This document recommends building a homeopathic first aid kit and provides remedies for common issues. It suggests including: [1] Arnica montana for injuries; [2] Nux vomica for hangovers; [3] Gelsemium for anxiety; [4] Arsenicum album for food poisoning; [5] Rhus tox for sprains; and [6] Hypericum for nerve injuries. Homeopathic remedies are described as stimulating the body's natural healing abilities without side effects.
This document recommends building a homeopathic first aid kit and provides remedies for common issues. It suggests including: [1] Arnica montana for injuries; [2] Nux vomica for hangovers; [3] Gelsemium for anxiety; [4] Arsenicum album for food poisoning; [5] Rhus tox for sprains; and [6] Hypericum for nerve injuries. Homeopathic remedies are described as stimulating the body's natural healing abilities without side effects.
This document recommends building a homeopathic first aid kit and provides remedies for common issues. It suggests including: [1] Arnica montana for injuries; [2] Nux vomica for hangovers; [3] Gelsemium for anxiety; [4] Arsenicum album for food poisoning; [5] Rhus tox for sprains; and [6] Hypericum for nerve injuries. Homeopathic remedies are described as stimulating the body's natural healing abilities without side effects.
This document recommends building a homeopathic first aid kit and provides remedies for common issues. It suggests including: [1] Arnica montana for injuries; [2] Nux vomica for hangovers; [3] Gelsemium for anxiety; [4] Arsenicum album for food poisoning; [5] Rhus tox for sprains; and [6] Hypericum for nerve injuries. Homeopathic remedies are described as stimulating the body's natural healing abilities without side effects.
As a mother of an actiuefomily, haaing afirst aid kit is an absolute necessity. JVothing beats thepeace of mindfelt by keeping natural remedies close at hand!
Homeopathic remedies are perfect for natural
first aid kits because theywork fast, are excep- tionally safe and both kids and adults love the taste. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was discovered in Germany over 200 years ago, pLc pn oor. c ol.t./ and works by stimulating the body's natural abilityto heal, relieving symptoms gently and without side effects. While natural meficine NICOLE DUELLI! HP CCH should never replace conventional medical care RCSHOM, HAS ENJOYED in an emergenry, these remedies are a perfect SHARINC HER PASSION complement and do not interact with medications. FOR HOMEOPATHY IN HER
VANCO TVER PRACTICE The top sLrpicksfor the
HOME REMEDIES FOR l. Arniea montana BO CH:
WOMEN AND CHILDREN. #l for injuries CHECK OUT HER BLOG: Ifyou must choose one, make it arnica for aancouuerhomeopath. accidents and injuries. I've seen arnicawork com/blog li"i.owoRKSHops: small miracles, whether on the soccer field aancouaerhomeopath. or to help dissolve blood clots and bruising com/euents after abad fall. It's the number one remedy to help the bodyheal after childbirth, surgery or a concussion. Arnica eases muscle ARNICA, ILLUSTRATION O HEIN NOUWENS
pain from overexertion, for that soreness as
if you have run a marathon. For minor bumps andbruises, arnica cream is recommended alcohol on top oflate hours? Nux can help instead. Dr. Jean-Marcel Ferret, physician to arange of ry.rnptoms, from awretched the World Cup winning French soccer team feeling associatedwith cramping stomach in 1998 once remarked that homeopathy's aches, trapped gas or nausea with dry heav- greatestvalue is its speed ofaction. Arnica ing-whether it's due to overwork, overindul- oftenworks right on the sports field. gence, jet lag or a common cold. Just remember to use remedies wisely, not routinely! 2. Nux vomiea BOCH: #l for hangovers B. Gelsemium BO CH: Feeling nauseous, headachy and irritable? #l for antieipatory anxiety Perhaps you've had too much rich food or British TV star Stacey Dooley became a big
36 fan of homeopathy after a friend suggested Gelsemium for anxiety. Recommended for nerves with sense of weakness and dread before an event, this remedy offers an excellent drug free approach to an-xiety and insomnia from anticipation. Gelsemium is also a superb remedy for the flu if exhaustion is the main rynnptom. During the deadly Spanish Flu of 1918, Gelsemium was rhe most widely pre- scribed homeopathic medicine, with death rates reportedly only 1% among homeopathy parients.
4. Arsenieum alhum BO CH:
#l for food poisoning If nausea andvomiting is accompanied by diar- rhea, restlessness, arrxiety and chills, Arsenicum is sure to bring the body back to balance. Take it with you on a trip to the tropics but keep it on hand at home for the sromach flu, if rymptoms fit.
5. Rhus tox 3O CH: #l for sprains
Rhus tox is recommended after arnicawhen symptoms shift to stiffness and pain limbering up when moving about, which usually hap- pens in sprains that affect the ligaments and tendons. Back pains from over-lifting often need Rhus tox, too" if the person feels uncomfortable in one position for too long and must shift around.
6. Hypericum 3O CH: #l for nerve injury
Crushed fingertips, a fall on the tailbone while skating, and sore teeth after dental work-these all require several doses of Hypericum to allay the pain of nerve injury. Hglericum is also recommended for pain caused by surgery and should be given after arnica following the removal qfwisdom teeth to reduce the need for painkillers.
Dosages: Homeopathic medicines are always
given according to the synptoms a person experiences rather than by illness. The dosages are tailored to intensiq.: strong slmptoms require frequent rep- etition-S pills 3 times daily-as $rmptoms ease, rhe frequency ofrepetition should be reduced and stopped. For the first aid kit, 30 CH potency is recommended, as it is widely available and tends to acr quickly. If q,mptoms do not lessen after three or four doses, an alternate remedy is likely required. When slrnptoms persist, seek the advice of a homeopath for a constitutional remedy, which can help relieve s)rrnptoms longer while raising the overall level of health. i* fig .54