Created by Rebecca Humphreys

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Created by Rebecca Humphreys

Rhythm is the most basic element in music.

Without rhythm there is no music.
Let’s look at the way we read and write
These some of are the letters we use to write

whole note half note quarter note

In 4/4 time : whole note gets 4 beats,

half note gets 2 beats
quarter note gets 1 beat
Circle the number of beats each note gets

1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
Check your answers. Did you get it right?

1 4 2
In 4/4 time you must have 4 beats in each measure.
This means that to fill up a measure the total number
of beats must equal 4.
Circle the number of each kind of note
it would take to fill a measure.

1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4
Check your answers. Did you get it right?

1 2 4

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