Soil Investigation: Guidelines For Checking and Supervision of Field Geotechnical Investigation

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Guidelines for Checking and Supervision of

Field Geotechnical Investigation


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Many soil investigations have shown that the bearing capacities are better than
anticipated and a different foundation design could have saved a few lakhs of
rupees worth of otherwise routine footings. Often, a thorough soil investigation
may show that moving a unit just a few metres on the site can avoid faulty
underlying material.

A detailed soil investigation is of prime importance in the construction industry. It

is required before constructing any new structure to avoid failure of foundations
at a later stage. Parameters such as bearing capacity and settlement potential of
the soil needs to be ascertained to determine whether the stability of foundations
can be obtained. This is required because foundation failures in structures are
practically irreparable.

A client would especially want to know what types of foundations and other
construction details are likely to be required so that he can figure his cost to
build. The client would also like to know the additional cost for land development,
if any, due to any problem or condition of the sub-soil .

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A detailed sub-soil investigation may be widely varying in its quality, contents

and quantity depending on the purpose for which it has been planned.

For an industrial plant, the field work for a typical soil investigation may consist
of the following major components :

• Boreholes/Drillholes
• Standard Penetration tests in boreholes
• Trial Pits
• Plate Load Tests – routine and cyclic
• Block Vibration Tests
• Collecting samples of soil/rock/water from boreholes and test pits
• Static (Dutch) Cone Penetration Tests
• Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests
• Electrical Resistivity Tests

The collected soil/rock/water samples are subjected to various tests in the

laboratory to establish their intrinsic properties. The field and laboratory data are
collated, studied and analysed to prepare relevant recommendations regarding
foundation systems and other pertinent geotechnical operations.
TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 3

To a field supervisor, merely knowing the procedure of each test does not suffice.
He should be well conversant about the significance of each operation and should
have sufficient knowledge about the purpose of each test.

The purpose of each component of soil investigation is briefly described below :

This is a direct and the most reliable process to explore what lies below the
ground. Normally 150 – 200 mm diameter boreholes are sunk into the ground by
percussion method. For rocks, 65 – 73 mm diameter holes are drilled using
Tungsten carbide or Diamond bits. A properly maintained borehole/drillhole log
can establish the existing sub-soil/rock stratification fairly accurately.

Standard Penetration Tests

This test is conducted in boreholes at regular intervals to get a feel about the soil.
It involves in recording the number of blows required to penetrate a split spoon
sampler, into the soil, by 300 mm by the energy of a 63.5 Kg falling weight from a
height of 750 mm. The blow counts are recorded as ‘N’ values and leads to a host
of important information regarding the consistency, density, shear strength and
other relevant soil parameters.

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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Standard Penetration Test

Boring Operation
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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Trial Pits
Whenever sub-soil conditions upto relatively shallow levels are required, trial pits
come in extremely handy. These may be done for investigation of roads, railways,
drainage, sewerage, pipeline/service line routes etc.

Plate Load Tests – Routine and Cyclic

These are in-situ loading tests, carried out directly on soil, at the envisaged
founding level. The test comprises in incrementally loading a square/circular steel
plate, 300 – 750 mm size/diameter and recording the settlements progressively.
The bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of the soil can be computed
from the resulting load-settlement curves. A variation of this is the cyclic test
where each load increment is withdrawn to zero before the next increment is
applied. The results can be interpreted to compute the dynamic soil properties.

Block Vibration Tests

This is another in-situ test that is carried out specifically to establish the dynamic
properties of the soil. A concrete block of 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.5 m is placed/cast at the
founding level and excited at different frequencies by an oscialltor. The resulatnt
amplitudes are recorded by geophones to generate frequency-amplitude curves.
From such curves, the natural frequency of the soil is determined from where
relevant dynamic properties of the soil are computed. TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 6
The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Trial Pit Block Vibration Test

