Security Threats-Non State Actors
Security Threats-Non State Actors
Security Threats-Non State Actors
12 FATA Reforms
13 Dismantling communication networks of terrorist organisations
15 Zero tolerance for militancy in Punjab
16 Taking the ongoing operation in Karachi to its logical conclusion
Swat Peace
MAY 2008 Ultimatum to NWFP Govt.
Our faulty approach
• Flaw with our approach is that we want to
resolve every issue with force. Apart from
coercive approach there is dire need to opt for
inclusive approach too. De-radicalisation and re-
integration shall be the top priorities.
• Extremism is cancer infected followers of
different religions, cultures, ethnicity and sects
but yet it’s a curable cancer. A living state is to be
protective and humane therefore shall act as a
protective shield in between extremists and
innocent citizens.