DR Shahid Aslam MRCP (Lon), MRCPCH (UK) Asst Prof&Consultant Paediatrician

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Dr Shahid Aslam

Asst Prof&Consultant Paediatrician
 Permanent , non progressive disorder of posture & movement
causing physical disability .

 Chronic and static impairment of muscle tone ,strength

coordination or movement.

 Other neurologic deficit/disorder like deafness ,blindness and

epilepsy usually associated.
 Caused by damage to the motor control centers of the
developing brain.
 Can occur during pregnancy , during delivery or after
delivery .
 Life long condition with no cure.
 Non infectious /Non contagious.
 Occurs 2 /1000 live births.
 Known to humans nearly 150yrs.
 Cerebral → Cerebrum

 Palsy → Paralysis / Disorder of movement

 Babies with CP become to attention at 6- 9 months age.

 Symptoms may appear or change with time.

 Damage to developing brain.
 80% Structural problems
 75% Problems during pregnancy
 Exposure to radiation , Intruterine infections(TORCH)
 Complications during delivery( Hypoxia , birth trauma )
 Post natal illness
 Prematurity 40-50%

 Low birth weight 1-1.5Kg

 Multiple births

 Assisted Reproductive Treatment(ART)

Antenatal factors
Intrauterine infections(TORCH/Chrioamnionitis)
Maternal fever
Congenital defects
Placental problems
Diabetic Mother
Natal factors(During delivery)

Hypoxia at birth(Asphyxia)
Instrumental delivery
Caesarean Section
Cord prolapse
Abruptio placentae/Uterine rupture
 Postnatal (After delivery)
Meconium Aspiration
Infections in neonate (Meningitis)
Severe Jaundice(Kernicterus)
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Convulsions (Fits) in babies
Low blood sugar
 Early Childhood
Trauma (Head Injury,MVA)
Child Abuse/Shaken Baby Syndrome
Near Drowning
 Symptomlogy is diverse.
 Complete neurologic examination and regular review.

 9 months
 18 months
 24 or 30 months

 Delayed developmental milestones
Spasticity/Joint contractures
Spasms/ involuntary movements
Unsteady gait
Scissor walking
Tip toe walking
 In a Baby Younger Than 6 Months of Age
Head lags when you pick him up while lying on back
He feels stiff
He feels floppy
When held cradled in your arms, he seems to overextend his
back and neck.
When you pick him up, his legs get stiff and they cross or
 In a Baby Older Than 6 Months of Age

 Doesn’t roll over in either direction

 Cannot bring hands together

 Difficulty bringing hands to mouth

 Reaches out with only one hand while keeping the other fisted
 Speech & Language Problems
Due to involvement of pharyngeal/palatal muscles
Oral articulation problems
Poor respiratory control

Hearing & Visual impairment

Communication difficulty
Intellectual disability
 Infant has difficulty /inability in sucking/swallowing/

 Unable to hold bottles/utensils.

 Fine motor functions are more affected that gross motor.

 Associated features
Epilepsy 30%
Visual problems 40%
Learning difficulties 50%
Communication problems 60%

Feeding /Eating issues

Fecal/Urine incontinence
Behavioral issues
 3 Types

Spastic 70%

Ataxic 10-15%

Athetoid/Dyskinetic 5-10%
 Spastic CP
Most common form.
Spasticity of limbs( tight muscles)

Monoplegia one limb

Hemiplegia Arm+leg on same side
Paraplegia Both legs affected
Quadriplegia All four limbs affected
 Spastic (pyramidal) cerebral palsy
 Signs of upper motor neuron involvement hyperreflexia,
clonus, extensor Babinski response, persistent primitive
reflexes, and overflow reflexes (crossed adductor).

 Child's tendency to keep the elbow in a flexed position or the

hips flexed and adducted with the knees flexed and in valgus,
and the ankles in equinus, resulting in toe walking
 Upper motor neuron(UMN) signs

 Inability to walk
 Unsteady gait
 Tendinitis
 Contractures
 Short stature
 Limb length discrepancy
 Thin bones
 Ataxic
Cerebellum involved
Unsteady gait
Fine coordinated movements are affected
Extrapyramidal system/Pyramidal tract/Basal ganglia

Kernicterus in newborns commonest cause.

Mixed muscle tone

Impaired fine motor control(pencil holding)
Involuntary movements
 Associated problems
Seizures 30- 50%
Mental retardation 50%
Language&speech delay
Hearing involvement
Visual problems
Impaired sensory perception
 History of gross motor developmental delay.
 Abnormal muscle tone: The most frequent symptom.
 Definite hand preference before age 1 year.
 Asymmetrical crawling or failure to crawl
 Growth disturbance: Especially failure to thrive
 Increased reflexes: Sign of an upper motor neuron lesion; and
persistence of primitive reflexes
 Underdevelopment or absence of postural or protective
 Observe gait pattern and each joint in the lower and upper
extremity should be assessed for signs of cerebral palsy.
 Hip: Excessive flexion, adduction, scissoring of the legs is
common in spastic cerebral palsy
 Knee: Flexion and extension
 Foot: Toe walking is common in cerebral palsy
Imaging studies

 Cranial ultrasonography; structural abnormalities

hemorrhage , hypoxic-ischemic injury
 Computed tomography(CT) congenital malformations,
intracranial hemorrhage, craniosynostosis.
 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
modality of choice.
Clinical diagnosis
 No definitive laboratory tests.
 Thyroid function studies
 Lactate and pyruvate levels: Abnormalities of energy
metabolism ( mitochondrial cytopathy)
 Ammonia levels: Elevated ammonia levels may indicate
liver dysfunction or urea cycle defect
 Organic and amino acids: May reveal inherited metabolic
 Electroencephalography Important in the diagnosis of seizure

 Electromyography and nerve conduction studies: Helpful

when a muscle or nerve disorder is suspected

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