Plate Load Test

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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Sample Collection
The very essence of a soil investigation job is to collect representative samples of
soil/rock/water so that they can be subjected to relevant tests to establish their
properties. The different types of samples that are collected include :
Undisturbed : These are collected from cohesive/semi-cohesive strata and are
qualitatively the best. They are collected in sample tubes of standard dimensions.
After collection, the tubes are sealed with paraffin wax from both ends, capped
and labelled before onward transmission to laboratory. Intrinsic properties like
bulk density, shear strength, consolidation etc are determined from such samples.
Disturbed : These can be collected from all types of material and are useful to
establish the physical and chemical properties of soil. Such samples are usually
collected from augers, shells/bailors, split spoons etc. They are stored in air tight
polythene packets and labelled before despatching to laboratory.
Bulk : These are collected from trial/test pits as undisturbed samples. They are
normally 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm in size and are preserved in air tight boxes
before transmission to the laboratory.
Core : These are collected by drilling through rock strata using Tungsten Carbide
or Diamond bits attached to the bottom of a core barrel. Depending on actual
recovery and number and size of pieces obtained, parameters like Core Recovery
(CR) and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) are noted after core collection.
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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Sample Collection (cont’d...)

Water : Samples of groundwater are collected from
borehoels, test pits or other available sources. They
are stored in sampling bottles, sealed and labelled.
Care is taken to avoid possible contamination of the
samples. These samples are tested for chemical
properties like pH, sulphate, chloride, organic matter
etc which governs the type of cement to be used or
special precautionary measures to be adopted for
foundations and underground construction. Water Samples

Coring Bits
UDS Tube Rock Cores TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 9
The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Static Cone Penetration Tests

This was initially developed in the 1950s
at the Dutch Laboratory for Soil
Mechanics in Delft to investigate soft
soils. Based on this history it is also called
the ‘Dutch Cone Test’. The test method
consists of pushing an instrumented cone
tip followed by a sleeve or friction jacket
into the ground at a controlled rate (say 2
cm/sec). Cone tips usually have an area
of 10 – 15 cm², corresponding to
diameters of 3.6 and 4.4 cm. During the
penetration, the forces (resistance to
pushing) on the tip and friction jacket are
measured. These are plotted depthwise
and interpreted to estimate the soil
stratigraphy, density, shear strength etc.
Very good correlations are also obtained
for pile design as the tip and jacket
resistance simulate the end bearing and
skin friction components respectively. Static Cone Penetration Test
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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests

This test, similar to the Standard
Penetration Test (SPT), is carried out
to assess the resistance of different
soil strata to dynamic penetration. A Without Bentonite
50 mm diameter, 600 cone is driven
into the ground by the falling energy
of a 65 Kg hammer from a height of
750 mm. Number of blows required for
every 100 mm penetration are
recorded. Blows required for 300 mm
penetration is reported as ‘Ncd’ value.
In an alternative method, a 62.50 cone
is used with bentonite slurry and the
results reported as ‘Ncbr’ values. The
results gives an idea about the
With Bentonite
consistency/relative density of the soil
and helps in estimating the bearing
capacities of granular soils. Good
correlations exist between ‘N’, ‘Ncd’
and ‘Ncbr’ values.
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The Site Supervisor’s Responsibility (cont’d...)

Electrical Resistivity Tests

This test is essentially conducted to assess
the electrical resistivity of different sub-
soil strata and utilise these values for
earthing design. Although the results are
effectively interpreted by Electrical
engineers, one can also get a reasonable
idea about site stratigraphy, position of
groundwater table, soil moisture etc. The
test involves in passing electrical current
between a pair of current electrodes and
measuring the potential drop between a
pair of potential electrodes. By varying the
spacing of electrodes, the field of influence
is varied to cover desired depths. From the
resulting tomographic map, experts can
interpret fairly accurately, the conditions
of groundwater table and soil moisture and
also assess the types of soil within a
reasonable depth. Electrical Resistivity
TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 12

To ensure quality of a soil investigation work, it is very important to establish

certain control/check points before the start of the investigation and ensure the
same is being followed during the investigation. Some of these check points are :
• Co-ordinates of boreholes/field tests are established accurately and levels of
ground are recorded. In case of obstructions, locations may need to be shifted
with concurrence of Employer.

