Presented by - Aniket Ghosh Dastidar Construction Engg. 4 Year Jadavpur University

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High performance concrete refers to a mix of concrete that has the following

 High strength
 High modulus of elasticity
 High abrasion resistance
 High durability
 Low permeability and diffusion
 Resistance to chemical attack and frost
 Ease of placement
 Compaction without segregation
 Alccofine Micro Materials are a range of products of Counto Microfine
Products Pvt. Ltd (CMPPL) – a joint venture between ACL and the Goa-based,
Alcon Group, launched in the year 2013.
 The two products that have been launched are Alccofine 1203 (a supplementary
cementitious material suitably replaces Silica fume used in high performance
concrete); and Alccofine 1101 (a micro-fine cement based product used for
injection grout in underground tunnels and soil stabilization etc)
 It is a new-generation, ultrafine product whose basic raw material is slag of
high glass content with high reactivity obtained through the process of
controlled granulation.
 The raw materials are composed primarily of low calcium silicates. The
processing with other select ingredients results in controlled particle size
distribution (PSD). Due to its unique chemistry and ultra fine particle size,
ALCCOFINE 1203 provides reduced water demand for a given workability, and
can also be used as a high range water reducer to improve compressive strength
or as a super workability aid to improve flow.
ALCCOFINE1203 performs in superior manner than all other mineral
admixtures used in concrete within India. Due to its inbuilt CaO content,
ALCCOFINE1203 triggers two way reactions during hydration
• Primary reaction of cement hydration.

• Pozzolanic reaction: ALCCOFINE also consumes by product calcium

hydroxide from the hydration of cement to form additional C-S-H gel,
similar to pozzolans.

This results in denser pore structure and ultimately higher strength gain. This
study presents the results of examination carried out on ALCCOFINE1203 in
comparison with Silica Fume in concrete, and the effect it has on workability,
water requirement, admixture requirement, strength and durability
The chemical composition and the physical properties of Alccofine are as

Chemical Analysis Mass % Physical analysis Range

CaO 62-64 Bulk Density 700-900 kg/m3

Al2O3 5-5.6 Surface Area 12000 cm2/gm
Fe2O3 3.8-4.4 Specific gravity 2.9
SO3 2-2.4 Particle Size, d10 <2μ
MgO 0.8-1.4 d50 < 5μ
SiO2 21-23 d90 <9μ
Following are the technical benefits of using Alccofine 1203
 Improved workability and cohesiveness and reduced shrinkage:
Having better particle-size distribution compared to other supplementary
cementitious materials (SCMs), which provide a dense matrix pore structure
resulting in better workability, cohesiveness and superior volume stability
 Better retention of workability: Offering better compatibility with
cement and certain chemical admixtures, its physical/chemical structure on
hydration improves the workability retention properties of fresh concrete.
 Reduced segregation: Ultrafine slag improves particle packing in the
cementitious paste by filling cement particle voids by virtue of proper
distribution of particles, whereby it reduces the bleed water and results in more
homogeneous concrete with reduced segregation.
 Improved flow ability: The material has better particle packing, which
results in improved rheology resulting in improved flowability.
 Improved durability: Resulting in a dense pore structure, which restricts
the ingress of chloride and sulphate ions, this green material, unlike other
equivalent material, makes concrete more alkaline, thereby protecting the
reinforced steel in concrete and providing a durable structure.
 Improved strength gain: Ultrafine slag results in the formation of a dense
pore structure, and in-built Ca(OH)2, due to cement hydration, provides an
increased secondary hydrated product resulting in improved strength gain at
early as well as later stages. It can be used to achieve strengths as high as M120
if mixed in proper proportions.
 Retention of alkalinity: Ultrafine slag has lime content of about 34 per
cent that, during hydration, helps retain higher alkalinity in pore solution,
thereby mitigating corrosion.
 Improves resistance to chemical attack: Because of its finer pore
structure and chemical stability, ALCCOFINE 1203 in concrete is substantially
more resistant to chloride diffusion. Thus, it reduces the penetration of
chlorides in concrete and protects embedded steel from corrosion. CaO
available in ALCCOFINE 1203 Contribute to maintain Ca(OH)2 as buffer in
pore Solution, which helps to maintain pH of pore solution
 Reduces heat of hydration
 Lowers permeability
The effect of Alccofine on the workability of a concrete mix was checked by
carrying out a slump test.
 The grade of concrete used was OPC 43.
 Two mixes were prepared one having Fly ash and silica fumes as additive to the
cement, while the other having Alccofine 1203 and Fly ash as the additive.
 A new generation Poly-Carboxylic Ether (PCE) based super-plasticizer was
used. This super-plasticizer is available as a medium brown coloured aqueous
 The Slump was greater in the mix containing Alccofine rather than the one
with Silica fumes
Due to its unique particle size distribution and inbuilt CaO , ALCCOFINE 1203
results in to formation of dense pore structure, which results in improved
workability and workability retention . The value of flow decreases in silica fume
mix concrete and hence the optimum super plasticizer dosage increases, which
can be attributed to high specific surface of silica fume
 For carrying out tests on compressive strength , the grade of cement used was
OPC 53.
 Two ternary blend of concrete were prepared , one containing Fly ash and
Alccofine (Type I) and the other containing Fly ash and Silica Fumes (Type II).
 For each mix of concrete, three concrete cube specimens were cast each of size
150mm x 150mm x 150mm. To obtain a homogeneous mix, aggregates were
mixed and binders (cement, FA and AL) were added to the system. After
remixing, water was added to the dry mix. Finally, super plasticizer was
introduced to the wet mixture.
 The cubes were cast in three equal layers and each layer was compacted by
using a vibrating table and for beam specimen (for calculating flexural
strength) needle vibrator was used.
 The optimum doses of Fly ash and Alccofine in Type I mix were varied by trial
and error till the optimum dose, corresponding to which the highest
compressive strength is obtained, was achieved. This was found to be 20% (Fly
ash) and 8% (Alccofine) by weight of cement.
 Similarly for Type II mix, the doses were varied by trial and error and the
optimum doses achieved were 25% (Fly ash) and 10% (Silica fume) by weight
of cement.
 Water-cement ratio used was 0.4 for both mixes.
 Mix proportion used for the blends were

