Reverse Engineering Malware For Newbies: A Guide For Those of You Who Want To Break Into The Fun World of Malware

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Reverse Engineering

Malware For Newbies

A guide for those of you who want to

break into the fun world of malware.
What We’re Going To Cover
• Basic x86/64 ASM • Basic Malware Analysis
• Tools of the trade • Unpacking 101
• Setting up an • Dynamic Analysis
environment • Memory Analysis
• Intro to the Debugger • Where to get malware
• Basic Debugger Usage • Help! I’m Stuck!
• Reporting • Additional Resources
Basic X86 / 64 ASM
My good friend Eric Davisson will now speak about the basics of X86 assembly.
Tools of The Trade
Every reverse engineer should have these in their bag:

• Debugger - ollydbg, windbg, syser, IDA, immunity.

• Disassembler – IDA, olly, immunity, windbg
• System Monitoring tools - procmon, Process hacker
• Misc tools - exeinfo, HookAnalyser, Cuckoo Sanbox, gmer,
rootrepeal, wireshark, volatility, HXD, ilspy, jd-gui, p32dasm, cff
explorer, winprefetch viewer, autoruns.
Lot's of tools, but they each serve a purpose. Over time you'll
become accustomed to each one and wonder what you ever
did without them.
Setting Up Your Environment
• Every Environment should be off your network
unless absolutely necessary.
• Use a VM!!!
• Sandboxie is no substitute
• Cuckoo works wonders
• Dual monitors are a godsend
Enter The Debugger
The debugger is your best friend. Treat him with respect.
There are 2 kinds of debuggers - kernel debuggers and
usermode debuggers.
• A kernel debugger operates at ring 0 - essentially the driver
level and has direct access to the kernel.
• A usermode debugger is the opposite, having only access to
the usermode space of the operating system. Most of the
time, this is enough, but not always. In the case of rootkits,
or even super advanced protection schemes, its preferable
to step into a kernel mode debugger instead as user mode
would then become untrustworthy.
Immunity Break Down
Immunity Breakdown 2
Software Breakpoints
Software breakpoint are CPU interrupts that can be placed
anywhere in a program.

When you set a software breakpoint, the debugger simply

writes the int3 instruction (opcode 0xCC) over the first byte
of the target instruction. This causes an interrupt 3 to be fired
whenever execution is transferred to the address you set a
breakpoint on. When this happens, the debugger takes
control and swaps the 0xCC opcode byte with the original
first byte of the instruction so you can continue execution
without hitting the same breakpoint.

If the program is not running inside a debugger, the operating

system will execute default handler structured execption
handler to terminate the program.
Hardware Breakpoints
Hardware breakpoints are different from their software
counterparts. They use the int1 instruction and are used for single
stepping in conjunction with debug registers. There are 8 total, but
only the first 4 are used. DR0-3. Sometimes it is preferable to use
hardware breakpoints when normal software breakpoints fail such
as when a program computes a checksum.
Software breakpoints are inserted into a program (albeit briefly)
and thus, change the program. Hardware breakpoints however are
not and rely on those 4 debug registers. This means however you
are limited to 4 breakpoints which kind of sucks.

Opcodes are the

hexadecimal representation
of assembly instructions.
The stuff you'll see if you
were to view the executable
in a hex editor. YARA rules
match opcodes.
A run trace is an excellent
debugging technique that
allows a reverse engineer to
“trace” execution flow
based on certain
parameters. Rather than
going sequentially through a
program, one can define a
base line, and track
backwards the flow of
execution by tracing where
and how a program will run.
With a debugger you have total
control over the program and you
should never forget that. If you see
a function that looks juicy in IDA,
but see no plausible way to get
there via xrefs, nothing is stopping
you from jumping to it. Just modify
the program's prolog to jmp
0xwherever. This works well
especially if the function takes no
arguments, otherwise except funky
output or an app crash.
• One of those old school tricks any assembly
guru will tell you where which you jump 2
bytes forward and the jump itself is 2 bytes.
Jump to yourself. An infinite loop. In x86 asm,
the opcodes are 0xEB 0xFE.
• From time to time I use this trick, for example
when a new process is created of the same
program and I want to continue execution
before the app is run.
Basic Debugger Usage
Load up the program ‘debuggertest1.exe’ from your
‘Samples’ folder.
• Patching is the process of adding or removing
assembly instructions in an exe without source code.
It could be something as simple as changing
conditional jmp to always return true/false, or it
could be something complex such as hollowing out a
piece of memory and injecting entire functions
within and calling them.
• Patching can be done with a hex editor, a debugger,
or even via the WriteProcessMemory API which is
how most video game trainers do it.
Patching P2

Immunity Debugger has all

of the necessary capabilities
to perform on the fly patching.
Simply right click and choose
‘assemble’. Immunity will also
auto-correct for alignment.