• Boring/drilling rig is erected vertically and borehole/drillhole is progressing

vertically with depth.

• Check depth of boring progressively by lowering a heavy weight attached to a

chain. Observing number of drill rods being lowered and recording length of
each rod also ensures a rough check.

• Casing/bentonite slurry is being used wherever the sides of the boreholes need
to be retained e.g. in soft clays and loose sands.

• Water shall not be poured in boreholes for soft cohesive/cohesionless soils

above water table. For cohesionless soil below water table, the borehole may
be filled with water or 5% bentonite slurry upto or above the water table.

• While withdrawing shell/bailer, bentonite slurry shall be poured into boreholes

to prevent boiling. TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 13
Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• Groundwater table in boreholes to be observed carefully. Records maintained

for levels of water first struck and 12 – 24 hours after completion of boring.

• Collection of disturbed and undisturbed samples at regular intervals to be

ensured. Wherever possible, undisturbed samples (UDS) shall be collected at
intervals of 1.5 m or change of strata, whichever is earlier.
• Disturbed samples (DS) shall be collected as cuttings from auger, material
collected in shell/bailer and material recovered in split spoon samplers.

• All DS to be stored in airtight polythene packets/glass jars with gasket and

screw caps. Each sample to be labelled as per Appendix E2 of IS:1892-1979.
• UDS to be collected in sample tubes that are seamless, of stainless steel or
copper, 100 mm in diameter (usually) with 450 mm long barrel. Check Inside
Clearance (Ci), Outside Clearance (Co) and Area Ratio (Ar) of sample tubes as
per IS:1892-1979. Area Ratio should be less than 10% for soft sensitive clays
and upto 20% for stiff/hard soils. Labelling to be done as per IS:1892-1979.

• Before collecting UDS, ensure the following :

i) Casing is not driven below sampling level.
ii) Hole is thoroughly cleaned of all loose soil/muck.
iii) Water level in borehole is maintained at or above GWT.
iv) Sampling is done as soon as possible after cleaning. TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 14
Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• During sampling, note the following :

i) Depth of bottom of borehole.
ii) Depth of bottom of casing.
iii) Water level in the borehole.
iv) Length of penetration of sampler into soil under weight of tube and rods.

• During sampling, ensure the following :

i) Sample tube is pushed into soil by continuous and rapid motion.
ii) Tube is not pushed further than the length provided.
iii) Time gap of at least 5 minutes is allowed before pulling out tube.

• After collecting sample, ensure the following :

i) All disturbed material from upper end of tube is removed.
ii) Soil from lower end is removed by about 1” and both ends are cleaned.
iii) Time gap of at least 5 minutes is allowed before pulling out tube.
iv) Both ends of tube are sealed with several layers of paraffin wax.
v) Top of tube is marked indicating direction of sampling.
vi) Tubes are labelled as per IS:1892-1979.
vii) Tube and boring number are marked in duplicate and placed inside tube in a
sheet that will not be affected by moisture.

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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• At site, samples shall be kept in shade, placed over a bed of sand, jute bags,
saw dust etc and covered with similar material on top and kept moist.

• All samples to be packed in stout wooden boxes (with separate partitions) and
packed with saw dust, paper etc to prevent damage during transit.

• For collection of water samples, water in a borehole to be completely pumped

out. After 24 hours, collected water shall again be pumped out and water
samples collected from as near to bottom of borehole as possible.

• Water samples to be collected in sampling bottles/jerry cans upto the brim

and tightly capped for air tightness and labelled.

• For shell and auger boring, if rate of progress falls below 30 cm in 30 minutes,
chiselling to be started. Diameter, type and weight of chisel to be noted.

• When rate of chiselling falls to 30 cm or less in 60 minutes, rotary drilling to be

started. Initially drilling to be done by Tungsten Carbide (TC) bits and switched
over to Diamond bits for hard/compact rock.

• Above basis of changing from boring to chiselling, chiselling to TC drilling and

TC drilling to Diamond drilling to be checked for a few boreholes to establish a
practical field criteria which may be used as guideline for further boreholes.
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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) to be conducted at intervals of 1.5 m or

change of strata, whichever is less, as per IS:2131-1981.

