Adhd Seminar
Adhd Seminar
Adhd Seminar
Discuss safety and Injury prevention at each visit as these children at increased
ADHD specific scales
◦ National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) ADHD toolkit
includes VANDERBILT RATING SCALE for school age children
(6-12 yrs)
◦ Conner’s comprehensive behaviour rating scale and ADHD rating scale IV (in
preschool age also)
◦ ACTeRS rating scale (kindergarden to eighth grade)
◦ Attention Deficit Disorder scale 4 th ed ( 4-18 yrs)
◦ Brown Reporting Scale ( 3yr-adult)
◦ SNAP- Swanson ,Nolan, Pelham Checklist
Broadband scales (mainly for co-existing conditions)
◦ BASC-Behaviour assessment scale for children
◦ Long Conner’s-3
Children with learning, language, visual-motor, or auditory
processing d/o difficult to differentiate from ADHD.
(Neuropsychological testing helps clarify diagnosis)
◦ Preschoolers can be used but doses titrated more carefully and lower mean doses
may be effective (0.7+- 0.4 mg/kg/day) PATS study
Drug 3 stages titration, maintenance, termination
Started in low dose and increased every 3-7 days till
symptoms improve by 40-50% or there are S/E
Frequency depends on type of ADHD and domain of function
in which improvement is desired
If no response or intolerable s/e then change drug within
same class
If NA then other class , when switching from stimulant to
atomoxetine – cont stimulant for 1st few weeks and add
atomoxetine (for atomoxetine to start working)
Not vice versa
6-8 hrs 10,20 ,30mg
Age : >= 6 yr
Mode of action: NE Reuptake inhibitor and blocks Rare S/E of toxic psychotic
the presynaptic NE transporter in prefrontal cortex symptoms specifically
involving visual and tactile
S/E – GI (decreases apetite), lesser tics, less effects hallucinations of insects,
on sleep, more fatigue and nausea and sedation symptoms of aggression
,headache some reports of liver toxicity
Some increase in suicide ideation but no actual
suicide Greatest effect at 6 weeks
comorbid anxiety,tics, or substance abuse-1st line
If pt fails to respond to above for adequate time-review
Consider comorbidities which may be the primary cause of
Consider Behavioural therapy if not tried earlier
Then 2nd line agents
Clonidine- counter insomnia by stimulants, and Guanfacine-ADHD (mainly impulsivity), Tics , and
ADHD with Aggression aggression 1,2,3 mg tab
1 mg/day incr by 1 mg max 4 mg
3-10ug/kg/day bid or qid (0.1 mg
increment of 0.1 mg max of .4 mg)
If patient has been symptom free for at least 1 year then
think of tapering
Signs of remission
◦ Lack of adj of dose despite growth
◦ Lack of deterioration when dose missed
◦ New found abilities to concentrate during drug holidays
low stress time s/as holidays good time for withdrawing
1. Group I- Initial small improvement followed by gradual
improvement over time
2. Group II- Large initial improvement who maintained
improvement over 36 months- may not require medication on
3. Group III- Showed initial improvement but then
deteriorated (higher aggression and lower IQs at baseline)
Related to disease severity, type of symptoms, co-existing
conditions, family situations, treatment, intelligence
Adults with a childhood h/o ADHD (untreated) have higher
than expected rates of antisocial and criminal
behaviour,injuries and accidents, employment and marital
difficulties, health problems and more likely to have teen
60-80% of childhood ADHD persists into adolescence and 60%
of adolescence persist into adults
Hyperactivity usually decreases with age while impulsivity and
inattention persists