Saving your patches is as easy

as right clicking and choosing
the option 'copy to executable',
then selecting the sub option
'all modifications'.
Basic Malware Analysis
Here we go over a very basic sample <order_report_id_34872384972398472398.exe>

It will be in the folder named ‘samples’ on the drives I handed out. Open it up in your
debugger / VM and we’ll go over it together.
There is no “typical” reporting structure when it comes to classifying /
documenting malware, however I like to keep my reports with the most
essential fields such as the MD5, API’s, C&C IP’s, and IOC’s
Its good to keep reports descriptive, but do not go overboard.
Example of one of my reports:
Unpacking 101
• Most malware today is packed in some way to help get
around AV signature detection
• There are over 8000 known packers out there, each
with their own signatures.
• They can range from simple compression to full on
encryption / debugger detection and generally make
the life of the Malware Reverser a pain.
• Packers are not fool proof – the exe HAS to be
decrypted / decompressed at SOME point in order to
run on the OS.
Unpacking p2
Before we start to unpack, let's go over how we identify
a program is packed to begin with.
• If in IDA we see a bunch of nothing such as hardly any
imports, lots of BS in the data section.
• We see odd named section headers. One can use 7zip
sometimes to view section headers of executables, but
generally you can do this with CFF explorer or IDA.
• HookAnalyser comes with a decent packer database
with something like 4400 different packer signatures.
• Hands down the best packer identifier in my opinion is
exeinfo. it beats HookAnalyser's db with a grand total of
7075 packer signatures. Not only will it tell you who
packed an exe, it will provide a link for how to unpack it.
Thanks guys!
• Once we know what kind of packer is used (if any) we
can begin our unpacking. Be forewarned through, some
packers are hard to get around. Really hard. At some
point it becomes not worth it in which case we might
want to skip the entire reversing process from a
debugger level and instead opt for the live analysis tools
to save time and a major migrane. Don't feel bad if you
can't get around a packer, it happens to me from time
to time.
Unpacking p3
Pic on the left demonstrates
HookAnalyzer running an
analysis on a UPX packed
binary. It’s not a perfect
tool, if you’ll notice the false
positive of supposed NOP
instructions. The nice thing
about HookAnalyser is it will
extract IP addresses for you
automatically – very useful
for malware analysis.
Unpacking p4
When it comes to identifying
packers, there is no tool
better than exeinfo, second
only to experience.
It has a packer database with
which it searches through,
can scan for media files, IP
addresses, hostnames, and
all that other good stuff.
And its free which makes it
Unpacking demonstration
Fire up your debuggers. We’ll be going over the ‘Local-Appwizard.exe’ file in the
‘Samples’ folder.
Dynamic Analysis
• For when you either a) don’t care about the
inner workings and only want basic info from
the malware or b) malware packed /encrypted
tight and you cant get around it.
• This is where proper usage of procmon /
wireshark / cuckoo are a godsend. Even if a
program’s assembly code isn’t available, we
can still see what its doing and probe it
blackbox style.
Memory Analysis
• HookAnalyzer and Volatility are excellent
memory analysis tools. HookAnalyzer will do it
live, but Volatility requires a memory dump
and has to be done post execution.
• Process Hacker allows you to dump a running
process’s memory for inspection and allows for
filtering and searching. The same can be done
via your debugger, but this isn’t always
Hook Analyser
This tool supports live memory analysis of running processes This makes it indispensable.
Process Hacker
Another must have useful tool. Capable of live memory searching and dumping, it
provides things taskmanager should but doesn’t including disk IO monitoring and
networking activity monitoring capabilities.
Volatility In Action
• <video of me using volatility or I’ll do it live>
Where Do I Get Malware?
• Reddit / 4chan / Tumblr
• me ([email protected]),
• Twitter #malwaremustdie
• AV companies
• Torrents / cracked software / gnutella network.
• Spam email
Help! I’m stuck 
If you ever get stuck on a
sample, fear not. There are
communities out there that
deal with malware forensics.
Reddit, Exeforums, woodman,, mailing lists,
and even twitter are excellent
sources full of people who will
help. Even IRC still works.
Additional Resources
• ^^ An excellent resource for info on reversing
• ^^ huge resource for reverse engineering tools
• ^^ Still better than /r/malware. Avoid /r/malware
• ^^ shameless self promotion? No, I got plenty of
good guides!
Contact Info
Name: Joe Giron
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 512-902-3787

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