Phylum Echinodermata

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 “echino” = spiny
 “derma” = skin
 Spiny skin, internal skeleton, water
vascular system, tube feet and 5 part
radial symmetry
 They are the most complex invertebrate
phylum because they have skin, an anus
and the larvae show bilateral symmetry.
 Reproduction: Usually separate sexes.
External fertilization.
Water Vascular System – a system of
internal tubes which aid in respiration,
circulation and movement.
5 main groups of Echinoderms
1. Sea Urchins/Sand dollars
 large internal plates that form a box
around internal organs
Live sand

Dead sand
Sea Urchin
2. Brittle Stars
 Will shed an arm if attacked. Filter
feeders and detritivores.
3. Sea Cucumbers
 warty, moving, pickles. May eviscerate
(vomit) up part of intestines/stomach if
4. Sea Stars
 carnivores, can
regenerate as long as
central ring is present.
5. Sea Lilies/Feather Stars

Sea lily Feather star

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