Pavement Condition Index: Pavement Management For Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots
Pavement Condition Index: Pavement Management For Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots
Pavement Condition Index: Pavement Management For Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots
Pavement Management
Airports, Roads, and Parking lots
By Mohamed Y. Shahin
ASTM D 6433 – 07
Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots
Pavement Condition Index Surveys
ASTM D 6433 – 07
Standard Practice for Roads and Parking Lots
Pavement Condition Index Surveys
This methodology covers the determination of roads
and parking lots pavement condition through visual
surveys using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
method of quantifying pavement condition.
Pavement Sample
Unit—a subdivision
of a pavement Sample Unit
Section Length Lane Width Area, SF 1500 2500 3500
Undivided Rd
Severity Levels:
L—Fine, longitudinal hairline cracks running
parallel to each other with no, or only a few
interconnecting cracks.
M—Further development of light alligator
cracks into a pattern or network of cracks that
may be lightly spalled
H—Network or pattern cracking has
progressed so that the pieces are well
defined and spalled at the edges.
Percent Density
Divide the total quantity of each distress
type at each severity level by the total area
of the sample unit and multiply by 100 to
obtain the percent density of each distress
type and severity.
Determine the deduct value (DV) for each
distress type and severity level
combination from the distress deduct
value curves in Appendix X3.
Alligator Cracking Deduct Curve
Maximum Corrected Deduct Value (CDV)
Maximum Corrected Deduct Value (CDV)
m = allowable number of deducts including
fractions (must be less than or equal to
ten), and
HDV = highest individual deduct value.
For example,
m = 1 + (9/98)(100-25.1) = 7.9
Figure 5
m largest deduct values
The number of individual deduct values (> 2)
is reduced to the m largest deduct values,
including the fractional part.
For the example in Fig. 6, the values are
25.1, 23.4, 17.9, 11.2, 7.9, 7.5, 6.9, and
4.8 (the 4.8 is obtained by multiplying 5.3
by (7.9 – 7 = 0.9)).
If less than m deduct values are available,
all of the deduct values are used.
• Determine total deduct value by summing individual
deduct values. The total deduct value is obtained by
adding the individual deduct values, that is, 104.7.
• Determine q as the number of deducts with a value
greater than 2.0. For example, in Fig. 6, q = 8.
• Determine the CDV from total deduct value and q by
looking up the appropriate correction curve for AC
pavements in Fig. X4.15 in Appendix X3.
• Reduce the smallest individual deduct value greater than
2.0 to 2.0 and repeat until q = 1.
• Maximum CDV is the largest of the CDVs.
Maximum CDV
PCI=100-Max CDV
For the 1st Sample Unit
Determination of Section PCI
If all surveyed sample units are equal in size, the Section
PCI is the average of the sample unit PCI.
If all surveyed sample units are not equal in size, then the
PCI of the section (PCIs) is calculated as the area
weighted PCI of the surveyed sample units (PCIr) using
equation 5:
( PCI ri * Ari )
PCI s PCI r i 1
i 1
Determination of Section PCI
PCIs =PCI of the pavement section
PCIr = area weighted PCI of randomly
surveyed sample units,
PCIri = PCI of random sample unit i,
Ari = area of random sample unit i,
R = Total number of inspected random
sample units