SUPERPLAST - High Performance Polymer-Low Res
SUPERPLAST - High Performance Polymer-Low Res
SUPERPLAST - High Performance Polymer-Low Res
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Most of the world's paved roads are surfaced with asphalt, which gives good performance
and durability under the most heavily trafficked conditions. Asphalt roads are also widely
used in the construction of roads, highways, parking areas and airport runways.
However, traditional bitumen and asphalt mixture show temperature and time-dependent
behaviour. Rutting or permanent deformation is therefore the leading cause of pavement
deterioration in temperate and warm climatic regions of the world while low-temperature
cracking is a common problem in cold regions.
The increase in modulus can also be used to reduce the thickness of a Superplast modified
pavement. By conducting a modulus and fatigue analysis of Superplast modified asphalt
versus an unmodified mix, it is possible to determine an equivalent thickness ratio,
enabling the reduction of design thickness of bound materials by 15 to 40 percent without
compromising the service life the pavement.
The need for designing and constructing asphalt pavements that perform satisfactorily
under extremes of climate and traffic can be met by modifying traditionally produced paving
grade HMA with polymers. The selection and dosage of polymers, and the production of
modified HMA requires expertise and a Superior Polymer compound: ITERCHIMICA
In the graph below some typical stress-deformation curves for different types of polymers,
are compared. SUPERPLAST is a flexible compound because it resists to deformation and
it is ductile. Its initial modulus is greater than the one given by elastomers but still plenty of
SUPERPLAST is used for the manufacture of all types of bituminous mixes where a
modification of the bitumen is needed to improve its characteristics and to increase the
road surface mechanical resistance. It must be added directly to the plant's mixer, avoiding
the requirement for modified bitumen tanks. The improved properties and prolonged wear
resistance have been repeatedly demonstrated in road and airport projects worldwide.
Advanced lab testing and the various projects completed have shown that SUPERPLAST
considerably improves the mechanical performances of asphalt surfaces at high
The results have demonstrated an Increase in Marshal Stability, Stiffness, Indirect tensile
strength and fracture toughness of asphalt mixtures at 25°C and 60°C. This implies
increased resistance to fatigue cracking and reduced rutting deformations for the asphalt
The concept of resilient modulus is directly linked to the capacity of the paving's materials
to be deformed under loads. The resilient modulus represents the capacity to spread the
deformations inside the road layers and, thanks to the contribution of SUPERPLAST
compound, to distribute the action of the vehicular traffic over a wider surface.
The benefits of SUPERPLAST modified asphalt can be summarized in these points:
High mechanical properties such as: Marshal Stability, Stiffness, Resilient Modulus,
Indirect Tensile Strength over a wider range of temperatures;
High Resilient Modulus at 35°C allowing higher rutting and fatigue resistance by
distributing stresses over a wide platform thus reducing vertical strains and
consequent rutting of the lower layers (subbase and subgrade) as well as in the
wearing course;
Higher resilient Modulus allows for increase in design life of the structure, high
durability and reduction in maintenance and construction cost;
PMA technology offers logistic advantages and therefore cost benefits. Superplast
makes storage of PMB binder on asphalt production plants unnecessary or avoids
high investments in a range of storage tanks for various bitumens. High energy
costs for hot storage of modified bitumen are avoided or significantly reduced;
The production of modified asphalt mix (PMA) is very flexible: it can take place at
any given moment to the degree of modification required. This allows to the asphalt
producer to organize raw materials in the most efficient way possible;
ANNEX 2 presents a list of surface distresses that can be solved by the use of Superplast
modified hot mix Asphalt.
In the same way, the typical asphalt mix applications are the following:
For many international highway and airport projects, pre-blended PMB is often not easily
available or the preferred technology. The only sound alternative is the production with
ITERCHIMICA mobile dosing units that are set up adjacent to the asphalt hot mix plant to
feed Superplast Polymer.
