1-Machine Design 1 - Introduction

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 PART 1
Principles of Design and Stress Analysis

As you complete the first six chapters of this book, you will gain an
understanding of design philosophies, and you will build on earlier-learned
principles of strength of materials, materials science, and manufacturing
processes. The competencies gained from these chapters are useful
throughout the book and in general machine design or product
design projects.

• Chapter 1: The Nature of Mechanical Design helps you see the

big picture of the process of mechanical design. Several
examples are shown from different industry sectors: consumer
products, manufacturing systems, consruction equipment,
agiicultural equipment, transportation equipment, ships, and
space systems. The responsibilities of designers are discussed,
along with an illustration of the iterative nature of the design
• Units and conversions complete the chapter.
In engineering, the word “design” conveys different meaning to different person:
a. A designeer is the one who employs the drawing board to draft the details of
gear, clutch etc.
b. Others think of design as a creation of complex system, i.e. communications
c. In some areas of engineering the word design, been replaced by terms such as
system engineering , or applied decision theory.
No what words are used to describe design function in engineering:

Design of machine elements is an integral part of the larger and
more general field of mechanical design. Designers and design
engineers create devices or systems to satisfy specific needs.

 To design mechanical components and devices, you must be

competent in the design of individual elements that comprise
the system.
 But you must also be able to integrate several components
and devices into a coordinated, robust system that meets your
customer's needs.
• DESIGN - To design is to formulate a plan for the satisfaction of a
human needs.
• MECHANICAL DESIGN - means the design of things and systems
of a mechnical nature, machines, product, structures, devices and
instruments .
• MACHINE - is a combination of resistaaaaant parts so aaranged as to
cause the forces of nature to produce definite work with constrained
• ENGINEERING - is the art and science by which the properties of
matter and the sources of power in nature are made useful in
structures, machines and fabricated parts.
 Fields where mechanical products are designed and produced.

: Household appliances (can openers,

food processors, mixers, toasters, vacuum cleaners, clothes
washers), lawn mowers, chain saws, power tools, garage door
openers, air conditioning systems, and many others.
Material handling devices,
conveyors, cranes, transfer devices, industrial robots, machine
tools, automated assembly systems, specialpurpose processing
systems, forklift trucks, and packaging equipment
 Fields where mechanical products are designed and produced.

Construction equipment: Tractors with front-end loaders or

backhoes, mobile cranes, power shovels, earthmovers. graders,
dump trucks, road pavers, concrete mixers, powered nailers and
staplers, compressors, and many others
 Fields where mechanical products are designed and produced.
Tractors with front-end loaders or
backhoes, mobile cranes, power shovels, earthmovers. graders,
dump trucks, road pavers, concrete mixers, powered nailers and
staplers, compressors, and many others.

: Tractors, harvesters (for corn, wheat,

tomatoes, cotton, fruit, and many other crops), rakes, hay
balers, plows, disc harrows, cultivators, and conveyors.
 Fields where mechanical products are designed and produced.
: (a) Automobiles, trucks, and buses, which
include hundreds of mechanical devices such as suspension
components (springs, shock absorbers, and struts); door and window
operators; windshield wiper mechanisms; steering systems; hood and
trunk latches and hinges; clutch and braking .systems; transmissions;
drive shafts; seat adjusters; and numerous parts of the engine systems.
(b) Aircraft, which include retractable landing gear, flap and rudder
actuators, cargo handling devices, seat reclining mechanisms, dozens of
latches, structural components, and door operators.
 Fields where mechanical products are designed and produced.
Winches to haul up the anchor, cargo-handling cranes, rotating
radar antennas, rudder steering gear, drive gearing and drive shafts, and
the numerous sensors and controls for operating on-board systems.
Satellite systems, the space shutUe, the space station,
and launch systems, which contain numerous mechanical systems such
as devices to deploy antennas, hatches, docking systems, robotic arms,
vibration control devices, devices to secure cargo, positioning devices
for instruments, actuators for thrusters. and propulsion systems.