• For conducting SPT, ensure the following :

i) Split spoon sampler conforms to IS:9640-1980.
ii) Weight of driving head is 63.5 Kg and height of fall is 750 mm.
iii) Energy of falling weight is not reduced by friction.
iv) Rods to which sampler is attached are straight, tightly coupled and vertical.
v) Casing, if used, is not driven below test level.
vi) Borehole is thoroughly cleaned before conducting the test.
vii) Drill rod at top is graduated or a scale is attached to it.

• After lowering split spoon sampler, note the following :

i) Depth of bottom of borehole.
ii) Penetration of sampler under weight of sampler and drill rods.
iii) Water level in borehole.
iv) Depth of bottom of casing.

• During SPT, note the following :

i) Number of blows for each 150 mm penetration upto a total of 600 mm.
ii) Total blows for 2nd and 3rd 150 mm penetrations to be recorded as ‘N’ value.
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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• If number of blows for 2nd and 3rd penetrations exceed 100 (before full 300 mm
penetration is achieved), the test to be stopped and ‘N’ value termed as refusal.

• After each SPT, ensure the following :

i) Sampler is raised to the ground, opened and soil sample is cut suitably.
ii) Sample pieces are stored in a jar and sealed with wax or in airtight packets.
iii) The jars/packets are labelled with all relevant information.

• The jars/packets of SPT samples shall not be stored under the sun.

• All data obtained during boring, sampling and SPT shall be recorded as per
Appendix D of IS:1892-1979, Appendix A of IS:2132-1986 and clause 4.1 of

• For drilling, size of drillholes shall vary between BX (60 mm) to NX (73 mm).
Water, oil, mud or foam shall be circulated down the hollow drill rods and rock
cuttings coming out as sludge shall be collected as disturbed samples. Colour of
return water to be noted.

• Core samples of rock to be collected in core barrels and the cores, after removal
from barrels, to be placed in wooden core boxes.

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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• To preserve moisture, rock cores shall preferably be extruded into a sleeve of

thin gauge polythene supported by a half round plastic tray. For hard rocks,
transfer to core box may be done by hand. For weak rocks, plastic sheathing
shall be taped at intervals and cores transferred to the box with the sheathing.

• Cores after extrusion from the barrels to be measured for their total length and
the length of all samples of 100 mm or more in size taken together. Core
Recovery (CR) and RQD to be calculated from above data.

• Core boxes shall have minimum free space and shall have hinged lid, strong
fasteners and lifting loops. The depths and core losses shall be marked with
wooden spacers and cores shall be tightly packed with saw dust etc.

• Core boxes shall be marked internally and externally indicating the project,
borehole number, depth range of coring, direction of run etc.

• Preliminary classification of soil/rock samples to be checked and recorded.

• Normally, boreholes are terminated at 25 – 30 m below existing ground level

unless otherwise required. However, if hard/compact rock is encountered
above this level, such that it requires diamond drilling, the borehole shall be
terminated ensuring minimum 2 m drilling into such rock.

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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)
• For Plate Load Tests, ensure the following :
i) Loading platform truss is strong enough to sustain the estimated loading.
ii) The plate is of mild steel, square or circular with minimum size/diameter of
450 mm, thickness 25 mm and a chequered /grooved base.
iii) Load and settlement measuring devices e.g. pressure gauge, dial gauge etc are
calibrated with necessary calibration/test certificates.
iv) Least count of dial gauge is at least 0.02 mm, preferably 0.01 mm.
v) Width of test pit is at least five times the width of the plate.
vi) Bottom of test pit is cleared of all loose material and properly levelled.
vii) Test pit is dry during test. If necessary, pumping shall be done from a sump.
viii) Weights of all equipment e.g. ball and socket, plate, jack etc are recorded.
ix) Loading platform is supported independently at least 2.5 m away from test
area at a height of 1.0 m or more above test level.
x) No support of platform is located within distance of 3.5 times the plate size.
xi) Reference/datum bar is supported on firm ground with minimum two (2) dial
gauges at diametrically opposite ends of plate. Preferable to use three (3).
xii) Test plate is placed over thin layer of fine sand and is horizontal.
xiii) Centre of plate coincides with centre of reaction structure.
xiv) Load is transferred through ball and socket arrangement.
xv) Seating pressure of 70 gm/cm2 is applied and removed before the test starts.
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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• During each Plate Load Test, ensure the following :

