Corporate Actions Presentation
Corporate Actions Presentation
Corporate Actions Presentation
Topic – Equities
(4.1.5 and 4.1.6) Corporate Actions
Corporate Actions
What is a Corporate Action?
Where a company does something that affects it’s investors e.g. Shareholders
These actions are generally agreed upon by the board of directors before being
authorised by shareholders
These classifications are used across Europe and by Euroclear and Clearstream
(Both International Central Securities Depositories
e.g. 1:4
(X new shares for each ‘Y’existing shares)
This method is used in Europe and Asia
In the USA the ratio is expressed differently:
The first number in the ratio states final holding after the event; the second number is the original number
of shares held.
e.g. If the securities ratio is 5:4 and an investor holds 1,000 shares, after the event, the investor now owns
1250 shares compared with the 1000 they owned originally i.e. 1250:1000
Examples of a Corporate Action – Rights Issue
A company wants to raise finance:
To expand
To repay bank loans
To repay bond finance
An existing shareholder
has pre-emptive rights Rights Issue Shares are normally
offered to existing
to buy shares so that Offer of new shares to existing shareholders at a
their proportionate shareholders (“Cash Call”) discount to market price
holding is not diluted.
The initial response to the
announcement of a
Shareholders planned rights issue will
reflect the market’s view
Can react positively or of the scheme. Share
negatively to the rights issue prices can RISE or FALL as
a result
What can they do?
The share price changes to reflect the effect of the rights issue once the shares go ex-rights
(after the rights issue has happened)
This is the point at which the shares and the rights are traded as two separate instruments
This adjusted share price is known as the The rights can be sold and the price for these
theoretical ex-rights price rights is known as the premium.
(actual price will depend upon the
interaction of buyers and sellers in the market (theoretical ex-rights price - price of a new
at the time) share)
In the case of Con Air plc, the In the case of Con Air plc
theoretical ex-rights price was £3.77
£3.77 - £2.00 = £1.77
Examples of a Corporate Action – Bonus Issue
Capitalisation Psychologically, a
Issue company’s share price can
become too high and less
attractive to investors
UK Cos. Like a share price
under £10
Examples of a Corporate Action – Dividends
Interim Dividend
Final Dividend
First dividend
Second dividend paid after
declared by Many UK approval by shareholders at
directors and paid
company’s pay the AGM, after the end of
halfway through
them twice a year the financial year
the year
Procedures have been put in place to prevent mistakes in paying dividends to the wrong person
Shares are bought and sold with the right to receive the next declared
dividend up to the date shortly before the dividend payment is made.
(The actual payment of the dividend will then be made to those shareholders at a later
specified date.)
The actual payment of the dividend will then be made Record Date
Register Date
to those shareholders on the register at the record date
Books Closed Date
at a later specified date, say Wednesday 22 October.
Examples of a Corporate Action – Takeovers
A company can grow organically or take a different route – buy other
Directors of the target Shareholders of the Success = predator Directors of the target
company consider target company can company “gains consider
the offer not choose whether control” by buying the takeover bid to be
attractive. to accept or reject more than 50% of acceptable, and
They recommend that the bid, a hostile the shares of the recommend
their shareholders
reject the offer.
takeover bid can still
be successful
target company
acceptance to
Examples of a Corporate Action – Mergers
Rights issue The Board issues new shares to existing Mandatory with options
shareholders (First option) at a discount their
market price to raise finance