0,064 kg moisture/kg padatan kering

Menurut gambar di atas, dalam batas X1=0,333 ke X2=0,064 terdapat

pada periode ‘constant rate’ dan ‘falling rate’.

Periode ‘constant rate’

X1 = 0,333 ke Xc=0,20
Nc = 0,30 x 10-3
 = [Ss(X1-Xc)]/(A.Nc) = 40(0,333-0,20)/1(0,30x10-3) (Pers 12.4)
= 17730 detik
Periode ‘falling rate’
Xc=0,2 ke X2 = 0,064
Dari kurva di atas
X 0,20 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,08
10-3 0,3 0,226 0,239 0.208 0.108 0.150 0.097 0.07

1/N x10-3 3,33 3,76 4,18 4,80 5,55 6,67 10,3 14,3

0,07 0,064
0,043 0,025
23,3 40,0

Pers 12.3
 = Ss/A dx/N digunakan.
Hasil integrasi dari X=0,2 ke X=0,064 menunjukkan =1060
Total lama pengeringan = 17730 + 40 x 1060
= 60130 detik = 16,7 jam
Drying Operation
 Classification of system and equipment of drying:
1. Based on method of operation: batch or continue.
 batch drying (usually semi batch): air as drying media is flowed continuesly
on non flowing dried material
 Continue drying: both dried material and drying air are flowed continuesly

2. Based on heat added:

- Direct drier : hot gas is direct contacted to dired material.
- Indirect drier : indirect contact, ex: thru conduction
3. Based on dried material characteristics : solid, powder
Batch drying
• Cross circulating drying
• Through circulation drying
• Ex. 12.5

Continuous Drying 1
•Tunnel Dryer
•Turbo Type (rotating shell) drier
•Through Circulation Driers
•Rotary drier
•Continuous Drying 2

•Through Circulation Rotary Drier

•Drum Drier
•Spray Drier
•Fluidized and spouted bed
Assignment 7
Mahasiswa dibagi dalam 12 kelompok, buatlah :
1. Resume dalam 1-2 halaman
2. Ppt, dan presentasikan max 15 menit/kelompok
3. Setiap perkuliahan, presentasi sebanyak 6 kelompok

Bahan :
1. Drying, Mc.Cabe 796-835; Treybal 662-664; 686-691

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