DEFINITION: Classifications of Machine Design

 The subject Machine Design is the The machine design may be classified as
creation of new and better machines and follows :
improving the existing ones. 1. Adaptive design.
 In designing a machine component, it is  In most cases, the designer’s work is
necessary to have a good knowledge of concerned with adaptation of existing
many subjects such as Mathematics, designs.
Engineering Mechanics, Strength of  This type of design needs no special
Materials, Theory of Machines, knowledge or skill and can be attempted by
Workshop Processes and Engineering designers of ordinary technical training.
 The designer only makes minor alternation
or modification in the existing designs of
the product.

2. Development design. 3. New design.

 This type of design needs considerable  This type of design needs lot of
scientific training and design ability in research, technical ability and creative
order to modify the existing designs into a thinking.
new idea by adopting a new material or  Only those designers who have
different method of manufacture. personal qualities of a sufficiently high
 Though the designer starts from the order can take up thework of a new
existing design, but the final product may design.
differ quite markedly from the original The designs, depending upon the
product. methods used, may be classified as
follows :
(a) Rational design. This type of design
depends upon mathematical formulae of
principle of mechanics

new design
b) Empirical design. This type of design depends upon empirical formulae based on the
practice and past experience.
c) Industrial design. This type of design depends upon the production aspects to manufacture
any machine component in the industry.
d) Optimum design. It is the best design for the given objective function under the specified
constraints. It may be achieved by minimising the undesirable effects.
e) System design. It is the design of any complex mechanical system like a motor car.
f) Element design. It is the design of any element of the mechanical system like piston,
crankshaft, connecting rod, etc.
g) Computer aided design. This type of design depends upon the use of computer systems to
assist in the creation, modification, analysis and optimisation of a design.
General Considerations in Machine Design
Following are the general considerations in designing a machine component :

1. Type of load and stresses caused by the 2. Motion of the parts or kinematics of the
load. machine.
 The load, on a machine component, may act  The successful operation of any machine
in several ways due to which the internal depends largely upon the simplest
stresses are set up. arrangement of the parts which will give the
motion required.
 The various types of load and stresses are
discussed in chapters 4- Simple stress in  The motion of the parts may be :
machine parts and 5- Torsional and a) Rectilinear motion which includes
Bending stresses in machine parts. unidirectional and reciprocating motions.
b) Curvilinear motion which includes rotary,
oscillatory and simple harmonic.
c) Constant velocity.
d) Constant or variable acceleration.
 General Considerations in Machine Design