i) Load is applied in equal increments of 5.0 – 10.0 t/m2 or one-fifth of estimated
ultimate bearing capacity, whichever is less.
ii) Load is imparted gradually without impact or eccentricity and measured by a
pressure gauge attached to a pumping unit.
iii) For each load increment, settlement readings are taken at intervals of 1.0,
2.25, 4.0, 6.25, 9.0, 16.0 and 25.0 minutes and thereafter at hourly intervals.
iv) For clayey soils, each load increment is maintained until settlement exceeds
70 % – 80 % of the probable settlement at that stage or for 24 hours.
v) For non-cohesive soils, each load increment is maintained for at least one (1)
hour or until rate of settlement falls to 0.02 mm/min or less.
vi) Time-settlement curves are plotted for each load increment.
vii) Test continues with incremental loading until total settlement of 25 mm of the
plate or failure of the soil occurs, whichever is earlier.
viii) If neither of the above is achieved upto a load intensity of twice the design
pressure, the test is stopped.
ix) Unloading is done in stages and the rebound observations are recorded with
release of load.

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Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• After completion of each PLT, load-settlement curves both in arithmetic and

logarithmic scales are to be plotted and submitted by the Contractor .

• The soil below the plate upto a depth of twice the plate width/diameter shall be
excavated and the soil profile recorded.

• For Block Vibration Test, ensure the following :

i) Test block is of M20 grade, plain cement concrete of minimum dimension 1.0 m
x 1.0 m x 1.5 m and cast in the test pit.
ii) Test block has foundation bolts embedded for fixing oscillator assembly.
iii) Test block is cured for at least 15 days after casting and before testing.
iv) Test pit is of dimension 3.0 m x 6.0 m at the bottom with a levelled, horizontal
v) Sides of the pit are vertical (wherever possible) or at stable slopes.
vi) Test level is above the ground water table.
vii) Vibration exciter with motor, speed control unit, pick-ups, amplifiers,
geophones etc are calibrated with necessary test certificates.
viii) Weights of test block, exciter, motor etc are recorded.

• The apparatus required for BVT must conform to the specifications of clause 4
of IS:5249-1992. TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 22
Quality Control and Check Points (cont’d…)

• During Block Vibration Test, check and ensure the following :

i) Vibration exciter generates vertical/horizontal vibration of sinusoidal nature.
ii) Line of action of vibrating force passes through centre of gravity of block.
iii) Vibration pick-ups are fixed in such a way that vertical/horizontal motion of
the block is sensed.
iv) Frequency and amplitude records are maintained continuously.
v) Exciter is initially set to work at about 10 cps, the frequency is in gradual steps
(1 – 4 cps) thereafter upto maximum frequency of exciter and the signals are
measured continuously.
vi) The above is done for different excitation levels.
vii) The dynamic force never exceeds 20% of the total mass of the block and
exciter assembly.
viii) In-situ density of the soil, wherever required, shall be determined in
accordance with IS:2720 (relevant parts).

• After completion of BVT, amplitude vs. frequency curves shall be plotted for
each excitation level and submitted by the Contractor. Each such curve shall
indicate the natural frequency of vibration.

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 23

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Evaluation of Bearing Capacity (cont’d…)

Field assessment and evaluation of bearing capacity is perhaps one of the most
important decisions that a site engineer needs to take. After reaching the desired
depth of excavation, as specified in the relevant foundation drawings, the site
engineer has to ensure whether the subgrade material is competent enough to
yield the specified bearing capacity.