ITERCHIMICA provides mobile dosing units, positioned on site at the hot mix asphalt
(HMA) plant, to feed the polymer compound into the mixer after the aggregate has been
loaded and just before the bitumen is added to produce SUPERPLAST Polymer Modified
Asphalt (PMA). Each blender is equipped with a 1-ton storage tank. The unit is controlled
by a PLC to feed the polymer at the specific time and quantity needed to satisfactory
modify the HMA. Typically the polymer is fed together before the bitumen spraying an the
mixing time is increased of about 10 sec to assure uniform dispersion.
ITERCHIMICA's technicians will work closely with the HMA plant operators to ensure that
proper parameter and procedures are followed to assure consistent quality and results.
4-6 % by Bitumen Weight
Aggregate Bitumen
at 180 °C at 160 °C
SUPERPLAST modified HMA have been successfully produced for over ten years. The
SUPERPLAST technology has been improved and adapted to meet specifications
requirements in several countries.
Below it is a non-comprehensive list of main projects were Superplast has been used
worldwide. Additional projects are given in ANNEX 3. Overall, more than 35.000.000 m2
have been constructed worldwide.
SUPERPLAST has achieved several accreditations worldwide that prove the high quality of
this technology and the improved performances of the modified asphalt mix.
Adding SUPERPLAST in the asphalt mix it’s possible modified the mechanical properties
of the pavement and also the rheological properties of the bitumen. If we consider the
typical dosage of the polymer, 4% ÷ 6% on the weight of bitumen, the typical mechanical
properties of SUPERPLAST modified Hot Mix Asphalt (PMA) are reported below:
EN 12697‐34 EN 12697‐23 EN 12697‐26 EN 12697‐22
(4% ÷ 6% SUPERPLAST) [kN] [N/mm2] [MPa] [%]
T = 15°C
T = 60°C T = 25°C T = 60°C
f = 10 Hz
Mstab. ITS ITSY Rut Depth Strain Speed
In the ANNEX 1, are presented the test results of several worldwide projects using
Superplast modified asphalt.
By adding the SUPERPLAST Compound into the pug mill, the rheological properties of the
original bitumen are improved.
Starting from a bitumen with a PG 64 – 16, when performing a PG analysis, according to
AASHTO M320, on the extracted binder from a SUPERPLAST modified asphalt mix, the
following rheological properties are typically achieved:
The mixing, laying and compaction temperatures using SUPERPLAST range in function of
the bitumen used:
- Increase the rigidity and the resistance to fatigue and rutting of the mixes;
- Guarantee high workability and stability in time of the mixtures' characteristics;
- Reduce the tensional engagement and the consequent rutting of the lower layers
(subbase, foundations, subgrade);
In recent years Superplast products have been widely tested and have clearly
demonstrated improved asphalt quality as well as easier use in the production and
development of modern asphalt mixtures.
Benefits in logistics
SUPERPLAST offers logistic advantages and therefore cost benefits. Superplast makes
storage of modified binder for asphalt production plants unnecessary or avoids high
investments in a range of storage tanks for various PMB products. High energy costs for
hot storage of modified bitumen are avoided or significantly reduced.
By adding Superplast polymers granules to asphalt, the resistance to deformation and the
resistance to cracking of the construction can be tailored and designed. This in turn will
tune the durability of the road to the requirements of each project.
Summarizing the benefits of Superplast:
1. Flexibility in asphalt mixture design:
o with Superplast polymer modification can be put into effect at any given time;
o no long term planning needed for the production of modified asphalt;
o the degree of modification can be tailored to the situation also when recycled
asphalt is used;
2. Cost reduction in asphalt production:
o no extra expenditure in storage facilities for modified bitumen are required;
o Superplast is compatible with various types of bitumen;
o no remains of polymer bitumen left over for use as 'normal' bitumen;
o improvement of load bearing capacity and durability of the Superplast
3. Environmental friendly solutions:
o Superplast is an environmentally friendly application of modified bitumen;
o Modified asphalt using Superplast can be recycled without any problem;
o Reduction of energy use for the storage of PMB;
All these benefits combined make Superplast a necessary tool for asphalt engineers to
develop optimum asphalt mixtures with value for their customers.
