Augmentation of Labour: Nabhan A, Boulvain M
Augmentation of Labour: Nabhan A, Boulvain M
Augmentation of Labour: Nabhan A, Boulvain M
Nabhan A, Boulvain M
• Augmentation, from Latin augere “to increase”, of labour is a practice
that aims at increasing the frequency, duration and intensity of uterine
• This may be performed after a spontaneous onset of labour or after
induction of labour
• Oxytocin for the purposes of augmentation and induction of labour is
one of the most frequently used medications in obstetrics
Diagnosis and Assessment of Labour
• The diagnosis of active labour depends on careful assessment of
regular uterine contractions with progressive cervical effacement and
• In average, multiparous labour is shorter than in primiparous women,
once regular contractions are established
• Progress in labour is assessed by clinical vaginal examination and
recorded on a standard labour graph (a partogram)
How to Augment Labour
• Amniotomy / artificial rupture of membranes (AROM)
• rupture of intact membranes itself will often augment uterine contractions, therefore
preventing, or treating, delay in the first stage of labour
• allows to inspect the nature of the liquor, especially in high-risk cases or if the foetal heart
rate (FHR) pattern is abnormal
• Amniotomy vs expectant management
• amniotomy, as compared to expectant management, reduces the duration of the first stage
• in nulliparous women, amniotomy significantly reduced the time to birth
• no evidence of differences in any other maternal outcome: use of oxytocin; use of
analgesia; caesarean section; instrumental birth; maternal febrile morbidity; maternal
blood transfusion or maternal satisfaction; incidence of abnormal or non-reassuring FHR;
rotation of the foetal head; Apgar score less than 7 at 5 min; neonatal jaundice; admission
to special care nursery; cephalhaematoma and neonatal infectious morbidity
How to Augment Labour
• Amniotomy and oxytocin vs oxytocin
• no evidence of a difference in the interval between randomization and birth; caesarean section
and neonatal infection, although there was significantly more women with postpartum
infection in women in the amniotomy group
• Amniotomy vs amniotomy plus oxytocin
• no evidence of differences in the rate of caesarean section; use of epidural; proportion of the
babies with an Apgar score less than 7 at 5 min; admissions to the neonatal unit and maternal
satisfaction score
• Amniotomy and oxytocin vs delayed amniotomy and oxytocin
• there is evidence that, when progress of labour is slow, amniotomy followed by an oxytocin
infusion with a low-dose regimen (0e3 mU per minute) shortens the duration of the first stage
of labour, but it does not appear to improve the probability of vaginal birth or any other
Oxytocin Administration
• Oxytocin receptors in the uterus increase during pregnancy and labour
• Uterus becomes more sensitive to small doses of administered
• Intravenous oxytocin should be administered using a peristaltic
infusion pump
• Overdosage may lead to uterine hyperstimulation (lead to foetal
hypoxia and uterine rupture), while a suboptimal dose may lead to a
false diagnosis of failure to progress and caesarean section
Oxytocin Administration
• Protocols for oxytocin administration vary in:
• the initial dose (1-7 mU/min)
• the interval for increasing the dose (15-40 min)
• the increment (2-4 mU/min)
• the maximum dose (20-40 mU/min)
• Nabhan A, Boulvain M. Augmentation of labour. Best Pract Res Clin
Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Aug;67:80-89