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Role, Effect And

Advantages Of
Technology In Business
What Is Technology?
The word technology is a combination of two Greek words,
techne and logos. Techne means art, craft or skill. Logos
means “to speak of”.
According to Merriam Webster, technology is;
“Application of knowledge to the practical aims of human
life or to changing and manipulating the human
environment. Technology includes the use of materials,
tools, techniques and sources of power to make life
easier or more pleasant and work more productive.
Whereas science is concerned with how and why things
happen, technology focuses on making things happen.”
Role Of Technology In Business

Technology in business is a growing necessity. As the

years go by, the business world is leaning more and
more towards it, making it impossible to separate the
two from each other. The invention of computers,
the miniaturization of electronics and the
development of wireless communication have all
altered the business world. Business communication,
in particular, has seen some of the greatest
advancements due to technological developments.
1. Technology A Business Necessity

The role of technology in business caused a

tremendous growth in trade and commerce. Business
concepts and models were revolutionized as a result
of the introduction of technology. This is because
technology gave a new and better approach on how
to go about with business. It provided a faster, more
convenient and more efficient way of performing
business transactions. Some of the actions of
technology in business include accounting systems,
management information systems, point of sales
systems and other simple or more complicated tools.
2. Security And Support

With the automated processes that technology can

provide, productivity reaches a higher level. This is
due to the minimal resources consumed in
processing business activities, allowing room for
better products produced and faster services
delivered to more clients and customers. Information
is also stored with ease and integrity. With this,
confidential and sensitive information are less prone
to vulnerabilities. The said information can also be
instantly retrieved and analyzed to monitor trends
and make forecasts, which can be crucial in decision-
making process.
3. A Link To The World

Business involves communication, transportation and

more fields, making it a complex web of processes.
The technologies pertaining to other fields only
pushed business further. Globalization has been
realized because of the wonders of technology.
Anyone can now do business anywhere within being
constricted to the four corners of his/her room.
Technology in business made it possible to have a
wider reach in the global market. The basic example
is the Internet, which is now a common marketing
tool to attract more consumers in availing products
and services offered by various businesses.
Effects Of Technology In Business

1. Communication Is More Distracting

Communication tools that were designed to make
one more productive can actually do the opposite.
Instant communication can make it harder for
workers to deal with one task at a time when their
work is constantly being interrupted by comments
and questions that relate to other projects or even
personal issues. In fact, some employees must make
an effort to turn off communication devices while
they work to meet deadlines.
2. Communication Must Be More Deliberate
Communication has made planning deliberate
communication periods more important. First, companies
that do take advantage of telecommuting and virtual
offices need to deliberately plan to communicate with
individuals in teams to avoid employees losing touch and
to make sure all are working toward the same goals.
Second, even if one works in a physical office,
instantaneous communication regarding quick decisions
and memos cannot replace specific communication times
where big decisions are discussed and progress reports
given. However, when employees are communicating in
multiple ways everyday, it can be easy to forget to
schedule these types of meetings.
Advantages Of Technology In Business
1. Speed And Time Consumption
With the advent of information technology,
information is shared at an astounding rate. This
saves time, offering the ability to make decisions

2. Easier Storage
Contracts and customer information can be stored in
virtual data warehouses and accessed in minutes,
which cuts down on the need to purchase or rent
storage space.
3. Improved Sharing Of Information
Technology allows information, whether written or
broadcast, to be shared more quickly and with fewer

4. Automation
Technology allows small businesses to automate certain
functions that historically have required the need to
hire an employee. For instance, bookkeeping functions
can now be handled by software applications such as
Quicken and QuickBooks and the sales function is
automated through contact management sites such as
5. Communication Is Faster
Whether you need to speak with an employee who is
travelling in another state or country or you need to
communicate with your supplier halfway around the
world, technology allows you to do so instantaneously.

6. Expanded Communication Opportunities

Technology allows individuals to communicate and carry
on a business relationship without ever meeting face to
face, so people in all parts of the world now have the
chance to interact with a company in a rural part of any
Group Members
• Angel B. Eappen
• Josna Joseph
• Purnima Minj
• Seba V. Maria
• Yvette Mawrie

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