Superplast Application
Superplast allows the following main benefits:
1. Superplast is especially designed to improve stability, but also brings benefits in
adhesion strength of the binder to the aggregates. It is used to develop improved
stability in mixtures against, for instance, rutting.
2. Superplast is especially designed for bringing elastic performance in asphalt
mixtures; it is proven to be able to achieve PMB specifications.
3. Superplast is used to manufacture High Modulus Binder and Base course achieving
greater load distributions and bearing capacity in both temperate and warm
4. Superplast is used to manufacture High Frictional Wearing coarses and SMA Layers
having greater durability, rutting and fatigue resistance in both temperate and warm
In the ANNEX 1, are presented the test results of several worldwide projects using
Superplast modified asphalt. This collection of testing summary shows the
SUPERPLAST behavior when used in different applications and when tested
according to different standards.
Asphalt mixtures produced with SUPERPLAST polymer compound show superior
performance and durability. A selection of asphalt mix performance test data are presented
in the following tables and figures in comparison with conventional bitumen used without
Superplast or versus PMB type bitumen.
Typical Mashall test results of airport wearing coarse produced with PMA using 4% of
Superplast on the weight of bitumen, compared with conventional 50/70 bitumen.
Very Dense Aggregate Mix for Airport Landing Areas
HMA 50/70
HMA Modified with Superplast
Compaction Method 75+75 blows 75+75 blows
Flow [mm] 2,20 2,40 2,75 2,55 2,80 2,80 2,70 2,75
Marshall Stability [kg] 1340 1530 1380 1450 1989 1971 1740 1910
Mean Flow [mm] 2,48 2,76
Mean Stability[kg] 1425 1902
By adding Superplast in the asphalt mix it is possible to increase the Marshall Stability of
about 25%.
2) Marshall Test on Binder Course Using SUPERPLAST – Laboratory of
In the following study, are presented the typical improvement obtained while changing the
Superplast concentration on the HMA dense mix. A DBM binder course 0/12 mm is
modified with 0%, 3% and 6% polymer and the material have been tested in the laboratory.
The results show significant increase in the indirect tensile properties without
compromising the allowable maximum flow.
Bitumen Content [%] 5,3 5,3 5,3 6
SUPERPLAST Content [%] 0 3 6 0
Rt [N/mm2] 0,54 0,74 1,15 0,68
CTI [N/mm2] 35,35 54,65 74,28 36,7
Marshall Stability [KN] 10,63 13,95 22,09 12,71
Flow[mm] 2,42 2,41 2,47 2,91
3) Comparison between Superplast modified Asphalt (PMA) and PMB for DBM
layer – ROMANIA.
In the following study , are presented typical test results for a DBM Binder Base layer 0/25
mm, manufactured with bitumen 50/70, with Superplast PMA and with PMB.
The PMA results show significant increase in the mechanical properties of the mix with
results similar or better than the one’s obtained with the PMB.
Bulk density [Kg/m3] 2386 2379 2370
Aggregates density [Kg/m3] 2711 2711 2711
Bitumen volume in mixture [%)] 10.5 10.47 10.43
Aggregates volume in mixture [%] 84.1 83.8 83.5
Residual voids [%] 5.4 5.7 6.1
Voids in mineral aggregates [%] 15.9 16.2 16.5
Voids filled with bitumen [%] 66 65 63
Stability at 60°C [kN] 10.55 13.8 12.47
Flow [mm] 2.8 2.4 2.7
Water absorption [%] 3.39 3.17 3.33
4) SUPERPLAST behaviour at different temperatures – NIEVELT
By adding Superplast in the original asphalt mix the Indirect Tensile Stress increases
around 25% at 25°C compared to the PMB value, while at 40°C the performances are
similar. At the lower temperature the Superplast asphalt mix is less stiff and this means a
better resistance to fatigue and thermal cracking.
