Research Process - Steps
Research Process - Steps
Research Process - Steps
What is Research?
Characteristics of Research
Classification of Research
What is Scientific Method?
Social Science Research and Social Work Research
What are the the essential steps in undertaking research in Social
What is Research?
It is usual to say for the researchers that their objectives are ‘SMART’
‘S’ Specific- states exactly what one needs to achieve.
‘M’ Measurable – includes an indicator to measure the concepts used.
‘A’ Achievable- objectives are achievable in a specific time frame.
‘R’ Realistic- Can be challenging but must be achievable.
‘T’ Time bound - with a clear end date or timescale.
Developing Research Questions and
Designing objectives
Establishing Operational Definitions
In every research study you establish a set of rules, indicators to
clearly define the concepts used in the research problem, research
questions or objectives E.g. you need to define who all will be the
adolescents in your study if the study is on adolescents etc.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The researcher needs to define the criteria for including/ excluding
the sampling units in the research study in order to maintain
uniformity in selection/rejection of items. This criteria needs to be
clearly spelled before undertaking the study.
Developing Research Questions and
Designing objectives
Scope of the Study
In the end it can only be said that all the steps are formulated at
the convenience of the researcher. By and large they are all inter
related and overlapping. The neglect in any step is likely to affect
the reliability and validity of findings. Therefore, a scientific mind
based on objective thinking is really needed in undertaking any
research study.