Pooled Cross Sections and Panel Data, Difference in Difference
Pooled Cross Sections and Panel Data, Difference in Difference
Pooled Cross Sections and Panel Data, Difference in Difference
Difference in Difference
y X 2 u, i n1 1, n1 2,..., n1 n2 ˆ 2
”Partial pooling”: Combine the cross sections but allow the
coefficients of some variables to change between cross
Pt 1 Dt 2 St (St Dt ) et
Pt 1 2 St et
Pt 1 2 St +et
Known as the Chow Test
Testing the equivalence of investment
demand in two firms
Restricted Equation (No dummies)
INVt 1 2Vt 3 Kt et
When is D-in-D Used?
For policy or practice evaluations where
experimental conditions reasonably exist
except for randomization of subjects:
Natural Experiments – where the intervention is
established independent of the researcher (e.g.
public policy)
Quasi Experiments – where the researcher
controls the intervention but randomization isn’t
ethically or otherwise feasible.
Identifying Assumption
Pre Post
Identifying Assumption
Pre Post
Identifying Assumption
Pre Post
Identifying Assumption
Pre Post
Identifying Assumption
Pre Post
Uses of Diff-in-Diff
D-in-D = (O22-O21)-(O12-O11)
How it Works
D-in-D = B3
Getting Started
You need:
An intervention (change)
Outcome measure(s)
Comparison group(s)
Some Best Practices
Know your intervention
Is there clear documentation of what they are doing(fidelity)?
Measure Estimate SE P
Post -Parity Effect (D-in-D) .114 .056 .042
Observations 888
Unique Subjects 727
Derived from logistic regression results
Table 4 Estimated Average Marginal Effects: Parity Observations
Meeting Pre-Parity Quantitative Limits vs. All Other1
Measure Estimate SE P
Post -Parity Effect (Met Limits) .203 .093 .028
Observations 353
Unique Subjects 298
Derived from logistic regression results
Difference in Difference for Housing price cases
Difference-in-differences approach:
House prices have gone up between 1978 and 1981 for
most houses. Whether nearby and far away from the
location of the incinerator.
Relevant question: Has the change been bigger for houses
far from the incinerator?
Need to look at differences in space (nearby/far away) of
differences in time (between 1978 and 1981): Diff-in-diff.
Regression implementation:
price 0 0 y81 1nearinc 1 y81 nearinc u
H 0 : 1 0 vs. H1 : 1 0
H 0 : 1 0 vs. H1 : 1 0
Coefficient Standard
ˆ1 error
Model as -12 7.5 0.17
Full set of -14 5 0.67