5) Romanian Techinical Agreement
Below are presented typical properties of PMA asphalt mixes defined by extensive
testing performed in Romania. The typical asphalt mix characteristics for DBM, BC
and SMA layers when Superplast is used, according to European Norms and
requirements, are the following:
DBM 0/25 mm with 5% SUPERPLAST
No. DBM 25mm Specification Test
crt. Technical characteristic M.U. with Superplast range method
Voids in the mix at 120
1. [%] 3,6 max. 9,5 EN 12697‐31
10300 ÷
4. Stiffness modulus, at 15°C [MPa] min. 4000 EN 12697‐26
Dynamic creep (at 40°C,
200 kPa @ 1800 impulses)
5. EN 12697‐25
‐ strain [μm/m] 2815/3642 max. 20000
‐strain speed [μm/m/course] 0,13/0,12 max. 2
No. Of courses
6. Fatigue life, at 15°C > 400000 min. 400000 EN 12697‐24
to cracking
BC 0/16 mm with 5% SUPERPLAST
No. BC 16mm with Specification Test
Technical characteristic M.U.
crt. Superplast range method
1. Apparent density [kg/m3] 2367 min. 2350 EN 12697‐6
Voids in the mix
2. [%] 4,0 max. 5 EN 12697‐31
3. Stiffness modulus, at 15°C [MPa] 7350 ÷ 8850 min. 4500 EN 12697‐26
Dynamic creep (at 40°C,
200kPa @ 1800 impulses)
4. EN 12697‐25
‐ strain [μm/m] 13600/14800 max. 25000
‐strain speed [μm/m/course] 1,03/0,96 max. 2,5
Wheel tracking at 60°C
‐ rut depth [% mm/1000 6,8 max. 7
EN 12697‐22
‐ strain speed courses] 0,07 max. 0,7
SMA 0/16 mm with 6% SUPERPLAST
No. Specification Test
Technical Characteristics M.U. with
crt. range method
Dynamic creep (at 40°C,
200 kPa @ 1800 impulses)
5. EN 12697‐25
‐ strain [μm/m] 5500/5700 max. 30000
‐strain speed [μm/m/course] 0,36/0,43 max. 3
Fatigue deformation (at
6. [mm] 0,276/0,268 max. 1 EN 12697‐24
15°C and 3600 impulses)
Wheel tracking at 60°C
‐ rut depth [% mm/1000 2,6/2,8 max. 7 EN 12697‐22
‐ strain speed courses] 0,021/0,026 max. 0,6
6) Stiffness Modulus using SUPERPLAST for BRE.BE.MI. Highway – BASE
and BINDER Layer – Politecnico of Milano Laboratory.
Here below are presented some test data on the Stifness Modulus when tested in
accordance with European standard (EN 12697-26). The object of these tests is the
measurement of the stiffness modulus in particular testing in indirect tension (IDT) mode.
The IDT testing of cores is very practical for routine use in Europe.
‐ BINDER Layer:
Stiffness Modulus of DBM 0/20 mm Binder course layer at 15Hz at different temperatures [MPa]
f=15 Hz T= 7°C T= 16°C T= 29°C T= 35°C* T= 40°C*
Bitumen 50/70 + 4,0 % Superplast 19653 12892 7325 5600 4500
Bitumen 50/70 + 8,0 % Superplast 19062 13041 8108 6300 5200
Bitumen 50/70 + 4,0 % Superplast + 20%RAP 20472 14807 9915 ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐
Bitumen 50/70 + 8,0 % Superplast + 20%RAP 21061 15849 10714 ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐
Minimum Requirement
12000 8000 6000 ‐‐‐ ‐‐‐
Bre.Be.Mi Specifications
*Prevision Results
‐ BASE Layer:
Stiffness Modulus of DBM 0/30 mm Base course layer at 10Hz at different temperatures [MPa]
f= 10 Hz T= 7°C T= 16°C T= 29°C
PMB Type 1 21079 13098 7626
PMB Type 2 18193 12750 6619
Bitumen 50/70 + 3,5% Superplast 24197 16262 9550
Bitumen 50/70 + 5,0 % Superplast 24591 19579 13728
Minimum Requirement
9000 6000 4000
Bre.Be.Mi Specifications
Below are presented some typical rutting tests performed on SMA mix with 5% Superplast
adding. The rutting is minimal even at 60°C testing temperature.
