Scope and Limitation of Homoeopathy

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• Scope Of Homoeopathy.

 1. Drugs Proved on healthy human beings—Drugs

are proved on healthy human beings of both sexes,
different ages & various constitutions.
 2. Wide range ofsymptoms for a single drug so
selection of similimum becomes easy.
 3. Large number of drugs for various conditions.
 4. Helps in cure in structural changes also until & unless
it is of irreversible pathology.
 5. Subjective symptoms are got during proving- so they are
considered during treating.
 6. Homoeopathy comprises holistic, individualistic approach
 7. Understanding diathesis & disposition of person through
materia medica helps to find out prophylactic remedy
 8. There are several deep acting remedies in homoeopathic
materia medica with wide sphere of action ,so there is no
difficulty in choosing the similimum. The materia medica
comprises of a large number of drugs, each drug having
many symptoms. Hence in any disease, it is possible to find
a similimum without much difficulty.
 9. While receiving a case, the patient usually narrates
his subjective symptoms. As drugs have been proved on
human beings, the exact sensation, location, modality and
concomitants are collected, so there occurs no such difficulty
in choosing the nearest similimum .
 10. Study of homoeopathy helps in miasmatic evolution of
person as well as drug
 11. Study of homoeopathy helps in formulating questions in
case taking
• Limitations of homoeopathy.

 Every science has some limitations. Homoeopathy is not an


 1. No proving records are available on pathological

changes in homoeopathic materia medica; there is no
medicine, which has been proved upon the production of
pathological changes in proper application on these drugs
 2. It is unimaginably vast. Nobody can remember all the
 Eg. Drug like apis has covered 64 pages in Hering’s guiding
symptoms, sulphur 99 pages in Allen’s encyclopedia.
 3. In cases of irreversible pathology-pathological symptoms are
obtained from clinical practice after being cured and from records
of poisoning as there is no special proving of dynamic drug with an
intension to get pathological symptoms. Thers is lack of
characteristic pathological symptoms in our MM. It has limited
scope in irreversible organic changes or advanced structural
damages takes place
 4. In cases of acute emergencies.
 5. Certain drugs which are partially proved- rare remedies–
so utilisation becomes difficult.
 6. In proving practitioners attempted to characterize about 30
modifications of the sensation of pain by much descriptive
words like aching, boring, tearing, tingling etc. but in many
case it is extremely difficult or even impossible to represent
our sensation by words.
 7. Many of our provers were non medical men– so most of
the symptoms lack authenticity.
 8. lack of sufficient female provers- so female symptoms
 9. No dependable pre operative, post operative or
preventive drugs in our homoeopathic materia medica. It
has little scope in the field of contraception,drug induced
abortion and anaesthesia etc
 10. No dependable specifics.
 11. There is no book on materia medicawhich we can
claim to be complete and containing everything.

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