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Communication technologies are essential to the smooth operation of any

organisation, especially in today's corporate contexts when companies are always

implementing newer and better solutions. They voluntarily adopt technology that
increases their productivity.
In today's age of technologically advanced business models, virtual teams, cloud
computing, and enterprise social networks are just a few of the numerous examples.
The usage of more advanced tools and apps for information management and
communication is becoming more prevalent in the business world. In business, it
also saves people money, time, and effort because communication is dependable and
immediate. To manage communication, for instance, the company uses external
communication systems, procurement, production, marketing, and accounts
departments, in addition to other executive level departments, and business
partners and vendors. The company employs the internal communication system,
procurement, production, marketing, accounting, and other executive level sectors
to control communication with its business partners and vendors.
Electronic mail, sometimes referred to as "email," is a method of communication
that sends messages via computer networks using electronic devices. "Email"
encompasses both the method of transmission and individual messages that are sent.
Email is so popular because it's the least expensive means of communication for
information workers. Unlike a call or fax, sending the email itself is free of
charge while using the system. It is time-efficient, easy to use, and "filterable."
As a result, it gives the recipient the freedom to read the messages in any order
they choose. A company that uses email can get a number of advantages, such as:
Documentation and record-keeping: emails offer a written record of exchanges,
enabling the tracking of meetings, transactions, and other business data which is
much easier to find .
• Global Reach: Email eliminates the need for physical mail by enabling global
communication from any location with an internet connection .
• Immediate communication: Email enables users to send and receive communications
instantly, resulting in increased production and efficiency inside the company.
2)Video conferencing
Using technology to connect and collaborate with two or more individuals in a
geographically separate setting is known as a video conferencing session. By
utilising videoconferencing, businesses can reduce the cost of business travel and
meeting expenses, expedite project completion timelines, and enhance teamwork among
remote employees. Additionally, it may lessen the requirement for meeting spaces
with strong audio/video connections. • Lowers travel expenses:
most companies and organisations have to travel for client meetings, board
meetings, and partner meetings. Businesses can cut down on travel expenses by using
videoconferencing to have in-person meetings without having to leave the office.
Businesses can cut down on travel expenses by using videoconferencing to have in-
person meetings without having to leave the office.
•Increases productivity: Having in-person interactions and having the ability to
exchange data all at once boost productivity.
•Saves Time: Make quick connections with other video conference participants to
save time. A cost-effective approach, video conferencing saves hours by removing
travel time.
•Regardless of distance, business organisations can use videoconferencing to
quickly introduce new products and services to their clientele. This contributes to
increased sales. It enables the company to make swift judgements anywhere in the
world without having to travel.
3)Social Media
The way people develop, discuss, and/or exchange ideas and information via online
groups and networks is referred to as social media. It doesn't take a lot of money
or time to use social media. Small businesses may leverage social media to connect
with consumers and markets, build direct, personal relationships, and raise their
company's profile and awareness in the same way that any major corporation can.
With no effort and in a remarkably short length of time, a small firm can
potentially reach a worldwide audience. A small business now has an entirely new
avenue to grow its customer base and engage in marketing. By offering engaging
brand imagery and conversation starters, a smart social media campaign can
facilitate connection-building.Social media provides businesses with the ability to
interact with their customers and promote their brand. Direct communication allows
businesses to address issues, answer inquiries, and get feedback from their
clientele. Social media allows the company to be abreast of the latest social media
news, algorithm changes, and best practices. It also allows it to stay ahead of the
competition by experimenting with new features and formats.
Platforms that are public and free of cost allow businesses to react rapidly to
issues. Businesses utilise social media for product promotion, content marketing,
and targeted marketing in order to reach a larger audience. . Social media
platforms are used to promote brand identity, share company culture, and promote
brand values through content.
An intranet is a private network used by staff members to safely share corporate
information and computer resources. Teleconferences and teamwork are more uses for
an intranet. Businesses may link employees to the people and resources they need to
stay connected and productive, even when working remotely, by using intranets.When
connected to a workplace intranet, teams can work together in real time on
projects, creating a sense of community while maintaining deadline compliance.
Without an intranet, employees will be unable to locate the data or solutions they
require to proceed. These barriers are removed by intranets, which hasten deadlines
and increase productivity for those involved. Information sharing and archiving are
two of the intranet's greatest benefits since it makes sure that the most recent
versions of documents are accessible for viewing. There are no paper documents to
misplace or lose because the data is keyword searchable, making intranet document
management much easier. If a document becomes obsolete or is no longer needed, it
might be archived. Most intranets are designed to serve as a company's main
internet portal. It's a forum for conversations, the dissemination of corporate
news, and the planning of events. Considering this, an intranet could serve as a
bridge between teams with different locations.
Clear and dynamic organisation charts on your company intranet give potential
employees insight into how your organisation is set up.
5)Cloud computing
The term "cloud computing" describes the internet-based delivery of computer
services, such as networking, storage, servers, databases, and apps. Instead of
hosting these resources locally, businesses can employ cloud service providers to
access and use them remotely. Companies are no longer need to spend money on pricey
software and hardware. They can pay as they go or on a monthly basis for the
services they require, which lowers upfront costs and gives them flexibility. It
enables companies to scale their resources up or down in response to their needs.
This adaptability keeps companies from over- or under-using their resources while
enabling them to react swiftly to shifting market needs. With cloud-based services
and apps, team members may collaborate easily no matter where they are in the
world. Tools for communication, project management, and real-time document sharing
increase productivity and effectiveness. Cloud service providers spend a lot of
money on security to protect their infrastructure and data. They frequently outpace
most firms in the usage of advanced encryption, authentication, and access control
systems. Through efficient use of resources, companies can lower their carbon
impact. It does away with the requirement for separate servers and data centres,
which are energy-intensive and contribute to climate change.

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