Rutting Test on SMA layer using SUPERPLAST
PROFILE Average Rut depth
Measuring range
1 2 3 4 5 (mm) (%)
9.8 10.2 9.8 10.4 10.5
Measure 0 9.1 10.2 9.9 10.2 10.4
8.9 9.5 10.4 10.3 10.5
10.3 10.9 10.4 11.2 11.9
100 cycles 10.3 11.6 11.0 11.7 12.2 1.1 1.9
9.8 10.4 11.7 11.4 11.9
11.3 10.8 10.8 11.3 12.2
300 cycles 11.1 12.3 11.2 12.1 12.4 1.6 2.7
10.4 10.9 12.8 11.8 12.1
11.2 10.9 10.9 11.6 12.2
1000 cycles 11.5 12.5 11.3 12.4 12.6 1.7 3.1
10.6 10.9 13.1 12.1 12.5
11.2 11.2 10.9 11.9 12.2
3000 cycles 12 12.9 11.8 12.6 14.2 2.1 3.7
11 11.2 13.3 12.5 13.1
11.5 12.2 11.7 12.5 12.8
10000 cycles 12.9 13.3 12.8 14.0 14.2 2.9 5.1
12 12.2 14.0 13.2 14.0
11.8 12.6 12.3 13.0 13.6
30000 cycles 13.6 14 13.5 14.9 14.6 3.4 6.0
12.6 13 14.0 13.7 14.4
Rut depth after 30000 cycles: 3,4 mm
Rut depth specimen: 6%
8) Tests conducted at IIT Kharagpur (INDIA) on DBM2 type samples with VG30
bitumen with and without 4% of SUPERPLAST on the bitumen weight.
A complete research have been performed at the Indian Institute of Technology to verify
the mechanical performances of a DBM2 layer with and without SUPERPLAST.
Tests on DBM2 layer with and without SUPERPLAST
VG 30 + 5% MORT&H
Average Marshall Properties M.U. VG 30
SUPERPLAST Spec. (2013)
Gmb [g/cm3] 2,678 2,680
Gmm [g/cm3] 2,790 2,780
Air Voids [%] 4,02 3,60 3 to 6
VMA [%] 12,9 12,8 12 min
VFA [%] 68,9 72,1 65‐75
Stability at 60°C [KN] 16,9 20,1 9 min
Flow [mm] 3,3 2,9 2 ‐ 4 mm
TSR [%residual] 69% 88% 80 min
Marshall Stiffness [KN/mm] 5,1 7,1 3 ‐ 5
Resilient Modulus at 35°C [MPa] 2227 5874
As seen from the Marshall Test results and resilient modulus obtained in this investigation,
addition of Superplast additive increases the stiffness of the mix significantly and produces
a high modulus mix having all the Marshall properties complying with the MORTH (2001)
9) Performance Grade Test on the bitumens extracted from asphalt mixes with
different percentages of SUPERPLAST – Laboratory of M.O.T. of Riyhad.
Starting from a bitumen PG 64-10 it’s possible achieve the following results:
By adding Superplast in the asphalt mix, the bitumen of the polymer modified asphalt
modifies its rheological performances. The highest temperature of the PG of the bitumen
rises increasing the percentage of Superplast in the mix.
10) High Modulus Asphalt (HiMA): The Mechanical Performances using
Superplast following French Specifications – Politecnico of Milano
Laboratory: “Dédoublement de la RN01 entre Berrouaghia et Bouhezoul”
High Modulus Asphalt Pavement – French Specifications
Following the French Specifications, by Adding Superplast in the asphalt mix it’s possible
to achieve the performances of an High Modulus Pavement (HiMA). We can achieve the
performances required using a bitumen with a conventional penetration of 50/70 instead of
a stiffer/harder bitumen (penetration 10/20) which is normally suggested to manufacture an
11) Project: Qatar - Al Muntazah Project - Road A3 – East industrial Temporary
Diversion FROM CH (0+635) TO CH (0+830) & SLIP ROAD (P-435 TO P-
453) in Al Muntazah Street Extension Project
Several specimens have been collected from the base course and wearing course of the
above project. Specimens have been sent to the road laboratory of Politecnico di Milano
University for verification of performance and specification properties. The test performed
have given the following conclusions:
According to the test report of this lab, summarized in the table below, both asphalt
concretes exhibit good performance in terms of stiffness, fatigue resistance and wheel
tracking resistance.”
