Rain Water Harvesting
Rain Water Harvesting
Rain Water Harvesting
Under the guidance
Prof. Vinay Bhushan
Presented by
Shubham Gupta (2016011105)
Deepshikha Singh (2016011019)
Abhilasha Tiwari (2016011119)
Amit Kumar (2016011071)
Ramesh Chauhan (2016011046)
Use of Rain Water
CONTENTS Need of Rain Water Harvesting
Methods of Harvesting
Components of Rain Water Harvesting
Catchment Area
First Flush
Storage and Delivery system
Filtration system
Sand Grawell Filter
Charcoal Filter
Advantage & Disadvantage
INTRODUCTION Rain Water Harvesting is the accumulation &
storage rain water for reuse on site, rather then
allowing it to runoff.
The Harvesting of rain water involves the
collection of water from surfaces on which rain
falls & subsequently storing this water for future
Its uses include water for gardens, imgation
domestic use with proper treatment, ground water
USES OF RA I N For Irrigation purposes.
For Ground water recharge.
WATER For Gardening.
For domestic use with proper treatment.
To overcome the situation of inadequacy of surface water to
N EED OF RA I N melt the demands.
Also due to increasing population of India, the use of around
WATER water table has increases. so to increase the ground water
HARVESTING table this is the easiest & most economical choice.
To recharge underground water table at place where
availability of rainwater is higher or to overcome the
situation of water logging.
In state of Tamilnadu, RWH was made compulsory for every
building to avoid ground water deception.
In Rajasthan, RWH has traditionally been practiced by people
of than desert.
At present, in pune (maharashtra) , RWH is compulsory for
any new society to be registered.
Directly from no of top and stored in tanks.
M ET H ODS OF Collection and transfer of rain water into
HARVESTING percolation tanks so as to facilitate discharge into
Water from flooded river can be stored in small
COM P ON EN T S OF Catchment Area.
RAIN WATER First Flush.
H A RV EST I N G SYST EM Storage System & Delivery System.
Filtration System.
The Surface that receive rainfall
CAT CH M EN T A REA directly is the catchment of rain
water harvesting system.
It may be terrace, courtyard or
paved or unpaved open ground.
T R A N SPO R T A T I O N Rain water from rooftop should be
carried through a down takes water
pipes to storage or harvesting system.
Water should be UV resistant screen
as ISI HDPE or PVC pipes of required
First Flush is a device used to flush
FI RST FLUSH off the water received in the first
It should be Flushed off to could the
contaminating water by the probably
contaminants of the atmosphere &
catchment roof.
It also helps in cleaning of silt and
other materials deposited on the roof
during dry system.
Provision of first rain separator should
be made at outlet of each drainpipe.
STORAGE & All collected rain water are store
in tank.
DELI V ERY SYST EM Delivery system is the system to
delivered of water for uses. There
are use of pumps to take out water
from tank & delivered for many
FI LT RA T I ON Filtration are used for treatment of water
SYSTEM to effectively remove turbidity, color,
odour & microorganism.
After first flushing of rainfall, water should
pass through filters. There are different
types of filter in practice, bat basic
function is to purify water.
Different types of filter is used in RWH are
sand gravel filter & charcoal filter.
SA N D GRA V EL These are commonly used filters,
constructed by brick masonry &
FILTER filleted by pebbles, gravels & sand.
CHARCOAL FILTER Charcoal filter can be made in sites or
in a drew.
Pebbles, gravel, sand & charcoal
should fill the drew.
Each layer should be separated by wire
Their layer of charcoal is used
to adsorb odour if any.
ADVANTAGE This technology is simple & easy to install.
It has low maintenance cost & running cost.
Water collected from roof catchment usually
is of acceptable quality for domestic purpose.
RWH provides a good supplement to other
water sources thus relieving pressure on
other water sources.
Helps to reduce the storm drainage load &
water logging problems in cities.
DISADVANTAGE Initial cost may be high.
Limitedsupply & uncertainity
of rainfall.
Since, rain is the first form of water in hydro
CONCLUSION logical cycle & hence is a primary source of
River, lakes, & ground water are all secondary
sources of water.
In present time, we depend entirely on such
secondary sources of water.
In this process, it is forgotten that rain is the
ultimate source that feed all the secondary
sources & remain ignorant of its value.
Water harvesting means to understand the
value of rain & to make optimum use of
rainwater at the places where it falls.