Abu Bakr Bin Abu Quhafa: Presentation Made By: Nasywa - Level 9

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The passage provides details about the life and accomplishments of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam.

He was elected as first Caliph in June 632 AD. It was publicly confirmed in the Prophet's (PBUH) Mosque.

He was born in 573 AD. His pre-Islamic name was Abdul Ka'abah.

Abu Bakr

bin Abu
Presentation made by: Nasywa – Level 9

Topic: Abu Bakr bin Abu Quhafa

Submitted to: Teacher Rafya

Abu Bakr  Umar remarked, “None
can surpass Abu Bakr in
serving the cause of
 He was born in 573 AD in the clan of Banu Taym of  It was Abu Bakr that
Makkah. His pre-Islamic name was Abdul Ka’abah. He normalized the critical
was named Abdullah by the Prophet and was also situation arising from the
awarded titles such as “The best of men after Allah’s
Prophet’s (PBUH) death
 He was one of the 10 blessed companions and the first and binded the Muslim
Caliph. community together in a
 He was a very close friend of the Prophet even before difficult phase.
Islam. He then devoted his life to Islam, and stood by  He also led the daily
the Prophet during hardships. prayers during the last
 He also set free many slaves. And was awarded the title days of the Prophet
of Al-Siddique by the Prophet as he was the first one to (PBUH).
believe his experience of the Mai’raj.
 Because of his
 He gave invaluable services in all the battles. In the
battle of Uhud, he acted as a shield to the Prophet. In meritorious services, he
is called the Saviour of
 He was elected as first Caliph in June 632 AD.
 During the meeting, Abu Bakr proposed Umar or Abu
Ubaidah as caliph but the two persuaded him as caliph
instead. They argued by saying that it was Abu Bakr
who led the prayers as Imam during the last period of
the Prophet (PBUH) and his services to Islam.
 The others accepted and his election was publicly
confirmed in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Mosque.
Main Events of the Caliphate
 Then, Abu Bakr crushed
the false prophets in the
Wars of Apostasy. These
Internal were led by 3 false
prophets; Tulayha,
Consolidation of Musailma, and Sajjah.
 Khalid bin Walid met
 Some tribes revolted due to the Prophet’s death.
tribes got emboldened by the Muslims’s
Musailma’s army at the
Battle of Yamama.
defeat in the Battle of Mu’tah. Musailma was finally
 Abu Bakr followed the Prophet’s orders and killed and his tribe
dispatched an army to the battle area. It embraced Islam.
successfully crushed the rebel tribe Banu Quza’a  Due to the martyrdom of
and strengthened Abu Bakr’s position. 300 Huffaz in the battle,
 In June 632 AD, the rebel tribes attacked Umar bin Khattab
Madinah. They were not willing to pay Zakat to suggested to Abu Bakr for
the Caliphate system, but they were decisively compilation of the Quran.
defeated. Abu Bakr agreed and
formed a committee of
 In 633 AD, a Muslim
army under Khalid bin
Walid met a huge Conquests in the
Persian force at
Chaldea. Khalid Persian Empire
offered them three
options; accept Islam;
pay the Jizya; or fight.  The final battle took place at Hira. A peace
 The Persians chose to treaty was signed in summer 633 AD. The
fight and were treaty required the rulers of Hira to pay Jizya
defeated in the Battle to Muslims for protection and security.
of Chains.  In late 633, a series of battles began between
 The imperial court of the Muslim Army and the Arab Christians in
Persia decided to take the lower part of Iraq. Muslims moved
revenge and the next towards northern Arabia and defeated the
battle was at Walaja. armies of Christian Arabs, Persians, and
The Persian army were Romans in early 634. Thus, Muslims
finally defeated even conquered almost all of Eastern and Western
Conquests in the
Roman Empire
 The Romans forced the Muslims to face them in the battle at
Arab-Syrian border.
 The Roman army was almost thrice the size and the fighting
continued for a long time. Romans were defeated at Ajnadayn
in July 634 AD.
 This brought the Muslim conquests up to Jerusalem. It paved
the way for further victories.
 Thus, Abu Bakr laid the foundation for the expansion of the
Muslim Empire.
Administration  Abu Bakr had special care for
the judiciary by appointing
under Abu Bakr competent, honest judges. He
would also appoint sub-judges
in some provinces to dispense
 Abu Bakr was able to lay down the  He also established a special
foundation of a comprehensive department of the Muftees
administrative. designed to solve various
 The Muslim Empire had became almost the problems in the light of Quran
entire Arabian Peninsula, with the capital and Sunnah.
being Madinah. It consisted of Madinah,  Abu Bakr introduced reforms
Makkah, Taif, Yemen, etc. in military affairs. Still no
 All these provinces became completely regular army was kept, but he
would divide the army into
peaceful because of the firm administrative
battalions, each headed by a
grip of Abu Bakr. He laid down the
commander, while dispatching
foundation of a true Islamic Republic. He also
it to strategic areas.
set up the Advisory Council consisting of
 He also laid the foundation of
senior companions for consulting important the State Treasury.
 After the Prophet’s Importance of Abu
(PBUH) death, before
becoming the Caliph, Bakr as the Caliph
Abu Bakr was the best
among the Muslim
community; he faced  This also brought up the compilation of the
the situation with a Quran.
brave face and sound
judgement. He united
 For these steps, Abu Bakr earned the title of
the Ummah. “Saviour of Islam”.
 Abu Bakr was timely  Abu Bakr also made effective arrangements
and strict with the for the safety of the borders of the Muslim
threats of new Muslim empire. And brought extensive interaction
states, and ensured
preservation of
between Islam and other religions.
Muslim’s faith. And  Abu Bakr’s administrative ability brought
brought many short peace and prosperity to the Muslims.
and long term benefits
Death Abu Bakr caught a terminal fever for two
weeks and died, buried alongside the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah.
Q1) When was Abu Bakr elected as Caliph? And where was it
publicly confirmed?

Q2) When was Abu Bakr born? Also state his pre-Islamic name.

Q3) Why was he given the title of Al-Siddique by the Prophet


Q4) How did Abu Bakr give special care for the judiciary?

Q5) What were the reforms that Abu Bakr introduced in the
military affairs?

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