Group 1 PR 1

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A research title is a product of
real world observations dilemmas
,wide reading, selective viewing
meaningful interactions with
significant to other , and deep
And it must be original ,clear,
concise or specific.
Remember :
When you finally decide on a
research topic ,make sure that
your research topic and research
question match.
Broad and Specific Topics
Too broad topics will lead you
nowhere. In order to narrow
down broad topics to specific
ones ,the purpose of the study
must be clear.
Examples of broad topics:

-Lack of Self–confidence

-Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Examples of specific topics:

-Lack of self-confidence in
adolescents: Root Causes,
Manifestation and Intervention
-HIV: Causes , Prevention, Treatment
and Care
Techniques for Narrowing a Topic
Into a Research Question
◦Examine the literature
◦Talk over ideas with others .
◦Apply to a specific context
◦Define the aim or desired outcome of the study
Other topics of Interest
◦ Issues like poverty ,informal settling in congested congested
cities, traffic,transportation problem ,human rights,etc.
◦ Gender inequality ,sensitive issues ,infidelity of spouse
,financial crises, brought about by unemployment among
◦ On-line selling; consumer psychology or buyer behavior
◦ Online Games: Positive and Negative Effects on Gamers
◦ Behavioral Problems
Examples of Research Titles of Actual
Qualitative Research Quantitative Research
1.Experiences of Reaction and Coping of 1.Establishing Hydroponics Farming in Pasig City
Filipino Fathers and Mothers :During and after a
Natural Disaster
2.Your Life Design: A Qualitative Study on the 2.Economic Benefits of Cityhood: The case of
Contribution of Feng Shui to Life Satisfaction Tarlac City
3. I Am Your Father: A Qualitative Study on the 3.The Potential of Pseudomonas Aeroginosa in
Perspective of a Father with a Homosexual Son Reducing Phosphate in Polluted Waters
4.Impact of the Use of Social Networking on 4.An Integrating Marketing Campaign For the
Non-governmental Organization Effectiveness Merato Centrale Group
You can see from that examples, a
qualitative research uses objective
methods that seek to explore and
describe phenomena.
While quantitative research ,call for
presentation of facts and figures .
A qualitative studies can focus on
only one person, group or
community . A case study focuses on
one social unit in depth , by
describing different facets of the
group in a natural environment
Before you make a final decision on
your topic, reflect on these questions:
1.What area/s not covered in classroom
lessons/discussions do I still want to know /
investigate in my specific track?
2. If I do this research project ,how useful will it
be to me as a senior high school graduate and
to the community where I belong , and even to
the larger community ,the Philippines ,ASEAN,
and the world ?

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