4. Form and size of the parts. The form and

3. Selection of materials.
size are based on judgement. The smallest
 It is essential that a designer should have a practicable
thorough knowledge of the properties of the
cross-section may be used, but it may be
materials and their behaviour under
checked that the stresses induced in the
working conditions.
 Some of the important characteristics of
cross-section are reasonably safe. In order to
materials are : strength, durability,
design any machine part for form and size, it is
flexibility, weight, resistance to heat and
corrosion, ability to cast, welded or
hardened, machinability, electrical to know the forces which the part must sustain.
conductivity, etc. It is also important to anticipate any suddenly
 The various types of engineering materials applied or impact load which may cause
and their properties are discussed in chapter failure.
2-Engineering materials.
 General Considerations in Machine Design 6. Convenient and economical features.
 In designing, the operating features of the
5. Frictional resistance and machine should be carefully studied.
lubrication.  The starting, controlling and stopping levers
 There is always a loss of power due to should be located on the basis of convenient
frictional resistance and it should be handling.
noted that the friction of starting is  The adjustment for wear must be provided
higher than that of running friction. employing the various takeup devices and
arranging them so that the alignment of parts
 It is, therefore, essential that a careful is preserved.
attention must be given to the matter  If parts are to be changed for different
of lubrication of all surfaces which products or replaced on account of wear or
move in contact with others, whether breakage, easy access should be provided and
in rotating, sliding, or rolling the necessity of removing other parts to
bearings. accomplish this should be avoided if possible.
 General Considerations in Machine Design
8. Safety of operation.
7. Use of standard parts.  Some machines are dangerous to operate,
especially those which are speeded up to
 The use of standard parts is closely insure production at a maximum rate.
related to cost, because the cost of  Any moving part of a machine which is
standard or stock parts is only a within the zone of a worker is considered
fraction of the cost of similar parts an accident hazard and may be the cause of
made to order. an injury.
 The standard or stock parts should be used whenever  It is necessary that a designer should
possible ; parts for which patterns are already in always provide safety devices for the safety
existence such as gears, pulleys and bearings and parts of the operator.
which may be selected from regular shop stock such
as screws, nuts and pins.  The safety appliances should in no way
 Bolts and studs should be as few as possible to avoid interfere with operation of the machine.
the delay caused by changing drills, reamers and taps
and also to decrease the number of wrenches required
 General Considerations in Machine Design 10. Number of machines to be manufactured.
 The number of articles or machines to be
9. Workshop facilities. manufactured affects the design in a
number of ways.
 A design engineer should be familiar  The engineering and shop costs which are
with the limitations of his employer’s called fixed charges or overhead expenses
workshop, in order to avoid the necessity are distributed over the number of articles
of having work done in some other to be manufactured. If only a few articles
workshop. are to be made, extra expenses are not
 It is necessary to plan and supervise the justified unless the machine is large or of
workshop operations and to draft some special design.
methods for casting, handling and  An order calling for small number of the
machining special parts. product will not permit any undue expense
in the workshop processes, so that the
designer should restrict his specification to
standard parts as much as possible.
 General Considerations in Machine Design
 The aim of design engineer under all
11. Cost of construction.
conditions, should be to reduce the
 The cost of construction of an article is the manufacturing cost to the minimum.
most important consideration involved in
12. Assembling.
 The high cost of an article may possibly bar it
immediately from further considerations.  Every machine or structure must be
assembled as a unit before it can function.
 If the article has been invented and tested
that it has commercial value, the expenditure  Large units must often be assembled in the
of a considerable sum of money in the design shop, tested and then taken to be
and development of automatic machines to transported to their place of service.
produce the articlecan be justified , especially  The final location of any machine is
if it can be sold in large numbers. important and the design engineer must
anticipate the exact location and the local
facilities for erection.

 General Procedure in Machine Design

 In designing a machine component, there is no
rigid rule. Theproblem may be attempted in
several ways. However, the general procedure
to solve a design problem is as follows :

1. Recognition of need.
 First of all, make a complete statement of the
problem, indicating the need, aim or purpose
for which the machine is to be designed.
2. Synthesis (Mechanisms).
 Select the possible mechanism or group of
mechanisms which will give the desired
 General Procedure in Machine Design
5. Design of elements (Size and
3. Analysis of forces. Stresses).
 Find the forces acting on each  Find the size of each member of the
memberof the machine and the energy machine by considering the force
transmitted by each member. acting on the member and the
4. Material selection. permissible stresses for the material
 Select the material best suited for each used. It should be kept in mind that
member of the machine. each member should not deflect or
deform than the permissible limit.
 General Procedure in Machine Design
8. Production.
6. Modification.  The component, as per the
 Modify the size of the member to agree drawing, is manufactured in the
with the past experience and judgment to workshop.
facilitate manufacture.  The flow chart for the general
 The modification may also be necessary procedure in machine design is
by consideration of manufacturing to shown in Fig. 1.1.
reduce overall cost.  The aesthetic and ergonomics
7. Detailed drawing. are very important features
 Draw the detailed drawing of each which gives grace and lustre to
component and the assembly of the product and dominates the
machine with complete specification for market.
the manufacturing processes suggested


1. Identify the machine element being designed and the nature of the
design calculation.
2. Draw a sketch of the element, showing all features that aftect
performance or stress analysis.
3. Show in a sketch the forces acting on the element (the free-body
diagram), and provide other drawings to clarify the actual physical
4. Identify the kind of analysis to be performed, such as stress due to
bending, deflection of a beam, buckling of a column, and so on.
5. List all given data and assumptions.
6. Write the formulas to be used in symbol form, and clearly indicate the
values and units of the variables involved. If a formula is not well known
to a potential reader of your work, give the source. The reader may
want to refer to it to evaluate the appropriateness of the formula.
7. Solve each formula for the desired variable.
8. Insert data, check units, and perform computations.
9. Judge the reasonableness of the result.
10. If the result is not reasonable, change the design decisions and
recompute. Perhap a different geometry or material would be more
11.When a reasonable, satisfactory result has been achieved, specify the
final values for all important design parameters, using standard sizes,
convenient dimensions readily available materials, and so on