In order to estimate the on-site bearing capacity of the subgrade material, there
are few basic tools that are available to the site engineer. These include :
• Visual inspection and eye estimation
• Comparison with available soil investigation data (nearest borehole/pit log)
• Standard and/or improvised tools like penetration devices, plate tests etc.

Of the above methods, the first one i.e. visual inspection, needs a fair amount of
experience on the part of the site engineer. An experienced engineer, by virtue of
his familiarity with different types of fill materials, soils and rocks can make a
reasonable estimate about the bearing capacity that a material may yield.
In most cases, site engineers are equipped with a soil investigation report of the
area. This report, apart from being a design tool, is a very useful document for the
field personnel too. A site engineer must consult the report and tally the results
with what he actually exposes on field. A good tally boosts his confidence and
assures him that the sub-soil has not played any pranks. TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 25
Evaluation of Bearing Capacity (cont’d…)

In certain cases, the engineer has to take recourse to

established or indigenous equipment to assess the bearing
capacity of the subgrade. These include the conventional
Standard Penetration Tests, pocket penetrometers, small
scale penetration devices, Plate Loading Tests etc. These
methods gives the engineer a reasonably fair estimate of
the bearing capacity of the exposed subgrade.

The conventional standard penetration test, till date, is the

most reliable method for an in-aitu assessment of bearing
capacity at a certain depth. However, this calls for a tripod
arrangement with necessary accessories and may not be
handy at site when the site engineer requires to arrive at a
quick decision. The same applies for a plate loading test Pocket Penetrometer
which requires even more elaborate arrangements.

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 26
Evaluation of Bearing Capacity (cont’d…)

A popular instrument, used by Dasturco site

engineers, for assessing the in-situ bearing
capacities, is a replica of the standard
penetration test method. This was designed and
developed by K. L. Sanyal (KLS) during the first
phase of construction of Visakhapatnam Steel
Plant. Although there are certain limitations, this
device has been widely used at different sites for
a quick estimate of the availablle bearing
capacities. Presently, the instrument is being
extensively used at Vizag and Jamshedpur and
has yielded fairly reliable results.
Based on theoretical analyses by the Dutch
formula that equates the driving energy to the
weight of falling mass, weight of penetrometer,
height of fall etc., KLS developed the following
relationship between the ‘N’ values as obtained
by SPT and hand penetrometer :
Indigenous Hand Penetrometer
NH  3.25.N (Developed by K. L. Sanyal)
NH = ‘N’ value obtained from hand penetrometer
N = ‘N’ value obtained from SPT TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 27
Evaluation of Bearing Capacity (cont’d…)

Based on the relationship developed by KLS, one can easily calculate the actual
‘N’ value, at a certain depth in a particular soil, by conducting the hand
penetrometer test and predict the net safe bearing capacity at that level.

After conducting a large number of trials, the following ready refernce chart was
proposed by KLS to estimate the actual ‘N’ values and predict the net safe bearing
capaciies therefrom.

Consistency Soil Type NH values
‘N’ values (t/sq.m)
Very loose <4 < 10 < 13
Loose 4 – 10 10 – 20 13 – 33
Medium Dense 10 – 30 20 – 50 33 – 98
Dense 30 – 50 > 50 98 – 163
Very soft <2 <5 <7
Soft 2–4 5 – 10 7 – 13
Firm Cohesive 4–8 10 – 20 13 – 26
Stiff 8 – 15 20 – 40 26 – 49
Hard > 30 > 80 > 98
TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 28

Rock Socket

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 29
Criteria of Pile Termination (cont’d…)

A pile foundation is designed to carry a combination of loads depending on its

geometry, length, resistance derived from the soil etc. Based on the existing sub-
soil profile and properties, the geotechnical engineer designs a pile for a certain
shaft length. The pile derives its capacity from shaft friction and base resistance
offered by the soil/rock strata.

It is of utmost importance for the site engineer to ensure that the pile goes down
to the desired stratum with the specified penetration/socketing in rock, if any.
Prematurely terminated piles will have shorter shaft lengths and lesser frictional
resistance. Again, piles terminating in a relatively weaker/softer material will not
mobilise the desired base resistance. Both these cases implies a reduction in the
designed capacity of the pile which may have far reaching consequences.

