Study of Drug Resistance Using Antibiotics
Study of Drug Resistance Using Antibiotics
Study of Drug Resistance Using Antibiotics
This is to certify that “ swati Chhachhia” a
student of class XII B has successfully
completed investigatory project under the
guidance of Mrs. Manju Phatak .
Signature External
(subject teacher) Examiner
I feel proud to present my investigatory project in Biology
ANTIBIOTICS” . This project would not have been feasible
without the proper rigorous guidance of biology teacher
Mrs. Manju Phatak who guided me throughout this project
in every possible way . An investigatory project involves
various difficult lab experiments, which have to obtain the
observations and conclude the reports on a meaningful
note. Thereby, I would like to thanks Mrs. Manju Phatak for
guiding me on a sustematic basis and ensuring that in
completed all my research with ease. Rigorous hard work
has to put in this project to ensure that it proves to be the
best. I hope that it proves to be the best. I hope that this
project will to be proves to be a breeding ground for the
next generation of students and will guide them in ever
possible way .
An antibacterial is an agent that inhibits bacterial
growth or kills bacteria. The term is often used
synonymously with the term antibiotic(s). Today,
however, with increased knowledge of the causative
agents of various compounds, including anti-fungal and
other compounds. Antibacterials must be distinguished
from disinfectants(sanitizing agents), which are less-
selective substance used to destroy microorganisms.
The term antibiotic was first used in 1942 by Selman
Waksman and his collaborators in the journal articles to
describe any subatance produced by a microorganisms
that is antagonistic to the growth of other
microorganisms in high dilution. This defination
excluded substances that kill bacteria but are not
produced by a microorganisms (such as gastric juices
and hydrogen peroxide). It also excluded synthetic anti
bacterial compounds such as the sulfonamides. Many
antibacterial compounds are relatively small molecules
with a molecular weight of less than 2000 atomic mass
Antibacterial antibiotics are commonly classified based on their
mechanism of action, chemical structure, or spectrun of activity .
Most targer bacterial functions or growth processes. Those that
target the bacterial cell wall (penicillins and cephalosporins) or
the cell membrane (polymyxins), or interfere with essential
bacterial enzymes (rifamycins, lipiarmycins, quinolones, and
sulfonamides) have bactericidal activities. Those that target
protein synthesis (macrolides, lincosamides and tetracyclines) are
usually bacteriostatic (with the exception of bactericidal
•Bacterial infection
•Protozoan infection e.g.Metronidazole is
effective against several parasitics
•Immunomodulation e.g.Tetracycline is effective
against periodontal inflammation, &
Dapsone which is effective against autoimmu-
-ne diseases oral mucous membrane.
•Surgical wounds
•Dental antibiotic prophylaxis
•Conditions of neutropenia e.g. Cancer-related
Antibacterial are screened for any negative
effects on humans or other mammals before
approval foe clinical use, and are usually
considered safe and most are well-tolerated. However,
some antibacterials have been associated with a
rangeof adverse effects. Side-effects range from mild
to very serious depending on the antibiotics used, the
microbial organisms targeted, and the individual patient.
Safety profiles of newer drugs are often not as well-
established as for those that have a long history of use.
Adverse effects range from fever and nausea to major
allergic reactions, including photodermatitis and
anaphylaxis. Common side-effects include diarrhea,
resulting from disruption of the species composition in
the intestinal flora, resulting, for example, in
overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria,such as Clostridium
difficle. Antibacterials can also affect the vaginal flora,
and may lead to overgrowth of yeast species of the
genus Candida in the vulvo-vaginal area. Additional side-
effects can result frominteraction with other drugs,
such as elevated risk of tendon damage from
administration of a quinolone antibiotic wit a systemic
Antibacterial-resistant strains and species, sometimes
referred to as “superbugs”, now contribute to the
emergence of diseases that were for a while well-
controlled. For example, emergent bacterial strains
causing tuberculosis(TB) that are resistant to
previously effective antibacterial treatments pose many
therapeutic challenges. Every year, nearly half a million
new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis(MDR-TB)
are estimated to occur worldwide. For example, NDM-1
is a newly identified enzyme conveying bacterial
resistance to a broad range of beta- lactam
antibacterials. The United Kingdom's Health Protection
Agency has stated that “most isolates with NDM-1
enzyme are resistant to all standard intravenous
antibiotics for treatment of severe infection”.
Acinetobacter is a group of bacteria commonly found in
soil and water . While there are many types or “species”
of Acinetobacter and all can cause human disease,
Acinetobacter baumannii accounts for about 80% of
reported infections.
Outbreak of Acinetobacter infections typically occur in
intensive care units and healthcare settings housing
very ill patients. Acinetobacter infection rarely occur
outside of healthcare setting.
Antharx is a serious disease caused by Bacillus
anthracis, a bacterium that forms spores. Antharx most
commonly occours in wild and domestic mammalian
species, but it can also occour in humans when they are
exposed to infected animals or to tissue form infected
animals or when anthrax spores are used as a
bioterrorist weapon. Some starins of B. Anthracis may
be naturally resistant to certain antibiotics and not
other. In addition, there may be biologically mutant
strains that are engineered to be resistant to various
Campylobacter is estimated to cause over 1.3million
infections and 76 death in the United States each year.
Many of these infections are foodborne. Campylobacter
infections can result in long-term consequences, such as
arthritis or a type of paralysis called Guillain-Barre