Module 8 - Neo Behaviourism of Tolman and Bandura
Module 8 - Neo Behaviourism of Tolman and Bandura
Module 8 - Neo Behaviourism of Tolman and Bandura
Neo Behaviourism :
Cognitive Maps
Famous experiment on rats concluded that
organisms or individual to be exact learn the
location and will select the shortest or
easiest path to achieve goal.
Ex… Going to school everyday
Tolman’s Key Concept
Latent Learning
Learning that remains or stays with the
individual until needed.
Albert Bandura
Activity 2
Reading a news Article
Social Learning Theory
FACILITATION- to be prompted to do
something that is not ordinarily done
because of insufficient motivation
Types Of Observational Learning Effects
Mental Focus of Concentration
Willingness of the child to observe
and mimic the behaviour of a
Four Elements Of Observational
To encode in the memory
Ability to store information
Four Elements Of Observational