The problem of pile termination is relatively less in soils like clay or sand than in
rocky strata. In clay or sand, the specified shaft length can be maintained without
much difficulty as boring through such strata is relatively easier. However, when
the pile needs to terminate in rock, identifying the termination stratum and
ensuring the desired socketing within it often becomes rather tedious.

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 30
Criteria of Pile Termination (cont’d…)

For bored piles in weathered/hard rock, the specified penetration/socketing has

to be achieved by extensive chiselling. Parameters such as weight of chisel,
height of fall and condition of the cutting edge are vital to achieve good progress.
A worn out chisel with a blunt cutting edge will take a much longer time and
frustrate the site engineer to achieve the desired socket.

Normally, the criteria for pile termination for bored piles in rocks are laid down in
the specification. If not, the site engineer must try and evolve an acceptable
criterion in consultation with the designer and the piling contrator. The usual
criterion for termination of piles (400 – 1000 mm diameter) in hard rock is :
• A penetration of 200 mm per hour or less, continuously for 3 hours, with the
total penetration not exceeding 600 mm, with a chisel weight of about 1.50 t,
falling from a height of 1.5 – 2.0 m.

Another popularly accepted criterion is based on the number of blows required to

achieve a certain penetration for a chisel of standard weight and height of fall.
Accordingly, the number of blows to achieve a penetration of 300 mm could vary
between 200 to 1000 in hard rock and between 100 to 600 in weathered rock.

For bored piles in soils such as clay or sand, the termination criterion is much
simpler and is often based on confirmatory Standard Penetration Tests.
TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 31
Criteria of Pile Termination (cont’d…)

For driven piles (precast or cast-in-situ), termination is usually predefined based

on the existing sub-soil profile. Accordingly, a pile is terminated when the agreed
criterion of ‘set’ is achieved. Based on the simple theory of energy imparted to the
soil, a definite criterion of displacement vs number of blows can be worked out
depending on the type and weight of hammer, height of fall, type of soil etc.

Sludge Pump and Chisel Typical DMC Chisel

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 32

TTM(DS-1)1Aii - 33
Identifying Locations of Field Tests (cont’d…)

Ideally, a soil investigation for a greenfield industrial plant should be carried out
in three phases. These include :
• Reconnaissance and Planning
• Preliminary Investigation
• Final Investigation

• Reconnaissance and Planning consists of :

 Review of relevant and available information to get a preliminary idea of the
ground and the probable engineering problems. This includes study of available
maps, reports etc. of nearby areas and adjacent plants.

• Preliminary Investigation consists of :

 Detailed study of the plant layout to identify the major units.
 A baseline investigation so that the main investigation can later be planned to
best advantage.
 Comprises mainly of boreholes/trial pit with some field and laboratory tests.
 Investigation is not necessarily layout sensitive and is often carried out in a
wide grid to get an overall idea about the lithology, groundwater table, depth of
occurrence of rock etc.
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Identifying Locations of Field Tests (cont’d…)

• Final Investigation comprises :

 Chalking out investigation scheme based on frozen plant layout and results of
preliminary investigation.
 Investigation locations are governed by exact disposition of the various units
and major load centres.
 Comprises mainly of boreholes and specific field tests based on requirement.
 Geomorphological conditions of the sub-soil and the importance, purpose and
loading of a structure/facility govern the spacing and depth of boreholes for
that unit as also the specific field tests that may be required. For example, a
borehole should be sunk at the centre of a Blast Furnace, a Block Vibration Test
may be carried out at the location of a Turbo Generator or Compressor House,
Plate Load Tests may be done at locations of Ancillary/Auxiliary Buildings etc.
 For roads, railways and pipelines, boreholes/trial pits are done along the
proposed routes at rather wide spacings with additional boreholes being sunk at
locations of bridge piers/abutments.

Drawings showing soil investigation locations are prepared on the above basis.
However, the locations are rather dynamic/volatile and often needs to be shifted
to suit site conditions, accessibility and any further changes in layout.

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