Blog Asign

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Wiki was the first wiki. Ward Cunningham

started developing WikiWikiWeb in Portland,
Oregon, in 1994, and installed it on the
Internet domain on March 25, 1995.
 Wiki is the piece of server software that allows
users to freely create and edit Web page
content using any web browser.
 Wiki supports hyperlinks and hyperlinks and
has a simple text syntax for creating new
pages and crosslinks between internal pages
on the fly
 A wiki is run using wiki software, otherwise
known as a wiki engine.

 A wiki engine is a type of content

management system, but it differs from
most other such systems, including blog
software, in that the content is created
without any defined owner or leader, and
wikis have little inherent structure, allowing
structure to emerge according to the needs
of the users
 The online encyclopedia project Wikipedia is
the most popular wiki-based website, and is
one of the most widely viewed sites in the
world, having been ranked in the top ten since
 "Wiki“is a Hawaiian word meaning "quick
Wikis have favoured plain-text editing, with fewer
and simpler conventions than HTML, for indicating
style and structure. Although limiting access to
HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) of wikis
limits user ability to alter the structure and
formatting of wiki content, there are some

Limited access to CSS promotes consistency in

the look and feel, and having JavaScript disabled
prevents a user from implementing code that may
limit other users' access.
“A blog is a means of sharing thoughts
and ideas with the world

 The potential uses of blogs are almost limitless

 They can be used for anything that involves

communicating or publishing information on
the World Wide Web

 Common uses include teaching and

educational and corporate use.
Blogs in teaching
 Blogs can be used in teaching

 There is an interesting matrix of educational use

 There's also a good workshop/tutorial for

 teachers learning about blogging.
Most effective ways to promote

Focus on search engine optimized (SEO)

Write “Evergreen” Content
Invite guest bloggers
Mention influencers in your blog posts (and let
them know)
Build an Email Marketing List

• Blog as a source of information

• Your presentation skills may improve
• Blogging as a source of income.
• Blogs promote small-scale business
• Blogs promote large scale business.
• Blogs make it easy to connect with social media
• Blog as a helping tool for carrying out certain
day-to-day activities.
 One of the important benefits of blogging is its
feature that helps us to network with a wide
range of bloggers from different walks of life
across the globe. business with someone
outside of your country.
 It may help you get more fans for your business
or celebrity facebook page or on other social
media sites.
If you start to write a blog, all of a sudden you
get into the habit of improving your writing skills
and style. You may feel that you are going to be
criticised if you make a mistake.

This fear is a big step that will make you

motivated for improving your writing skills.

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