Excess Carriers in Semiconductors
Excess Carriers in Semiconductors
Excess Carriers in Semiconductors
Most semiconductor devices operate by the
creation of charge carriers in excess of the
thermal equilibrium values.
Optical absorption
These excess carriers can
be created by
due to
Optical Electron current-a
excitation bombardment forward
biased ‘pn’
Photolumin Cathodolumin junction
escence escence
a c
Photon of Eg
energy Eg
Let us assume : -
Intensity of the incident photon beam directed on the
sample ( photons / cm2 –s ) = I0
Thickness of sample : l
Wavelength of light :
As the beam passes
through the sample, its
intensity at a distance ‘x’
from the surface can be
calculated by considering
the probability of absorption
within any increment ‘dx’.
Figure 4—4
Band gaps of some common semiconductors
relative to the optical spectrum.
Figure 4—6
Excitation and band-to-band recombination
leading to photoluminescence.
=> I (x) = I0 . e- x
And hence the intensity of light transmitted
through the sample thickness ‘l’ is
It = I0 e-. l
E = hC / λ
= 1.24 / λ
Photoluminescence electroluminescence
* If carriers are cathodoluminescence *If the
excited by excitation
photon occurs by the
*If the excited introduction of
carriers are a current into
created by a sample,
high energy
of the material,
Photoluminescence ( Contd.)
Fluorescence Phosphorescence
Fast process. Emission Persists for a longer
of photons stops after time . Main reason
approx. 10-8 sec after behind that
excitation is turned off. recombination occurs
through traps.
Reason behind : Direct
recombination. Applications : TV
Picture tube
Applications :
Fluorescent lamp Material : ZnS
Carrier recombination and generation
Explanation of phenomenon of
Carrier life time and photoconductivity
Spontaneous process
(Probability that an electron
and a hole will recombine is
constant in time.)
We actually wish to find out a mathematical relationship, which
can guide us about the minority and majority carrier life time in a
SC with injected excess carriers.
Direct recombination of electrons and holes
Rate of decay of electrons at any time is
proportional to the number of electrons
remaining at ‘t’ and the number of holes with
some constant of proportionality for
recombination say ‘r ‘.
( Simple : Just proportional to the no. of
electrons which are still available for
recombination and no. of available holes with
which the electrons are supposed to eventually
Direct recombination of electrons and
holes (Contd.)
Photoconductive decay experiment.
Used for measurement of effects of recombination and
Following general principle of
(t) = q . [ n (t) n + p(t) p ]
gopis an Optical Generation Rate.
Steady state ( Contd.)
FP p 2____
1013 cm 3
1013 cm 3
p 2_____
.2 1014 cm 3
n 1_____
Fn Ei 0_____
.233 eV
Ei F p 0_____
.186 eV
Before Photoluminescence
no 1014 cm 3 , po 2.25 10 6 , E f E i 0.228eV At equilibrium
Figure 4—11
Quasi-Fermi levels Fn and Fp for a Si sample with n0 = 1014
cm23, tp = 2 ms, and gop = 1019 EHP/cm3-s (Example 4–4).
Diffusion Process
Figure 4—12
Spreading of a pulse of electrons by diffusion.
Figure 4—13
An arbitrary electron concentration gradient in one dimension: (a)
division of n(x) into segments of length equal to a mean free path for the
electrons; (b) expanded view of two of the segments centered at x0.
Figure 4—14
Drift and diffusion directions for electrons and holes in a carrier gradient
and an electric field. Particle flow directions are indicated by dashed
arrows, and the resulting currents are indicated by solid arrows.
Figure 4—15
Energy band diagram of a semiconductor in an electric field %(x).
Problem : An intrinsic Si sample is
doped with donors from one side
such that Nd = N0 exp (-ax) .
(a)Find an expression for E(x) at
equilibrium over the range for which
Nd >> ni .
(b)Evaluate E(x), when a = 1(m )-1 .
(c)Sketch a resulting band diagram and
indicate the direction of ‘E’.
(a) E(x) at equilibrium can be found from
Jn = + q. Dn ( n / x ) + q un n(x) E(x)
E(x) = –Dn dn / dx = kT . a
un n q
Diffusion and recombination
If we consider a differential length x of a
semiconductor sample with area A. Now ,
the hole current density leaving the
volume Jp ( x + x ) can be larger or
smaller than the current density entering
Jp ( x ) depending on the generation and
recombination of carriers taking place with
in the volume.
