Ms. Poonam Sinai Kenkre

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Poonam Sinai Kenkre

 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
 The process or program used by search engines to
download pages from the web for later processing by a
search engine that will index the downloaded pages to
provide fast searches.

 A program or automated script which browses the World

Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner

 also known as web spiders and web robots.

 less used names- ants, bots and worms.

 What is a web crawler?

 How does web crawler work?

 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
Internet has a
wide expanse of
 Finding
requires an
Web Crawlers
provide that
scope to the
search engine.
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
 It starts with a list of URLs to visit, called the
seeds.. As the crawler visits these URLs, it
identifies all the hyperlinks in the page and adds
them to the list of visited URLs, called the crawl
 URLs from the frontier are recursively visited
according to a set of policies.
New url’s can be
specified here. This is
google’s web Crawler.
Initialize queue (Q) with initial set of known URL’s.
Until Q empty or page or time limit exhausted:
Pop URL, L, from front of Q.
If L is not an HTML page (.gif, .jpeg, .ps, .pdf, .ppt…)
exit loop.
If already visited L, continue loop(get next url).
Download page, P, for L.
If cannot download P (e.g. 404 error, robot excluded)
exit loop, else.
Index P (e.g. add to inverted index or store cached copy).
Parse P to obtain list of new links N.
Append N to the end of Q.
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
Alternate way of looking at the problem.

 Web is a huge directed graph, with

documents as vertices and hyperlinks as
 Need to explore the graph using a suitable
graph traversal algorithm.
 W.r.t. previous ex: nodes are represented
by rectangles and directed edges are
drawn as arrows.
Given any graph and a set of seeds at which to start, the
graph can be traversed using the algorithm

1. Put all the given seeds into the queue;

2. Prepare to keep a list of “visited” nodes (initially
3. As long as the queue is not empty:
a. Remove the first node from the queue;
b. Append that node to the list of “visited” nodes
c. For each edge starting at that node:
i. If the node at the end of the edge already appears on
the list of “visited” nodes or it is already in the queue,
then do nothing more with that edge;
ii. Otherwise, append the node at the end of the edge
to the end of the queue.
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
Depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Parallel crawling
Use depth first search (DFS) algorithm
• Get the 1st link not visited from the start
• Visit link and get 1st non-visited link
• Repeat above step till no non-visited links
• Go to next non-visited link in the previous
level and repeat 2nd step
 depth-first goes off into one branch until it
reaches a leaf node
 not good if the goal node is on another branch
 neither complete nor optimal
 uses much less space than breadth-first
 much fewer visited nodes to keep track of
 smaller fringe

 breadth-first is more careful by checking all

 complete and optimal
 very memory-intensive
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
Depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
Doc Robots URL
Fingerprint templates set


Content URL
Parse URL
www Seen? Filter

URL Frontier
 URL Frontier: containing URLs yet to be fetches
in the current crawl. At first, a seed set is stored
in URL Frontier, and a crawler begins by taking a
URL from the seed set.
 DNS: domain name service resolution. Look up IP
address for domain names.
 Fetch: generally use the http protocol to fetch
the URL.
 Parse: the page is parsed. Texts (images, videos,
and etc.) and Links are extracted.
 Content Seen?: test whether a web page
with the same content has already been seen
at another URL. Need to develop a way to
measure the fingerprint of a web page.
 URL Filter:
 Whether the extracted URL should be excluded
from the frontier (robots.txt).
 URL should be normalized (relative encoding).
 <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:General_disclaimer"
 Dup URL Elim: the URL is checked for duplicate
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Crawling strategies
Breadth first search traversal
Depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
 Selection Policy that states which pages to
 Re-visit Policy that states when to check for
changes to the pages.
 Politeness Policy that states how to avoid
overloading Web sites.
 Parallelization Policy that states how to
coordinate distributed Web crawlers.
 Search engines covers only a fraction of Internet.
 This requires download of relevant pages, hence a
good selection policy is very important.
 Common Selection policies:
Restricting followed links
Path-ascending crawling
Focused crawling
Crawling the Deep Web
 Web is dynamic; crawling takes a long time.
 Cost factors play important role in crawling.
 Freshness and Age- commonly used cost functions.
 Objective of crawler- high average freshness;
low average age of web pages.
 Two re-visit policies:
Uniform policy
Proportional policy
 Crawlers can have a crippling impact on the
overall performance of a site.
 The costs of using Web crawlers include:
Network resources
Server overload
Server/ router crashes
Network and server disruption
 A partial solution to these problems is the robots
exclusion protocol.
 How to control those robots!
Web sites and pages can specify that robots
should not crawl/index certain areas.
Two components:
 Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt): Site wide
specification of excluded directories.
 Robots META Tag: Individual document tag to
exclude indexing or following links.
 Site administrator puts a “robots.txt” file at
the root of the host’s web directory.
 File is a list of excluded directories for a
given robot (user-agent).
Exclude all robots from the entire site:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
New Allow:

