Business Plan Implementation: Starting and Operating A Simple Business

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Starting and Operating a Simple Business
Learning Outcomes

Implement the business plan

Operate the business
Sell the product/service to
potential customers
Identify the reasons for keeping
business records
How to Start a Business

1. Write a business plan.

2. Download a business plan template.
3. Consider some business plan examples.
4. Determine your business' legal structure.
5. Register your business' name.
6. Review small business taxes.
7. Market the business.
8. Sell your products and services.
9. Keep your customers happy.
10. Fund the business.
 Starting a business involves a whole lot of moving
pieces, some more exciting than others. Brainstorming
business names? Fun! Filing taxes? ... Not so fun. The
trick to successfully getting your business off the
ground is to meticulously plan and organize your
materials, prioritize properly, and stay on top of the
status and performance of each and every one of
these moving parts.
 From registering with the government to getting the
word out about your business to making key financial
decisions, here's an overview of what you'll need to
do to start a successful business.

Even the most well-thought-out business plan

is just a piece of paper if it isn’t doesn’t have
a plan for implementation. This is the portion
of the business plan where objectives are
clarified, tasks are assigned with deadlines,
and program is charted to reach goals and
How to Implement on Your
Business Plan?
Guidelines for successful business plan

1. Objectives
The objectives should be crystal
clear and specifically spelled out,
since it will be used as a building
block for the rest of the
implementation plan.
For example, assume the start-up is a small consulting
firm. The objective should be tough but reachable, and
could read something like this:

1.1 Secure office space and be

open for business in three months.
1.2 Sign three clients within first
three months of operations.
1.3 Sign 10 clients within the first
Setting the right goals and objectives for
implementation of your business plan
will push you to show up and perform
every day. If you don't set goals that
challenge you on a daily basis, it's easy
to stagnate in your business and simply
drift along doing ok. Your objectives are
where hopes and ideas are translated
into action.
2. Tasks
 This part of your business implementation plan
details what must be accomplished, to achieve
your greater objectives. Include a task manager
for each step, so that roles are clearly defined,
and there is accountability.
 As you create well-defined tasks and assignments
for yourself, these descriptions should be plainly
and generally stated; don’t get into a step-by-
step, micromanaged explanation of how the tasks
will be carried out. Instead, emphasize the
expected results associated with these tasks.
Continuing with the above example, the tasks section of
your implementation plan might look like this:

 Secure office space – real estate agent

 Obtain licenses and permits – you
 Set up office phones and computers – office manager
 Begin recruiting clients – sales manager
 Create marketing collateral – marketing manager
 Solicit referrals from clients – relationship manager
This list is very specific to this particular firm and
is a brief illustration. You may wish to go into
more details, assigning tasks to yourself such as
obtaining financing, networking
with prospective clients, and so on.
3. Time allocation

 To determine how realistic your implementation plan

is, each task must be paired with an appropriate time
frame for completion. Some tasks will naturally take
more time than others, so do your best to set realistic
estimates. If you're treading into unknown territory with
any part of your plan, it's your responsibility to do the
research, track down instructional resources that'll
help you through implementation, or find a partner,
mentor or contractor with more direct experience to
help execute.
You should be aggressive but reasonable
with your time allocation to ensure not just
completion, but also competent work. For
assistance in framing this timescale, use a
program such as Microsoft Project, or create
your own Gantt chart – a helpful tool that
shows how long it will take to complete
different tasks and in which order the tasks
should be finished.
4. Progress
 You or a member of your management team needs to be in charge of
monitoring each task’s progress and the completion percentage of each
objective if you hope to implement your business plan without delay
 When delays do occur, however, try to get to the root of the problem. Did
the person responsible drop the ball? Did he or she have too many
responsibilities to handle? Did a third party, such as a supplier or the bank,
fail to hold up its end of a deal? Adjust your Gantt chart appropriately to
account for the delay, make a note of the previous deadline and the
reason it was missed.
 While the above steps may seem like overkill, the early days of
implementation in a startup are critically important; it’s a time when good
management patterns are set and also probably a lean era when revenue
has yet to start rolling in. The more efficiently you start implementing your
business plan, the more likely it is that you will survive this early period.

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