This aspect is taken care of in Continuity equation,
which is basically a charge conservation eqn.
Continuity equation( Contd.)
Rate of increase
holes of holes Recombi
build up conc.in nation
Δx.A / Rate
unit time
Continuity equation (Contd.)
• In the limit as Δx -> 0 hole continuity eqn.
can be written as
p 1 J p p
t q x p
• Continuity eqn. for electrons may be
written as
n 1 J n n
t q x n
The Diffusion equation
• If the current flow is entirely due to diffusion,
then continuity eqn for holes can be written as :
p p p 2
t x 2
As J p ( Diff ) qD p
The Diffusion equation
Similarly, we can write the diffusion
equation for electrons.
n n n
t x 2
Both these equations i.e. diffusion equation
for electrons and holes are useful in solving
transient problems of diffusion with
Steady state carrier injection :
Diffusion Length
When steady state distribution of excess
carriers is maintained, then in diffusion
eqn. of electrons and holes
n p
t t
Steady state carrier injection(
Notice d n 2
n n
the 2
change dx 2
Dn n Ln
d p2
p p
dx 2
D p p L p
Ln Dn n and L p D p p
are diffusion lengths for electrons and holes
Steady state carrier injection(
Take a semi infinite semiconductor bar and inject
some holes at position x = 0.
p ( x = 0 ) = p
Somehow, steady state hole injection maintains
constant excess hole concentration at the
injection point.
What will happen now?
Steady state carrier injection(
The injected holes diffuse along the bar ,
recombining with a characteristic life time
p .
In steady state, we expect the distribution of
excess holes to decay to zero for large
values of ‘x’, because of recombination.
For this problem, we shall use the steady
state diffusion equation for holes
Solution to steady state Diffusion equation
x / Lp
x x dx L p
Resulting hole current
For excess hole concentration :
p(x) = p e –x / L
dp dp Dp x / Lp Dp
J p ( x) qD p qD p q pe q p ( x )
dx dx Lp Lp
PROBLEM : In a very long p – type
silicon bar with cross sectional area =
0.5 cm2 and Na = 1017 cm-3 , we inject
holes such that the steady state
excess hole concentration is 5 x 1016
cm-3 at x = 0. What is the steady state
separation between Fp and Ei at x =
1000 A0 ? What is the hole current
there ? Assume mobility of holes = 500
cm2 / V – sec and p = 10-10 sec.
Haynes Shockley
n - type
X=0 X=L
•Assume ( no >> po ) .
•Assume that the excess carriers have a
negligible effect on the electron
concentration, but change the hole
concentration significantly.
Figure 4—18
Drift and diffusion of a hole pulse in an n-type bar:
(a) sample geometry; (b) position and shape of the
pulse for several times during its drift down the bar.
Haynes Shockley
Experiment ( Contd.)
• Say excess holes travel a distance of ‘L’
• Measure the drift time td
• And, Calculate the drift velocity ‘vd’
vd = L / td
• and hence the hole mobility
p = vd / E
Haynes Shockley
Experiment ( Contd.)
• Most conveniently, Dp can be expressed
Dp = (x)2 / 16 td
Where x is the
distance, where the
value of excess td is the
carrier Corresponding
concentration is
down by 1 / e of its time
peak value
Haynes Shockley
Experiment ( Contd.)
• There is no direct way to find x, So it is
found with help of relation :
x = t . vd = t . L / td
are separated by 0.95 cms. Battery voltage
Eo is 2 V. A pulse arrives at point (2) 0.25
ms after injection at (1); the width of pulse
t is 117 usec.
Calculate the hole mobility and diffusion
p = vd / E=1900 cm2/vs
Dp = (x)2 / 16 td
x = t . vd = t . L / td
Gradients in the Quasi Fermi
dn( x)
J n ( x) q n n( x) E ( x) qDn
Gradients in the Quasi Fermi
levels (Contd.)
• Using Einstein’s relationships for Dn , we get
dFn dEi
Jn ( X ) q nn( X ) E ( X ) nn( X )[ ]
dX dX
After Simplification, Because
q.E ( x)
Gradients in the Quasi Fermi
levels (Contd.)