12) Department of Hydraulics, Transport and Civil Infrastructures (DITIC) of the
Politecnico di Torino –Coastal Road Rasjedir-Sabrata project – Libya.
Cylindrical specimens prepared with the gyratory shear compactor were subjected to the
following tests:
‐ Repeated loading indirect tensile tests for the determination of elastic stiffness (EN
12697-26 and ASTM 06931-07 standards) at 20 and 40°C;
‐ Simple compression creep tests at 60°C (preloading for 360 loading for 3600 s with
a pressure of 100 kPa, recovery time equal to 3600 s) (AASHTO T322 standard).
Traditional Mix Superplast and Adhesion Dopes Mix
E @ 20°C [MPa] 11113 12857
E @ 40°C [MPa] 4143 4683
α @ 60°C 0,098 0,067
13) Institute IGH for Materials and Structures – Testing SUPERPLAST for use in
asphalt type SMA 16 – Kosovo Moterway Project.
Mark MIX 5 MIX 6 MIX 7 MIX 8
Asphal mix tipe SMA 16 SMA 16 SMA 16 SMA 16
Bitumen type 50/70 50/70 50/70 Pmb
Superplast, [%(m/m)] 4 3 0 0
Celulose fibres, [%(m/m)] 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3
Bitumen content, [%(m/m)] 5,3 5,3 5,3 5,3 ‐
Void content, [%(v/v)] 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3 ‐ 6
Voids filled with bitumen, [%(v/v)] 82,0 82,0 82,0 82,0 71 ‐ 83
Drained material, [%(m/m)] 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,1 < 0,6
Indirect tensile strength ITS, [MPa] 2,36 2,10 1,96 1,72 ‐
Indirect tensile strength ratio ITSR, [%] 81,4 87,6 88,8 90,2 ≥ 80
Wheel tracking slope, [mm/1000 cycles] 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,02 ≤ 0,07
Proportional rut depth, [%] 3,2 2,8 3,3 2,8 ≤ 5
Stiffness, [MPa] 6338 6663 5110 5091 3600 ‐ 7000
Resistance to fatigue, [10‐6 m/m] cca 180 cca 190 Cca 170 Cca 280 > 160
The results of resistance to rutting show that all tested mixtures have approximately equal
values of proportional rut depth and wheel tracking slope and satisfy the spec. limits.
“Asphalt mixtures with Superplast have:
‐ good high temperature performance;
‐ good resistance to rutting;”
ANNEX 2 – Surface distresses solved by SUPERPLAST
Properly designed and maintained HMA pavements can provide many years of satisfactory
service. Distressed pavement is often a result of a combination of factors, rather than just
one root cause. HMA pavement damage that is visible at the surface of the pavement is
often called "surface distress". However, like all pavements, HMA pavements can be
damaged by certain conditions. This page is intended to show the main Surface
Distresses that can be solved by the use of Superplast Modified Hot Mix Asphalt.
a) Rutting
Rutting is a primary reason of premature deterioration of asphalt highway pavements.
Pavements constructed with polymer and other modifiers are showing improved
performance. When the virgin asphalt and modified HMA mixes used on several test
sections worldwide are compared in field evaluation, the observation and results confirm
the relatively poor performance of the virgin asphalt section with respect to rutting,
compared to modified HMA sections.
The rutting problem is also associated with high pavement temperatures during the
summer months. The high temperatures reduce the asphalt cement viscosity, which can
make the mix susceptible to rutting.
Mix rutting occurs when the subgrade does not rut yet the pavement surface exhibits
wheelpath depressions as a result of compaction/mix design problems.
Subgrade rutting occurs when the subgrade exhibits wheelpath depressions due to
loading. In this case, the pavement settles into the subgrade ruts causing surface
depressions in the wheelpath.