 Find some interesting robots.txt

 Exclude specific directories:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /users/paranoid/
 Exclude a specific robot:
User-agent: GoogleBot
Disallow: /
 Allow a specific robot:
User-agent: GoogleBot

User-agent: *
Disallow: /
 Only use blank lines to separate different
User-agent disallowed directories.
 One directory per “Disallow” line.
 No regex (regular expression) patterns in
 The crawler runs multiple processes in parallel.
 The goal is:
To maximize the download rate.
To minimize the overhead from parallelization.
To avoid repeated downloads of the same page.

 The crawling system requires a policy for assigning

the new URLs discovered during the crawling
 What is a web crawler?
 Why is web crawler required?
 How does web crawler work?
 Mechanism used
Breadth first search traversal
Depth first search traversal
 Architecture of web crawler
 Crawling policies
 Distributed crawling
 A distributed computing technique whereby
search engines employ many computers to index
the Internet via web crawling.

 The idea is to spread out the required resources

of computation and bandwidth to many
computers and networks.

 Types of distributed web crawling:

1. Dynamic Assignment
2. Static Assignment
 With this, a central server assigns new URLs to
different crawlers dynamically. This allows the
central server dynamically balance the load of
each crawler.
 Configurations of crawling architectures with
dynamic assignments:
• A small crawler configuration, in which there is
a central DNS resolver and central queues per
Web site, and distributed down loaders.
• A large crawler configuration, in which the DNS
resolver and the queues are also distributed.
• Here a fixed rule is stated from the beginning of
the crawl that defines how to assign new URLs to
the crawlers.
• A hashing function can be used to transform URLs
into a number that corresponds to the index of
the corresponding crawling process.
• To reduce the overhead due to the exchange of
URLs between crawling processes, when links
switch from one website to another, the
exchange should be done in batch.
 Focused crawling was first introduced by
 A focused crawler ideally would like to download
only web pages that are relevant to a particular
topic and avoid downloading all others.
 It assumes that some labeled examples of
relevant and not relevant pages are available.
 A focused crawler predict the probability that a
link to a particular page is relevant before
actually downloading the page. A possible
predictor is the anchor text of links.

 In another approach, the relevance of a page is

determined after downloading its content.
Relevant pages are sent to content indexing and
their contained URLs are added to the crawl
frontier; pages that fall below a relevance
threshold are discarded.
 Yahoo! Slurp: Yahoo Search crawler.
 Msnbot: Microsoft's Bing web crawler.
 Googlebot : Google’s web crawler.
 WebCrawler : Used to build the first publicly-
available full-text index of a subset of the Web.
 World Wide Web Worm : Used to build a simple
index of document titles and URLs.
 Web Fountain: Distributed, modular crawler
written in C++.
 Slug: Semantic web crawler
1)Draw a neat labeled diagram to explain how does a
web crawler work?
2)What is the function of crawler?
3)How does the crawler knows if it can crawl and index
data from website? Explain.
4)Write a note on robot.txt.
5)Discuss the architecture of a search engine.
7)Explain difference between crawler and focused

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