Survey&Design Presentation
Survey&Design Presentation
Survey&Design Presentation
Cross-Section Survey
Topographic Survey
Geo-technical Survey
Hydrologic/Hydraulic Survey
• Traverse and profile surveys are done
• The exact location/stationing of existing and
proposed structures, natural waterways and
other physical features like location of quarry
site or source of locally available materials
are recorded.
• Establish at least two reference points at
station 0+000 and benchmarks every 500
meters or at location of permanent structures.
• Cross-section survey follows using the
adjusted centerline stations at every 20
meters full stations and cross sections in
between full stations for excessive side cut
or fill sections.
• The cross-section line to extend at least 1
meter beyond the roadway limit.
• Topographic survey of road,
bridge/spillway/RCBC sites showing creek, river
or waterway alignment.
• Topographic survey shall extend 200 meters
upstream and downstream of bridge site and at
least 100 meters to the left and right of the river
• Longitudinal river profile defined by the elevations
taken at bridge centerline, 100 meters and 200
meters upstream and downstream. Cross-section of
river, creek or waterway at bridge centerline, 100
meters and 200 meters upstream and downstream
of bridge site indicating the ordinary water level
and maximum flood levels.
• Geo-technical survey consist of
determining the sub-surface soil
• The nature of the soil and its bearing
capacity is determined to establish the
foundation stability.
• This is necessary since the structure
foundation failures are almost permanent.
• Hydrologic/hydraulic survey consist of
gathering local climatic data such as
rainfall, flood marks, catchment area and
type of cover, natural and man-made
water channels or tributaries which would
aid in the determination of the design
water velocity, design river discharge,
scouring or rate of siltation.
1. The size of the drawing for roads should be 50
cm (width) by 100 cm (length). Scale is 1:1000
2. On the upper half of the drawing sheet, input
the corresponding coordinates. Draw an arrow
showing the North direction.
3. Plot the points of intersection (PI).
4. Connect the points to form the traverse. This
would be the centerline of the road.
5. Plot the edge of the road (parallel to the
centerline) depending on the designed width
of the road.
1. The scale to be used is 1:100M vertical and
1:1000M horizontal.
2. At the bottom side of the profile sheet indicate
the stationing set at 20 meters interval: sta.
0+000, sta. 0+020, sta. 0+040 and so on,
including the original and design elevation.
3. Plot the elevations of each point then connect
the dots to form the profile. Do not forget to
reflect the elevation of points with sudden
change in elevation along a line.
1. The scale to be used is 1:100.
2. Cross-sections are to be drawn at every 20 meters
3. The cross section drawings should be drawn
starting from the lower left corner of the drawing
sheet going up until the sheet column is full and
re-start again at the lower bottom going up and so
4. It should show the original cross-section grade
line (thin dash line) and design road section,
computed cut and fill end areas, existing and
design elevations (thick line), the center line
indicator and superimposed structures with their
invert elevations