Rutting in a busy arterial Ruts can even be seen in the two-way left turn lane indicating that
the rutting is not due to heavy traffic.
Therefore the possible causes are: Permanent deformation in any of a pavement's layers
or subgrade usually caused by consolidation or lateral movement of the materials due to
traffic loading. Specific causes of rutting can be:
b) Ravelling
Description: The progressive disintegration of an HMA layer from the surface downward as
a result of the dislodgement of aggregate particles.
Figure 1 –Raveling possibly resulting from segregation
The problem encountered are: Loose debris on the pavement, roughness, water collecting
in the raveled locations resulting in vehicle hydroplaning, loss of skid resistance.
Possible Causes of the Loss of bond between aggregate particles and the asphalt binder
as a result of:
High temperatures that reduce the viscosity of the binder.
A dust coating on the aggregate particles that forces the asphalt binder to bond
with the dust rather than the aggregate
Aggregate segregation. If fine particles are missing from the aggregate matrix,
then the asphalt binder is only able to bind the remaining coarse particles at their
relatively few contact points.
Inadequate compaction during construction. High density is required to develop
sufficient cohesion within the HMA.
c) Bleeding
Bleeding occurs when a film of asphalt binder on the pavement surface. It usually creates
a shiny, glass-like reflecting surface that can become sticky when dry and slippery when
Figure 2 – Classic Bleeding
Bleeding occurs when asphalt binder fills the aggregate voids during hot weather or traffic
compaction, and then expands onto the pavement surface. Since bleeding is not
reversible during cold weather or periods of low loading, asphalt binder will accumulate on
the pavement surface over time. Likely causes are:
ANNEX 3 – List Of Main Project Where Superplast Is Used
2005 ITALY 265.000 High module in Livorno
2005 ITALY 75.000 Binder for Rome Municipality
2005 ITALY 440.000 Binder for Rome Municipality
2005 ITALY 33.000 Modified bitumen
2005 ITALY 50.000 Municipality of Bergamo
2005 ITALY 20.000 Municipality of Milan
2005 ITALY 20.000 Municipality of Milan
Porous asphalt and semi‐opened porous
2005 ITALY 74.250
asphalt for Anas Rome
2008 ITALY 48.000 Antiskid for Anas Catanzaro
2008 ITALY 29.500 Siracusa‐Catania Highway
2008 ITALY 54.000 Antiskid for Anas Catania
2008 ITALY 63.000 Modified bitumen S.S.131
2008 ITALY 22.000 Anas Florence
2008 ITALY 48.000 Modified wearing course ‐ Rome
2008 ITALY 45.000 Livorno Interport
2008 ITALY 89.000 Anas Florence
2008 ITALY 30.500 Rome Municipality
Rehabilitation DN6 Alexandria‐Craiova, TOTAL M²
2011 ROMANIA 277.500 35.208.000
BAD25m, 37 km 1999‐2013
ANNEX 4 – List Of several accreditation of Superplast
‐ Left: Accreditation of Superplast by Italian Military Aviation to improve the airfield pavement
‐ Right: Technical report for ASTALDI about a base layer modified using Superplast;
‐ Left: Accreditation of Superplast by Indian Road Congress (IRC);
‐ Right: Study of an SMA modified by Superplast by the IGH Institute of Croatia;
‐ Left: Approval of the Mix Design of a BBME using Superplast by the Ministry of Pubblic Works in Algeria;
‐ Right: Approval of Superplast by the Ministry of transportation (MOT) in Riyadh;
‐ Left: Approval of Superplast by Civil Aviation in Lybia;
‐ Right: Technical Approval of Superplast by Technical Permanent Council for Construction in
‐ Left: Technical Report concerning the use of Superplast as component in a SMA layer by Nievelt Laboratory;
‐ Right: Technical Report on asphalt mixture EME 0/20 by University of Milan (Politec. di Milano);
‐ Left: Study of high rutting resistance pavement using Superplast by University of Torino (Poli. di Torino);
‐ Right: Technical Report concerning the use of Superplast in a Drainage layer by Nievelt Laboratory;