Gas Change
Gas Change
Gas Change
• Is the uptake of molecular oxygen from the environment and the discharge
of carbon dioxide to the environment
Oxygen is needed in tissues for aerobic respiration to occur and extract ATP
from food
1. Blood cannot carry sufficient oxygen and carbon dioxide in dissolved form to meet the body’s
requirements; hemoglobin helps enhance its capacity
2. The respiratory pigment of vertebrate is hemoglobin while that of invertebrate (e.g. arthropods and
molluscs) is hemocyanin
Structures for Gas Exchange in Plants
1. Stomata in Leaves- Stomata are the minute openings, generally found in
the epidermis of leaves. They are typically found in plant leaves and can
also be found in stems and other parts of plants. Stomata play an
important role in gaseous exchange and photosynthesis. They control by
transpiration rate by opening and closing.
Functions of Stomata
The main functions of stomata are:
1. External Gills – thin, vascularized epidermis that project from the body
surface of a few amphibians; e.g. larval salamander
2. Internal Gills - rows of slits or pockets in adult fishes positioned at the back of
the mouth such that water that enters the mouth can flow over them as it exits
just behind the head.