4-Sedimentary Rock-Texture and Structure
4-Sedimentary Rock-Texture and Structure
4-Sedimentary Rock-Texture and Structure
3. Grain shape
Very angular Angular Subangular Rounded Well rounded
Textural maturity classification
4. Sediment fabric
• Fabric refers to the textural characteristics
displayed by aggregates of grains.
1. Grain packing: function of the size and shape of
grains and the post deposition physical and chemical
processes that bring about compaction of sediment.
2. Grain orientation: function of the physical processes
and conditions operating at the time of deposition.
Original grain orientation can be modified after
deposition by the activity of organism (bioturbation)
and to some extent by the processes of compaction
during diagenesis.
Sediment fabric
Cross bedding
• Strata in which internal layers, or foresets, dip at a distinct angle to
the surfaces that bound the sets of cross-beds.
• Tabular cross-bedding: bounding surface planar.
• Trough cross-bedding/festoon bedding: bounding surface curved.
Ripple cross-lamination
• Ripple cross-lamination: general appearance
of waves when viewed in outcrop sections cut
normal to the wave crests.
Flaser and lenticular bedding
• Flaser and lenticular bedding: thin streaks of
mud occur between sets of ripple laminae.
Hummocky cross stratification
• Hummocky cross stratification: undulating
sets of cross-laminae that both concave-up
and convex-up.
Ripple marks
• Ripple marks: ripples in the sediment that occur
owing to traction transport of granular material.
Irregular stratification
• Irregular structure formed by deformation,
erosional, or biogenic structures.
Slump structure
Stromatolite structure
Slump structure
Bedding plane marking
• Bedding-plane markings occur on the tops of beds or on
the undersides of beds by transportation activity or
organisms activity.
Mud crack
Ripple mark
Bottom part
Flute cast
Bottom part
Other structure
Concretion Nodule limestone
• Petrology of sedimentary rocks, Boggs, 1992.
• Petrology Igneous, Sedimentary, and
Metamorphic rocks, Blatt and Tracy, 2001.
• A colour guide to the petrography of
carbonate rocks, AAPG Memoir 77, Scholle
and Ulmer-Scholle, 2003.