RA 8550, As Amended by RA 10654
RA 8550, As Amended by RA 10654
RA 8550, As Amended by RA 10654
Fishery Law Enforcement Officer
BFAR-Fisheries Protection and Law Enforcement Group
Republic Act No. 10654
Consolidation “An Act To
of Senate Bill Prevent, Deter
No. 2414 & Lapsed
& Eliminate
into law on
House Bill No. Illegal,
Feb. 27,
4536 passed on Unreported &
Dec. 1, 2014 Unregulated
Republic Act No. 10654
The prima facie presumption will not apply if the gear of the
vessel is not engaged in fishing or deployed, or in cases of
authorized and supervised sea and net trials: provided, that
there is prior authorization for such sea and net trials
granted by the BFAR Central Office and Regional Offices.
Sec. 86 Unauthorized Fishing
Liability Persons Penalty
Administrative •Boat Captain • Confiscation of Catch and Gear
• 3 Highest • Fine 5x the value of the catch or fine
Officers whichever is higher:
• Owner or Small Scale- P50K to P100K
operator Medium Scale-P150k to P500K
Large Scale-P1M to P5M
Criminal • Boat Captain • Imprisonment of 6 mos.
and • Confiscation of catch and gear and 2x the
• 3 highest administrative fine
Sec. 86 Unauthorized Fishing
(b) Unlawful for any person not listed in the registry
of municipal fisherfolk to engage in any commercial
fishing activity in municipal waters.
The prohibition on the use of fine mesh net shall not apply to
the gathering of :
fry, glass eels, elvers, tabios, and alamang and other species that
by their nature are small but already mature, as identified in
the implementing rules and regulations by the Department.
Prima facie presumption
The following gears are not covered by the prohibition:
1. Gill nets, other than bottom-set gill nets, not more than
500 meters in length per boat used by registered
municipal fisherfolk, which shall be regulated by the LGU;
SEC. 95. Use of Active Gear in Municipal Waters,
Bays and Other Fishery Management Areas
2. "Sudsud" or push net used to catch Acetes sp. "alamang" and
Stolephorus sp. "dilis," which is operated by a registered municipal
fisherfolk/fisherfolk cooperative/association, either manually or by
the use of a registered and licensed municipal motorized boat with
single piston engine of not more than sixteen (16) horsepower,
during approved fishing season for the species, and covered by a
management plan duly approved by the LGU;
(1) a map showing the areas of the municipal waters where small
and medium commercial fishing vessels may be allowed to
(2) the type of fishing vessels and gears that may be allowed in
such waters; and
SEC. 95. Use of Active Gear in Municipal Waters,
Bays and Other Fishery Management Areas
(3) the draft municipal fisheries ordinance permitting such
commercial fishing operations
Harvest Control Rules for Limit Reference Points. – Once the LRP
is reached, the following HCR shall be implemented after compliance
with Rule 65.2:
a. Limitation on fishing effort. – The fishing effort per fishing ground or
fishery management area shall be maintained at existing levels and no
additional new licenses shall be issued;
SEC. 106. Violation of Harvest Control
b. Determination of priority access for renewal of licenses. – Licensees
of CFVL who have been timely and consistently submitting catch
reports shall have priority access to the fishing ground through the
renewal of their licenses. However, licenses shall not be renewed if the
licensees have been found guilty by a court of a serious violation as
defined in this Code;
× √
SEC. 112. Noncompliance with Good
Aquaculture Practices
Non-compliance with good aquaculture practice and
environmentally-sound design shall refer to violations of
standards, which, after failure of the owner or operator to
comply thereto and to adopt the required remedial
measures, despite prior written notice of such violations,
result into any of the following situations:
The Committee shall promulgate rules and regulations for the conduct
of administrative adjudication and the disposition of confiscated catch,
gears, equipment and other paraphernalia. It shall also issue subpoena
duces tecum and ad testificandum in administrative cases before it.
SEC.130.Administrative Adjudication
Composition of the Adjudication Committee
a. Director of DA-BFAR, as Chairperson, and the following 4
other members to be designated by the Secretary:
Notice of Violation
-may be issued by authorized representatives of the Bureau
- issued immediately upon apprehension or arrest of the
offender to the offender, owner on record of the vessel or
Seizure Receipt
- issued to the offender together with the NOV
- contains an inventory of fish, fishery species or aquatic
resources that are subjects or proceeds of the offense
committed and all fishing equipment, paraphernalia and
gears that may be confiscated as provided for by law.
- signed by the authorized representative of the Bureau and
a witness
SEC. 133. Authority of the Director of the BFAR
or the Duly Authorized Representative to Issue
Notice of Violation and Order Confiscation
Effects of the Issuance of a Seizure Receipt