St. Rose of Lima

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Unwrapping Standards

Outcome-Based Education
(OBE) and Curriculum
Martin Ceazar M. Hermocilla
Head, Diploma Program
Teksquad Institute of Information Technology
Book Author, Writer and Curriculum Developer
Case # 1
• Teacher X topic is about “Poverty in the
Philippines” instead of teaching the students,
he lets them watch a documentary film about
it. Now, do you think what Teacher X did is
effective? What activities can you suggest to
assess the students’ learning?
Case # 2
Case # 3
What is OBE or Outcome-Based
What is OBE?
• Outcome-Based Education means clearly
focusing and organizing everything in an
educational system around what is essential
for all students to be able to do successfully
at the end of their learning experiences. This
means starting with a clear picture of what is
important for students to be able to do, then
organizing the curriculum, instruction, and
assessment to make sure that this learning
ultimately happens.
Principles of OBE
• Clarity of focus
• Designing down
• High expectations
• Expanded opportunities
Clarity of Focus
• This means that everything teachers do must
be clearly focused on what they want
students to know, understand and be able to
do. In other words, teachers should focus on
helping students to develop the knowledge,
skills and personalities that will enable them
to achieve the intended outcomes that have
been clearly articulated.
Designing Down
• It means that the curriculum design must start
with a clear definition of the intended
outcomes that students are to achieve by the
end of the program. Once this has been done,
all instructional decisions are then made to
ensure achieve this desired end result.
High Expectations
• It means that teachers should establish high,
challenging standards of performance in
order to encourage students to engage deeply
in what they are learning. Helping students to
achieve high standards is linked very closely
with the idea that successful learning
promotes more successful learning.
Expanded Opportunities
• Teachers must strive to provide expanded
opportunities for all students. This principle
is based on the idea that not all learners can
learn the same thing in the same way and in
the same time. However, most students can
achieve high standards if they are given
appropriate opportunities.
Define Curriculum
• What is your definition of curriculum?
Remember BLOOMS?
• Creating
• Evaluating
• Analyzing
• Applying
• Understanding
• Remembering
Levels of Action Verbs

Level 6: Creating Create: generating, planning, producing, composing

Level 5: Evaluating Evaluate: checking, critiquing, assessing, concluding

Level 4: Analysing Analyze: differentiating, organizing, attributing, comparing,


Level 3: Applying Apply: executing, implementing, classifying, calculating,


Level 2: Understand: interpreting, exemplifying, classifying,

Understanding summarizing, inferring, comparing, explaining

Level 1: Remember: recognizing, recalling, describing, listing

What is Curriculum Mapping?
Curriculum Mapping is the
documentation and discussion of what
we teach.

It is a collaborative process that helps

us understand teaching and learning
throughout the Elementary and Middle
School .
Types of Curriculum
• Assessed – What is actually assessed at
the state and local level.
• Taught – The content that teachers
actually deliver.
• Intended – The written district guide for
grade level benchmarks/objectives.
Why Curriculum Mapping?

• It benefits ALL students.

• Mapping is a COMMUNICATION tool.
• Mapping is a PLANNING tool, it keeps
us FOCUSED and targets necessary
teaching creativeness.
• Mapping is not burdensome, in fact it
replaces repeat teachings and
(eventually) lesson plans.
• Mapping allows us to focus on fewer
goals, and therefore, teach concepts in
• Mapping will eliminate wasted review and
expand teaching time.
• It vertically shows curriculum steps.
Curriculum Mapping
Attempts to:
• Create a “snapshot” • Organize this
of the educational information into an
activities of every easily accessed
classroom within the visual that presents
district. a timeline of
• Capture the content instruction by
skills and teacher and course.
assessments taught
by every teacher in
the district.

Let’s see…..
Sample Curriculum Map
Essential Questions…

• Focus on a broad topic of study.

• Have multiple answers and perspectives.

They address “why” or “how”.
Essential Questions
• Which is more important – water or air?

• What is change?

• What if Shakespeare was a woman?


• Content is the essential concepts

and topics covered during a month.
• Cultural diversity
• Water cycle
• Bridge to Terabithia
• Local Government Systems
• Fire Safety

• Skills are key abilities and processes

students will develop related to
specific content.
Skills Examples

• Reading a map
• Writing a play
• Analyzing non-fiction text
• Writing persuasive essays
• Matching words and pictures
• Assessments are the products or
performances that demonstrate
student learning.

• Assessments are what the student

does (the actual product or
performance), not the evaluation tool
used to assess the product.
Assessment Examples

• Group presentation
• Brochure
• Research Paper
• Essay exam
• Puppet show
• Debate
• Key activities that lead to
acquisition of knowledge and

• Describe the "how" for the

knowledge and skills.
Activities Examples

• Writing persuasive letters to local

• Water analysis of local river
• Critique a work of art
• Create a 50 states quilt
• rubric means "a scoring guide used to
evaluate the quality of students' activity.
General Types
• Holistic - consists of a single scale with all
criteria to be included in the evaluation being
considered together
• Analytic -two-dimensional rubrics with levels
of achievement as columns and assessment
criteria as rows.
Once we have our
Maps, what do we do
with them?
Maps are never finished;
they are a work in progress!

Revision Examination Documentation


Documentation Revision

1. Create a Curriculum Map on the
subjects you’re handling (3)
2. Using two of the assessments, make
one (1) holistic and one (1) analytic

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