Item Quantity Item Quantity

(Kg/m^3) (Kg/m^3)
Cement (72%) 310.25 Cement (65%) 276.25
Alccofine (8%) 34 Silica Fume (10%) 42.5
Fly ash (20%) 85 Fly ash (25%) 106.25
Coarse aggregate 1096 Coarse aggregate 1096
Fine aggregate 838 Fine aggregate 838
Water 170 Water 170
Admixture 4 Admixture 6
Type I mix Type II mix
The results were as follows

Compressive Strength

Flexural Strength
 The test was used to measure the impermeability of concrete. According to
this test the cubes were initially water-cured for 28 days, and then exposed to
water pressure of 5 bars for 72 hours after which the cube was divided and the
depth of water penetration measured. Penetration of less than 25 mm is
generally considered to be impermeable concrete.
 The cubes were made from the Type I and Type II mixes that were cast for the
compressive strength test.
 The permeability results obtained were
(i) Alcofine mix : 13 mm
(ii) Silica Fume mix : 18 mm
As per the results described above we can see that the water permeability in
case of ALCCOFINE 1203 is less than that of Silica Fume. Presence of ultra fine
Cementitious / pozzolanic materials allows denser packing between cement
particles and reduces the ‘wall effect’ in transition zone between the paste and
the aggregate. This refines the concrete microstructure and enhances the
degree of impermeability and the strength characteristics of concrete.
 The chloride penetration test was compared between ALCCOFINE 1203 and
OPC. The ASTM C 1543 test measures the penetration of chloride ion into
concrete. Three slabs of concrete measuring 90mm thick and 300mm square
surface area. The slabs used were water cured for 28 days.
 After the conditioning period 3% NaCl solution was ponded on a top surface
for 90 days, while the bottom face was left exposed to drying environment.
 At the end of this time powdered samples by rotary impact hammer are
obtained at various depths (10-20, 25-35, 40-50, 55-65mm). Chloride content of
the sample from each depth were determined and reported .
 Results obtained were as follows

Because of its finer pore structure and

chemical stability, ALCCOFINE 1203
in concrete is substantially more
resistant to chloride diffusion. Thus,
it reduces the penetration of chlorides
in concrete and protects embedded
steel from corrosion. CaO available in
ALCCOFINE 1203 Contribute to
maintain Ca(OH)2 as buffer in pore
Solution, which helps to maintain pH
of pore solution. Denser pore matrix
restricts chloride penetration and
alkalinity forms passive layer on steel
and protect it from corrosion
In this study, the effect of local Alccofine as supplementary cementing materials and
filling materials on the strength and durability of concretes was investigated. It is
apparent that ternary cementitious blends of Portland cement, alccofine, and fly ash
offer significant advantages over binary blends and even greater enhancements over
plain Portland cement. The combination of alccofine and class F fly ash is
complementary: the alccofine improves the early age performance of concrete with the
fly ash continuously refining the properties of the hardened concrete as it matures. In
terms of durability, such blends are vastly superior to plain Portland cement concrete.

From the results obtained in this study, the following conclusion can be drawn :

(i) Very high workability can be obtained by using mixes containing Alccofine rather
than only OPC.

(ii) The minimum loss of weight and loss of compressive strength of concrete in
Chloride Resistance test and Sea water test due to addition of Alccofine. Due to its
more compactness and less permeability of concrete effect of Chloride Attack is
reducing. This is converts leachable calcium hydroxide into insoluble non- leachable
cementanious product. This pozzolanic action is responsible for impermeability of
concrete. Secondly, the removal of calcium hydroxide reduces the susceptibility of
concrete to attack by Chloride.
(iii) Alccofine increases the particle packing and it increases the strength of
(iv) Very high resistance to chloride ion penetration can be obtained with ternary
(v) We concluded that compressive strength achieved by using Alccofine (8%) +
Fly Ash (20%) is 54.89Mpa and 72.97 Mpa at 28 and 56 days respectively using
OPC grade 53.
 IS: 10262-1982, Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design, Fifth
Reprint March-1998, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
 “Study on durability of high performance concrete with industrial wastes” By
Pazhani.K, Jeyaraj.R,ATI Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2010, pp. 19-28
 M. Vijaya Sekhar Reddy, I.V. Ramana Reddy, 3 N.Krishna Murthy , Predicting
the Strength Properties of High Performance Concrete using Mineral and
Chemical Admixtures , VOL. 3, NO. 1, Jan 2013 ISSN 2225-7217

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