• Figure 1-13 shows a sample design calculation. A beam is to

be designed to span a 60-in pit to support a large gear
weighing 2050 pounds (lbs). The design assumes that a
rectangular shape is to be used for the cross section ofthe
beam. Other practical shapes could have been used. The
objective is to compute the required dimensions of the cross
section, considering both stress and deflection. A material for
the beam is also chosen.
units of measurements

Fundamental Units
• The measurement of physical quantities is one of the
most important operations in engineering.
• Every quantity is measured in terms of some arbitrary, but
internationally accepted units, called fundamental units.
units of measurements

 Derived Units
Some units are expressed in terms of other units, which are derived
from fundamental units, are known as derived units e.g. the unit of
area, velocity, acceleration, pressure, etc.
 System of Units
There are only four systems of units, which are commonly used and
universally recognised.
These are known as :
1. C.G.S. units, 2. F.P.S. units,
3. M.K.S. units, and 4. S.I. units.
Since the present course of studies are conducted in S.I. system of units,
therefore, we shall discuss this system of unit only.
units of measurements

 S.I. Units (International System of Units)

The 11th General Conference* of Weights and Measures
have recommended a unified and systematically constituted
system of fundamental and derived units for international
use. This system is now being used in many countries.

 In this system of units, there are seven fundamental

units and two supplementary units
units of measurements
units of measurements
units of measurements

 Presentation of Units and their Values

The frequent changes in the present day life are facilitated by an
international body known as International Standard Organisation
(ISO) which makes recommendations regarding international standard
procedures. The implementation of lSO recommendations, in a
country, is assisted by its organisation appointed for the purpose.
 Although the metre is the unit of length, yet a smaller length of one-
thousandth of a metre proves to be more convenient unit, especially
in the dimensioning of drawings. Such convenient units are formed
by using a prefix in the basic units to indicate the multiplier. The full
list of these prefixes is given in the following table :
units of measurements
units of measurements

 Rules for S.I. Units

The eleventh General Conference of Weights and Measures recommended only the fundamental
and derived units of S.I. units. But it did not elaborate the rules for the usage of the units. Later
on many scientists and engineers held a number of meetings for the style and usage of S.I.
units. Some of the decisions of the meeting are :
1. For numbers having five or more digits, the digits should be placed in groups of three
separated by spaces (instead of commas)** counting both to the left and right of the decimal
2. In a four*** digit number, the space is not required unless the four digit number is used in a
column of numbers with five or more digits.
3. A dash is to be used to separate units that are multiplied together. For example, newton × metre
is written as N-m. It should not be confused with mN, which stands for milli newton.
4. Plurals are never used with symbols. For example, metre or metres are written as m.
5. All symbols are written in small letters except the symbol derived from the proper names. For
example, N for newton and W for watt.
6. The units with names of the scientists should not start with capital letter when written in full. For
example, 90 newton and not 90 Newton.
units of measurements
units of measurements
units of measurements
units of measurements

review of mechanics & strength

of materials
solved problems:
units of measurements

(Solved Prob., #3, pp7, Mech'l Eng'g Design Reviewer, R. Asin) - The energy
stored in a helical spring is given byhe equation u = 4F2 D3 N/d4 G, where N is the
number of coils. If F = 4N, D = 11mm, N = 36, G = 79.3 GPa, and d = 1.2 mm,
Compute the energy stored in N.m.
Substitute Values:
4 -3 3
4(4 N ) (11 x 10 m) (36)
-3 4 9 N
(1.2 x 10 ) (79.3 x 10 2
 u  0.0186 N.m.
thank you

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